…is a horrendous fossil fueled vehicle used for climate change wars, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Right Wing News, with a post on why the Kavanaugh hearings got him (John Hawkins) started the website Brass Pills, a website for men.

A woman who never takes, “No”, for an answer.
Truly one of God’s Chosen People.
ANOTHER proud, conservative, violent white male commits mass murder… In a Tallahassee FL yoga studio.
Scott Paul Beierle, 40, an Army veteran with a history of arrests for grabbing women by the
pussybuttocks killed two women and injured several others before he apparently killed himself.Donald: How many Central American immigrants have committed mass murder in the US? Maybe you hate the wrong humans.
Non sequitur, little dumbass.
You keep using that phrase. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
He does, you’re just poor at writing.
Thats the equivalent of about 15 minutes in Chicago. What’s your point. A crazed woman groper who happens to be white shot and killed a couple people. Thats front page news.
This is not:
At least 72 shot, 13 killed in Chicago over violent summer weekend, police department says
CHICAGO (CBS) — Two dozen people were shot in a span of 12 hours to start the weekend in Chicago, including a teenager who died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. The shootings included an attack that left seven people wounded in Englewood, including a 3-year-old boy.
Los Angeles area cops were busy this weekend with at least 11 shootings and seven homicides that included a teenager slain near Skid Row and a 70-something man who allegedly used an ax to kill his wife.
Does your party condone violence and murders in Blue states? Why is it that any white man who kills someone is automatically a White Nationalist while a Black man who is always a Democrat is just a criminal thug?
The Blacks of this country are so abused by the left as they obsess over allowing MORE AND MORE ILLEGALS into this country to take AWAY WHAT LIFE AND JOBS THEY HAVE. Their hopelessness becomes even greater by the day as the left cheers caravans of illegals coming to America to take their jobs.
Why are most of our mass shooters white conservative men?
They are?
Why are most of the gutless, cold cock some old guy or woman from behind Lefties?
Did the doctor drop you on your head at birth?
Why are most of our mass shooters white conservative men?
They are not. They are black men trapped in a world of violence created by their plantation owners to keep them voting for Democrats.
The point of my above post was to show that while a crazed madman makes front page news shooting up a synagogue because he is WHITE…..the mass murdering going on in this country in your big cities by blacks is politically insensitive to cover and an egregious crime against BLACKS by the MSM and the democratic party.
You will stop at nothing for power.
Over 17.000 homicides in the US last year. Why were about 9,000 of those committed by black men, who are about 7% of the population? “White conservative men..†More tone-deafness from J…
Really dude? A domestic disput that culminated in a yoga studio where a couple people were caught in the crossfire and you call that “mass murder”? What would you call four people actually killed, genocide? You leftists fart hyperbole.
Domestic dispute?? A crossfire” – with only one firearm??
The ‘incel’ movement is made up of conservative, mostly white men, who cannot attract women and who have chosen hatred and violence as their methods. It’s an extension of the male supremacy and misogyny associated with conservatism. Incels blame others for their problems, rather than working on their self-image.
Actually, I can’t see any mention of political philosophy in the piece. Perhaps Jeffery is projecting again.If you have a problem that way, don’t feel bad about finding help.
I can envision any number of delta male manbuns going into something like that.
Josh Hawley, GOP candidate for Senator, also claims that the availability of contraception makes women promiscuous. And some commenters here refer to women as sluts.
Isn’t it about time that less violent far-right extremists try to control the murderous rages or their out of control compatriots?
They’re not our compatriots, but, since you raise the issue, maybe it’s time all the Gentle Giants like Jeffery start reining in the Antifa snowflakes and guys like the ones who came at Steve Scalise and Rand Paul.
We did! That idiot who shot Representative Scalise was the last.
Ah, yes, the Demos are winding up their last gasp smear campaign.
If Hawley said this, may we see where and when, with a link.
And there is no real proof this nut was extremist or right-wing. Only Buzzfeed says so (and we all know how unimpeachable they are); the local paper makes no mention.
As always, Jeffery sticks his foot squarely in it.
“Trump’s anti-immigrant rantings..â€. You of course meant anti-Illegal immigrant rantings. You’re welcome.
And there’s no proof he Conservative, except in your diseased, bigoted mind.
How many Central American immigrants have committed mass murder in the US?
Quite a few, actually. Well, here’s one, and another, one more, so you get the point.
But, to hear Jeffery talk, illegals who murder one at a time aren’t so bad. We’ve seen thousands of them doing their thing to innocents like Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, lots of them.
But, since you want to raise the subject of illegals, let’s talk about how much they cost us.
Educational Expenditures …….$1,691,034,040
Medical Expenditures …………$17,135,594,572
Law Enforcement ……………..$13,148,609,360
Welfare Programs ……………….$5,849,236,360
General Expenditures …………..$8,046,000,000 , a total of 45 billion a year.
