Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, embedded with the caravan. and the interpreter received a bit of a shock as they interviewed an immigrant heading to the U.S. with the caravan. Griff asked the man “Are you willing to break the law to get back to the United States?â€
He replied “I want to enter and ask for a pardon.” Then it got weird
One migrant caravan member admits he's been deported and convicted of attempted murder in the U.S. – he's planning to reenter and request a pardon for his felony | @GriffJenkins
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) October 28, 2018
That’s right, a 3rd degree felony of attempted murder. This is what’s coming with the caravan mob.
Make sure to watch the face of the interpreter around the 50 second mark.
And as Benjamin Arie at Conservative Tribune wonders “Jose was at least upfront about his criminal background to one reporter. What about the people who are not so honest?”

On the up side, The Hildabeast wants to run again.
The caravan is WAITING FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE. and the left pretends this is legit.
One hopes that, if he actually gets into the United States, there is something left of his attempted murder sentence with which we can use to throw him right back in prison.
Attempted murder is, of course, a state crime; President Trump couldn’t pardon him for that even if he were so inclined.
Neo-Nazi, white supremacist Robert Bowers was especially enraged by HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Association), a Jewish organization that aids the resettlement of political, religious, terrorized refugees, whether Jewish or not. HIAS had earlier held an event at the synagogue the murderer invaded. The murderer believed Jews are responsible for the refugee caravan in southern Mexico (a common meme on the right and pushed by Lew Dobbs on FOX) – and that refugees were coming to kill whites.
On (a far-right twitter-like platform), the murderer typed:
(HIAS) “likes to bring invaders in that kill our people”.
“I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
Then he invaded the synagogue slaughtering 11 and wounding others, including heavily armed and armored police officers.
Yep, he was a really bad dude alright.
Effing genius that little black fella is.
He believes the same conspiracies heard here, fat dumbass.
He does?
We deal in facts. I do however, recall some twerp who thought this was all The Donald’s idea, that Kavanaugh was some plot to denigrate the rights of American women, and that the American people would repudiate the Rs at the polls for confirming Brother Bret.
PS Jeffery is not taking his party’s upcoming disaster well, is he?
fromwhiz typed:
The caravan isn’t refugees, they’re invaders. Leave it to you to dismiss someone convicted of attempted murder trying to re-enter the country. More of the “collateral damage” campaign from the democrat party.
The refugees are over 1000 miles away. Scary!
In an mid-term election stunt, tRump just sent over 5000 of our military to wait for a month to defeat the ‘invaders’.
“.. our military is waiting for you!”
FOX: The invaders are bringing polio, smallpox and leprosy! (BTW: Smallpox was eradicated about 40 yrs ago.)
In the meantime, right-wing domestic terrorists killed more Americans last week than the number of ‘invaders’ who will try to cross the border in a couple of months. (The last ‘invasion’ in April resulted in about a dozen arrests – and NO smallpox!).
Your Buttwipe-in-Chief now says he can repeal the 14th Amendment by Executive Order. He is desperate, and afraid of the American people.
And they’re being trucked here. They’ve bragged how they intend to be here on election day. Great incentive for Americans to vote the Demos out of office.
Smallpox was eradicated about 40 yrs ago
If it was, why do they still have it? There have been several outbreaks in the last 5 years. Ya feel lucky, punk?
right-wing domestic terrorists killed more Americans last week than the number of ‘invaders’ who will try to cross the border
A physical impossibility since the illegals aren’t even here yet.
He is desperate, and afraid of the American people.
Sure, that’s why his rallies draw hundreds of thousands of people. And this American people he’s afraid of, who are they? The people who are going to vote against the Demos because of Kavanaugh? The blacks of Blexit? The kids and homosexuals of WalkAway? The women who don’t want what was almost done to Brother Bret done to the men in their life?
You mean, maybe the Blue Fizzle?
And the 14th Amendment applies to citizens, not felons.
CDC: In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since.
Can you support your false claims? Of course not, because you’re a lying, ignorant dumbass. FOX said, you believe it.
Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
Only foreign diplomats are immune, since they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US. tRump is just trolling with his claim that HE can change the Constitution himself.
This article made me think of you Jeffey:
Not surprised. We live rent-free in the ‘brains’ of the crazies here.
