…is a costume that reminds us that we should be giving carbon cash to indigenous people, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on an election no one paid attention to.

…is a costume that reminds us that we should be giving carbon cash to indigenous people, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on an election no one paid attention to.
Notice the high cheekbones…

I can’t.
She needs to turn around and drop the skirt.
Aw, now look what Kanye done did.
Oh yes he did.
Look at that smile…I’m smiling too as I admire those babies.
Thats not Fauxahauntus.
ANYONE remember this one?
The man was a registered democrat from Mass. He was the same thing exactly as this pipe bomber sending fake bombs.
Whats the difference? This man was buried, forgotten and hardly even discussed after a day or two. The left rejoiced.
It contained a typewritten note reading, “You are an awful, awful person. I am surprised that your father lets you speak on TV. You make the family idiot, Eric, look smart. This is the reason why people hate you, so you are getting what you deserve. So shut the F— UP!â€
the man was released, is under house supervision and will be sentenced to no more than 7 years as part of a plea deal by a liberal judge in Mass.
This man will most likely get 50 years because he dared to intimidate Democrats. There is no bias in the FAKE NEWS. NO. NONE at all.
Anyone remember him?
Daniel Frisiello faces years in prison. He also sent threatening letters to a Stanford professor and Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). His letter to Stabenow called her a c*nt.
You have no idea what plea deal may be worked out with Sayoc who sent 15 mail bombs.