It’s not totally that simple, but, it is moonbattery at its finest. Especially when the person in question is surrounded by armed security
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s visit to OSU interrupted by car backfire
The same day a shooter opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue, loud car backfires rang out like gunshots during Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s campaign stop in front of Reser Stadium on Saturday.
The event began like any other, with a crowd of more than 40 Corvallis community members and Oregon State University students gathering to welcome the Democratic governor seeking re-election. Her first question to the enthusiastic attendees, delivered with a wide grin, was “Who wants a selfie?â€
This festive atmosphere, complete with young children dressed in Halloween costumes, would soon take on a more ominous tone.
Just before 2:45 p.m. after little more than 10 minutes of photos, the loud cracks sounded throughout the plaza, abruptly pausing the event as Brown’s security detail rushed her to a black SUV and drove away from the area. With no further disruptions, the visibly shaken crowd cheered as their governor returned minutes later.
In the brief speech that followed, Brown’s familiar message in support of firearm regulations fell heavily on the ears of her assembled supporters. She also mentioned the automatic voter registration bill she signed into law and her efforts to create clean energy jobs.
What laws that Democrats are calling for would have stopped this? Reports are that Robert Bowers purchased all his firearms legally, which means a background check for each one. They say they want universal background checks. That wouldn’t apply, since he got one. What she really means is taking guns away from the citizenry.
Watch out for those fossil fueled backfires, though.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Pittsburgh also wants to take guns away
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto was asked if, in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, it was time to talk about removing guns from American society.
“We’re dealing with irrational behavior. There is no way that you can rationalize a person walking into a synagogue during services and taking the lives of 11 people,” he said.
“We shouldn’t be trying to find ways to minimize the dangers that occur from irrational behavior. We should be working to eliminate irrational behavior and the empowerment of people who would seek to cause this type of carnage from continuing.
“I think the approach that we need to be looking at is how we take the guns, which is the common denominator of every mass shooting in America, out of the hands of those that are looking to express hatred through murder.â€
In most cases, the only way to do that is to disarm We The People. And brainwash them so they do not have Wrongthink.

You’ll note that after every Drunk Driving death, no one talks about banning cars or alcohol. I wonder why?
Auto safety is tightly regulated, autos themselves are registered with the state, and operators are licensed. In addition, autos have a valuable societal function, i.e., transportation.
Alcohol is also regulated. An alcohol ban was tried once before and didn’t work well, so as a society we take steps to reduce alcohol related deaths on the roadways. Alcohol related auto accidents kill about 1/3 the number of Americans that die from firearms (homicide, suicide, accidents).
Don’t you agree that Robert Bowers should not have had access to firearms? Or do you think that massacres like this are inevitable in a “free” society, and we should just get used to it.
Don’t really see much difference between the killer and you.
And cars can be modified.
And people can drink too much.
Massacres are inevitable when Leftists are stupid enough to think a sign that says Gun Free Zone will protect them.
As did tRump, you’re blaming the victims.
If the dozens of police officers with their weapons and body armor still were shot, what chance would a 77 yr old parishioner with a handgun have?
A lot better chance than she had, little dumbass.
Doubtful, fat dumbass.
Mr Bodine asked:
No, I don’t agree with that. According to ABC, Mr Bowers purchased all of his weapons legally. That means he had no prior felony or domestic assault convictions, or any mental health issues which were reported to the government. To “agree that Robert Bowers should not have had access to firearms” is to agree that his Constitutional rights should have been restricted just because other people wanted them restricted, without him having committed any crime or been subject to due process of law.
I’ll agree to testing, tighter regulations, etc., for the 2nd Amendment when the left agrees to require the same criteria for voting.