Finally, finally, we have a Halloween climate change article
Some Climate-Change-Inspired Halloween Costumes
Environmental destruction is scary—and makes for a really frightening costume
Wondering how to craft the cleverest, scariest costume at the Halloween party this year? Since we’re of the mind that there’s nothing scarier than environmental destruction, we gathered a few ideas for ways to give your costume some eco-flair. Because if there’s anything scarier than mummies and witches, it’s climate change.
1)Â Climate Change Scientist
Put on a lab coat and grab copies of the IPCC study that came out a few weeks ago saying we are likely to see major crises from climate change as early as 2040 (or just write “IPCC Study†in big letters on a piece of recycled paper). Hand it to anyone who will take it. Give it to children (or their parents!) instead of candy. To get into character, say, “We’ve been trying to tell you this for years!â€
2)Â (Extreme) Weatherperson
You’ll need shorts and a T-shirt, a microphone, and a parka. Dress as a weatherperson trying to report on weather patterns made more extreme by climate change. Take your layers on and off throughout the night to adjust to “changing weather.â€
3) Sea Level Rise
Dress yourself as a city skyline or a skyscraper, and then put on a life jacket. Craft wearable waves out of recycled cardboard. Voila—you’re a sinking city. Bonus points if you manage to dress like an at-risk city such as Miami or New York.
For sea rise, wear a banner that says really, really, really far into the future, and another that says “completely average for a Holocene warm period.”
We also can be
- Wildfire
- Glider Truck Transformer
- Natural Gas Pipeline
- Public Lands “Ghostâ€
- Clean Coal Miner (which is meant to be ironic or something)
- Plastic Ocean Pollution
The big question, though, is can they be made sexy? The last one annoys me, because this is the Cult of Climastrology hijacking a real environmental issue for their cultish political purposes, which in turn reduces the amount of caring people have for the issue.
Now, an really interesting part is that this really is about the first article linking Halloween and ‘climate change’. Even as recent as last year I would have had multiple articles per day that I could post. Yes, many would be repetitive from previous years, things like doom for chocolate, how it is soooooo much warmer than it was 100 years ago, and so forth. This year? Almost nothing. There are finally a few today, such as the Sierra Club opening “Rick Scott’s House Of Horrors“, an article on bats for Halloween that mentions their range is expanding due to Hotcoldwetdry (but it was almost an afterthought), how billions of pounds of pumpkins will be wasted after Halloween (CC is an afterthought, too), and another on costumes. It’s October 30th. We should have seen these earlier.
Which leads to the notion that there is a serious decrease in the amount of climate change articles. Where I would have had easily 15 pages for Google search of “climate change” for the last 24 hours, now I might get 5-8. Same for Yahoo News search and others. There’s not that much in major news outlets, either. A goodly chunk come from the same sources, such as the UK Guardian. Perhaps Google has cut sources used, but, did every other search company? The cult is dying, because no one really, truly cares.
Regardless, Warmists can go dressed as hypocrites. Or Rage Boy. Or clowns

Teach — You’re seeing fewer articles about this as it’s the Midterm Election season and the election is a week away. The DNC/MSM media propaganda complex KNOW that this is a losing issue that drives voters RED at the polls, so they’re staying low for a while.
After the election, the hysterics will ramp up to 11 again.