And take a long look at the 13 billion spent on law enforcement. If they did nothing, as Jeffery claims, would it be that much?
Once we get past the illegals who casually murder (Steinle, Tibbetts, etc.), we come to criminal organizations like MS-13. Did you know most of them came to this country as those “unaccompanied children” the Lefties love to cry over?
Find me actual proof he’s Conservative, except the Buzzfeed story that’s reposted.
But, if little Jeffery wants to expand this into his usual moronic discussion of illegals, I can’t wait.
First, some basics. Money spent on illegals
Educational Expenditures …….$1,691,034,040
Medical Expenditures …………$17,135,594,572
Law Enforcement ……………..$13,148,609,360
Welfare Programs ……………….$5,849,236,360
General Expenditures …………..$8,046,000,000
A total of 46 billion, but take particular notice of the 13B spent on law enforcement.
We have a basket of crimes by illegals, people like Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbetts are the tip of an ugly iceberg.
We have, of course, MS-13, many of whose members, get this, came as those “unaccompanied children” the Lefties love to cry over.
How many Central American immigrants have committed mass murder in the US
Well, here’s one, and another, one more, so I guess little Jeffery better be as bit more careful about asking those leading questions.
Well, here’s one, and another, one more, so I guess little Jeffery better be as bit more careful about asking those leading questions.
It’s always good to have Israeli soldiers as featured babes in IAYS.
If little Jeffery wants to expand this into his usual moronic discussion of illegals, I can’t wait.
First, some basics. Money spent on illegals
Educational Expenditures …….$1,691,034,040
Medical Expenditures …………$17,135,594,572
Law Enforcement ……………..$13,148,609,360
Welfare Programs ……………….$5,849,236,360
General Expenditures …………..$8,046,000,000
A total of 46 billion, but take particular notice of the 13B spent on law enforcement.
We have a basket of crimes by illegals, people like Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbetts are the tip of an ugly iceberg.
We have, of course, MS-13, many of whose members, get this, came as those “unaccompanied children” the Lefties love to cry over.
Did the doctor drop you on your head at birth?
You come up with that all by yourself?
That idiot who shot Representative Scalise was the last.
Apparently not. That nut that wanted to buy fissionable material so he could kill Republicans wasn’t no Trumplican.
But, if you need a list, this should do nicely.
Hey Brainiac,
As you well know, the radioactivity guy ran twice for Congress as a Republican.
Your ‘list’ contained no deaths. Right-wingers killed over a dozen the past couple of weeks, with more to come, I’m sure. See the difference? Right wing murders vs left wing shouting and chasing?
Even the loon who shot Representative Scalise didn’t kill anyone.
Not for lack of trying, little dumbass.
The good guys with guns stopped him.
Thank Zeus for the police, little shit-for-brains.
Why did this loon even have access to a firearm? Don’t you think we should have tighter controls?
The loon was a Bernie supporter so why would he even want a gun, little dumbass?

First of all, Zeus went out with the Rape of the Sabine Women. Second, your boy, Gillum, just hates the cops, so you’re speaking treason.
As for tighter controls, that’s what the SS said because it’s tough to load armed people into cattle cars.
But your crowd is the ones that doesn’t want to open the mental asylums and make it easier to put these people away.
BTW Some of the things you say could keep you from getting another piece, too, if you got your way.
But he certainly tried hard enough to kill all 6 people. And Bloomberg ran as an R because he knew he couldn’t get past the Democrat machine.
So it’s OK until there are deaths?
You think it’s OK to assault, stalk, threaten, and incite other people to violence.
Well, you might have to keep it in mind if somebody recognizes you on the street.
(can’t wait to hear the little bastard whine about threats)
I’ve been threatened with violence here more than once, and now again by you. No biggie. Liberals are used to threats from cons.
TEACH and drowningpuppies even posted a street address that they claimed was mine in an effort to intimidate, or worse. Typical cowardly act by the right.
It is not OK to assault, stalk, threaten and incite others to violence, but killing someone is even worse, don’t you agree?
Will agree to institutionalize every anti-Semite, neoNazi, KKK member, white supremacist, Proud Boy and Antifa thug?
He did not threaten you in any way. I have never seen a comment that was a threat. For someone to threaten violence to you, you would have to matter. I don’t think anyone here views you as more than an obnoxious bug.
Well, that’s damned white of you consider you and your whole party have been encouraging it for close to 20 years.
And being a KKK member or white supremacist isn’t against the law, nor is being an anti-Semite, black nationalist, or misandrist; only if they do something about it. And the Proud Boys seem to be the ones who get jumped and have to defend themselves.