Now you’re using me as a writer?
What would Dr Evil say?
Gab believes in free speech; yeah, real far right.
Too bad most Americans don’t go around killing immigrants. Blows little Jeffery’s lie all to Hell.
The problem as I see it with the Democratic party is up until the mid 90’s they actually had a platform of ideas that were palatable for over 1/2 the country. That doesn’t mean I agree with their ideas but they were not radical and far out in left field as they have become today.
Somewhere around the mid-80’s they became the party of victims.
The adopted PETA. Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders. By Adopted I mean they made them mainstream in the sense that their struggles become front and center rather than a PART of their plank.
As late as the mid 2000’s they were demanding a stronger barrier at the southern border because these people were taking away union jobs. Obama and HRC both were beating the drum for strong border and immigration reform.
Then they made the Hispanic’s into victims. Then the Muslims were victims even as Obama fired hellfire missile into the windows of terrorists killing not only the terrorist but 50 of his friends and neighbors.
They gradually lost a platform that was designed to help all Americans and instead focused on Victimhood.
Gays, Lesbians, Transgens, Illegals, Muslims becamse front and center and the focus of their Platform. No longer did they care about the economy and jobs, they simply had no time for that which allowed the party to rush headlong toward socialism. A predefined set of parameters which did not need long and thought out policy opinons and papers by think tanks. They simply adopted Socialism so they could focus their entire attentions on the victimhood of the masses.
Black men being killed by cops became a rallying cry. They ignored 1000’s upon 1000’s of blackmen killing blackmen in favor of the dozen or so black men each year killed by cops. More than half those killed were by black cops. Never mind. It was victimization of a cruel and racist police.
To make a long story short. The left no longer has a message that resonates with a majority.
I present to you the fact they have lost more governor, state and local seats and elections than in all their history. Its not that the people HATE Democrats its that the Democrats HAVE nothing to offer most of America.
they offer you. ALL WHITES ARE ASSHOLE RACIST BEACHES. COPS are RACIST. THE RIGHT wants to make women barefoot and PG rather. VICTIMHOOD and SOCIALISM.
Thats all they have. And thats why a vote for a democrat this November just reinforces the idea that If your a white person your a racist. If your a democrat you better keep your MOUTH SHUT, or your a target. Vote democrat when they bring their collective insanity back to earth and offer solutions to problems instead of civil strife and victimhood for everything that exists in America.
Until then, Vote GOP for one reason. To keep this country together until the Democrats come in fron the cold and out of the wilderness.
I just love it when he’s stupid.
CDC: In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since.
Google smallpox and you get outbreaks in ’15, ’17, and ’18.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
Hate to tell you, sweetie, but he can do it. The status is by legal interpretation, not law. Since Mama is not subject to American jurisdiction, he can revoke anchor status.
And, while we’re on the subject of law, guess what?
Ol’ Mule Ears has been accused of sexual assault. The Lefties insist it’s all a false flag.
No outbreaks. You’re seriously misinformed. Don’t believe everything you read on the net.
No, tRump can not change the Constitution, sweetie.
The right-winger who offered to pay the woman to accuse Mueller has been identified.
Don’t tell me, tell Google.
Trump isn’t changing the Constitution. This comes out of a judicial opinion and he can change how it’s implemented. And Lindsey Graham is also working on a bill to outlaw anchor babies, so we’ve got them 2 ways.
And I have yet to see any mention of a confession, so you’re just assuming Mule Ears is innocent.
You mean you’re not going to take this woman’s word? You mean you haven’t pronounced Mule Ears already guilty? You mean you’re not demanding his resignation?
Wow, it’s murder when the shoe’s on the other foot.
Remember when Jeffery was telling us the Rurales were pulling people off buses?
Other way around. They’re providing buses so the wetbacks don’t get wet.
Of course, they’re also wearing out on the long march, what with all the gangbangers and child molesters, and a lot are going home or opting to stay in Mexico.
So all of Jeffery’s Viva Zapata may come to naught.
Prove any of it, shit for brains.
Your comments show you are losing. We, are winning and winning. MAGA.
Check with President Pence in about 12 weeks.
Your so-called president is sending troops to the border as political props.
Do you consider this ‘respecting the troops’?
It’s more like 3rd world military displays.
Winning. MAGA.