The NY Times Editorial Board, featuring confirmed racist Sarah Jeong, has finally chimed in on the mob of Central Americans making their way to America in an attempt to force their way in. Thousands have taken Mexico up on their asylum offer. Thousands more haven’t
Common Sense on the Caravan
A group of desperate migrants walking toward the Texas border is not a threat. We have laws to protect us — and them.
The caravan of people slowly making their way on blistered feet (riding in buses and trucks paid for by someone) and thin hopes toward America’s southern border sometimes seems like an election gift to President Trump, giving him fresh meat to throw to his base on the eve of fateful midterm elections.
The Central Americans, estimated at about 3,500 people, many of them women and children (but mostly young men, just like with all the “refugees” who invaded Europe), have morphed in the president’s immigrant-bashing demagogy into an “onslaught of illegal aliens†concealing “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners,†all enabled by Democrats and, Mr. Trump “wouldn’t be surprised,â€Â by George Soros, a favorite villain of far-right conspiracy-mongers. (snip)
Most of Mr. Trump’s description of the migrants is untrue or unwarranted. But none of it is surprising. Demonizing immigrants is his go-to move, from his “big, beautiful wall†to his call to end birthright citizenship. Not to mention the race-baiting campaign ad he tweetedfeaturing a Mexican immigrant who was convicted of killing two police officers. (um, the illegal did kill two police officers, and sanctuary jurisdictions, as run by Democrats, refused to do anything about him) (snip)
The right way to deal with the caravan crisis is to make clear that it is no crisis. The marchers pose no threat. The United States has clear laws governing refugees and well-funded agencies to enforce those laws, and it’s an embarrassing waste of money to send troops to the border. In fact, illegal border crossings have significantly declined in recent years. The country must and will continue to enforce the laws that control its borders, as Mr. Obama himself did as president during an earlier, actual surge of Central American migrants, when he took the difficult step of dispatching National Guard troops to the border and detaining many mothers and children.
And that’s where it breaks down. Yes, we do have laws. But, they have to be enforced. And when thousands just show up at the border with claims of asylum, it’s a long, long process to go through all those claims, and there aren’t enough judges. What do you do with the people? If you detain them, Democrats complain and file lawsuits. If you let them go, only a small percentage show up for their hearings. The rest disappear into America. When those who disappear are caught, Democrats will work to protect them, especially if they have been here for a few years, and more if they have children. If they are caught in a sanctuary jurisdiction for some other crime, the authorities will let them go.
Right at this moment, there is an illegal alien in Portland, Oregon who is now accused of killing his wife. ICE wanted him held for deportation, but the sheriff’s officer refused to hold him.
We don’t really know who these people are. If they get here, the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for their food, shelter, healthcare, clothing, and so forth. And will have to bear the burden of the cost when they do not return for their court dates. Money that could be used for Americans.
People seeking to partake of the American dream have always been central to America’s identity and strength. How the country treats them goes straight to its core values. The Democrats cannot sit this one out, especially when the Republican leader is so blind to the true sources of America’s greatness.
These same people are denigrating America and carrying the flags of their own countries, as well as attempting to force their way in. That’s not the case of identifying with living the American dream, that’s the case of being foreign invaders.

Yes, we have laws, but the Lefties don’t like them enforced.