We know it’s pointless to reason with you, but hold it. You blame liberals for gun violence for not putting folks in mental institutions, yet when we suggest we put the mentally ill (white nationalists, neoNazis, KKK) in mental hospitals, you balk. And they’re the ones that do most of the terroristic murders.
On what grounds WOULD you institutionalize those you blame the libs for releasing?
Do you ever think before you type?
A serious concern is how the violent right will react if they lose the House. TRump believes losing the House will benefit him (giving him a foil to blame relentlessy), but he overlooks the subpoenas and investigations. Anyway he’s likely to resign when Mr. Mueller ends the pre-election blackout.
The FBI (and decent Americans) will need to be on high alert if/when tRump is forced out. The violent right will start wilding.
Mr Bodine stated, emphatically:
If the Independent Counsel had anything serious enough to lead to a presidential resignation, you can bet your last euro that it would have been leaked by his office before the election, to try to swing the election to the Democrats.
To say that such an outcome is ‘likely’ is to give it an at least 51% probability of occurring. The bet is €250,000.
Ms. Delaney ignores that Mr. Mueller doesn’t leak. And it’s foolish to think that a finding of a crime against tRump would DISSUADE any tRump supporter, as it’s just as likely to motivate them.
Unlike the Lyin’ King, Mr. Mueller is a Republican and a professional, and doesn’t want to influence the election.
Mule Ears is an incompetent (Atlanta ring a bell?). And, sad to say, like your blue wave, when it comes to him, there is no there there.
Mr. Mueller doesn’t want to influence the election.
Hah! You’ve been praying he’d influence the election. But he can’t because he has zip.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Yes, he’s very smart. He’s waiting till after the Rs pick up a few more Senate seats so as to make your make-believe impeachment even more impossible….
There was never a chance that tRump would be impeached and convicted. Why even bring it up? It’s much more likely that tRump will resign.
LOL! It wouldn’t have to be Mr Mueller leaking; his staff is full of Democrat sympathizers and not all of them are attorneys. It would only take a mid-level assistant to have leaked it.
And I note that you didn’t take the bet.
You didn’t see Ned Silver with Steffi today, hedging his bets all over the place, did you? Didn’t hear about Sabato giving himself some wiggle room on Friday?
The concern is how the violent Left will react when they lose across the board. You can push your little conspiracies all over the place, but Trump wants the House and has been stumping the country for it.
Meanwhile, the Mocha Messiah can’t draw flies at a speech and has to hire people while Gropin’ Joe couldn’t even fill have the gym in Parma High, just south of Cleveland and usually as Demo as they come.
I can understand why you’re lurking in the less current threads. You know it’s a bust and you hope you can earn your $15/hr without too many people laughing at you.
The Vanilla Nationalist has been desperately pimping for the Senate, and has been told to say away from certainly GOP races by the candidates. While a dreadful president, the Vanilla Nationalist is an energetic campaigner, although much of his schtick sounded better in the original German.
We’ll see how it turns out Tuesday night.
Short answer is not if the Rs win, but by how much.
How can we say this?
74% of Americans are very satisfied with their personal financial situation. Best in 50 years. And before Jeffery can find some weasel, <a href="https://twitchy.com/jacobb-38/2018/11/04/eye-popping-one-statistic-in-the-latest-nbc-wsj-poll-could-be-huge-for-the-gop-on-tuesday/?utm_campaign=twitchywidget"this is an MSLSD poll.
Agreed. It shouldn’t even be a contest with the economy running well, but tRump’s approval rating is dropping again.
The Vanilla Nationalist is unpopular. Do you still believe the Rs will receive 40% of the Black and Hispanic vote? LOL.
Most of us have come to the conclusion that they might just lose the house and in fact I hope they do.
It will guarantee trump a second term and the GOP takes back the house in 2020 because the crazies will spend the next two years impeaching trump and trying to impeach Kavanaugh even though 2 of the accussers have now said they lied about their accusations.
Nanny Pelosi with the Gavel might return some sanity to this country because us angry old white men need too many naps to burn towns down. Heres hoping the left actually does take the house back for all our sakes.
Never, ever root for the opposition regardless of your motive. That’s bad mojo. I refer you to the unhinged NeverTrumpers as an example of the insanity of doing so. Remember if we win the Senate and House it becomes a “Super Mandate” for trump and the left will really go crazy. Maybe enough for us to justify self defense.
There was never a chance that tRump would be impeached and convicted. Why even bring it up? It’s much more likely that tRump will resign.
Looks like Jeffery has finally gotten it through his head Mule Ears has nada. How he comes to this notion trump will resign is pretty much like his prediction America would turn on the Rs if Brother Bret was confirmed.
Looks like all the late polls are breaking red. Six more years of Republican pax American!
GOP voters should just stay home tomorrow; you got this one in the bag!
“Trump resign� Out of anybody, I can’t see that man quitting anything. Plus, resign for what?