This has give the UK Guardian a case of the sads
‘Precious little’: Democrats lack robust climate change plan despite global crisis
Democrats don’t have a plan to address climate change comprehensively – or even to a significant degree – if they regain control of the US government in the near future, despite criticizing Republicans as the party of pollution.
After failing to get conservatives on board to limit planet-warming gases through legislation or regulation, Democratic leaders in Washington are now wary of wading into another tough political fight, despite an intensifying environmental crisis.
If Democrats win back the House in Tuesday’s midterm elections, their strategy is to hold oversight hearings on Donald Trump’s environmental rollbacks and pursue more incremental and popular measures, according to close observers and a senior Democratic aide.
Environmental advocates hoping progressive politicians will lead efforts to save the planet may be shocked to learn there’s no wide-ranging strategy or headline-grabbing legislation waiting to be unveiled – even if Democrats take the White House in 2020.
You know why? Because they really do not care, either, unless the plan raises taxes and gives government more control over citizens, private entities, and the economy. Their polling surely shows that ‘climate change’ is a bottom end, negligible issue. Few even bother mentioning it at all. They know it won’t really fire up voters.

They have a plan. Its called population control. The idea is simple. Open all borders, let the masses infiltrate the wealthy rich nations making them poor and illiterate. Poor nations do not consume. Lack of consumption means a reduction in Co2. Oh make no mistake they have a plan. George Soros has a plan and he will be dead and gone long before its achieved, in the meantime he is raking in billions by doing the very thing he spends money to stop. Like Drilling for oil and buying up cheap coal stocks and selling coal to third world countries.
Make no mistake they have a plan. And it includes returning this planet to the stone age.
Or, as always, a tax. A tax to stop bad weather. Because before 1950 we never had bad weather…
[…] UPDATE: William Teach says that the Guardian is depressed. Bummer: Democrats Lack Robust Hotcoldwetdry Plan […]