You just had to know that some member of the Cult of Climastrology would do this, in this case, Eve Andrews at Grist
Tree of Life and our deadly climate of change
As the rest of the country tried to figure out why Robert Bowers had targeted Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue in the worst anti-Semitic massacre on American soil, news reports tied the shooting to a partnership between HIAS, the Jewish refugee-resettling organization, and Dor Hadash, one of the congregations that meet at the temple.
Dor Hadash was the congregation I grew up in, a bit of a raggedy and itinerant troupe of Reconstructionists (basically progressive Jews). In my 29 years of life, our little temple has wandered across the eastern Pittsburgh neighborhood of Squirrel Hill from the Hebrew Institute to St. Philomena’s Church (sorry, Jesus, we had to take the cross down) to Tree of Life’s giant, modern synagogue. I spent seven years in the temple’s school Dor L’Dor — a similarly scruffy affair that shifted between the living rooms belonging to its students’ families — where we learned how to read inky characters from right to left and about tzedakah. (snip)
These days, environmental stewardship is actually far less planting trees in Israel and more finding new homes for people who have been forced to leave theirs due to changing climate and natural disasters — like the cruelly maligned “migrant caravanâ€Â or victims of the Syrian crisis, or any of the Pacific Islanders who have seen their shores subsumed. The social action committee of Dor Hadash simply chose to address the human consequence of altered ecosystems. (snip)
Our new world under climate change is terrifying in many ways. But we cannot go back in time, and it’s useless to try. The best way to survive is to determine how to flourish in the new world — and Jews have been surviving for millennia, so we’ve developed some pretty good strategies.
I am mourning. I am praying every day for the healing of my mother and my family and the families of my temple and my home and my Earth. I will not waste one more thought on Robert Bowers. He is a relic of an expired world that we have no time for.
This is shameless. Does that even need to be said? Ms. Andrews is using the horrific shooting to promote her pet cult.

The lunacy of the left was on full display when trump arrived in PA. to pay his respects and a white protestant minister WOMAN was standing on the curb shouting.
Her actual words. She was so deranged that she couldn’t even speak sanely.
I went to vote yesterday. Early voting. I have never seen so many people in early voting as I’ve seen this year. Last week I drove by the early voting place and lines were out the door. I have not seen that in 40 years I have lived in one of the pivotal swing states.
WHITE AMERICANS are tired of being trashed, talked down to and made to feel unwelcome in their own homes, own states and own cities. We have been turned into a race of monsters by the left even as the Vast, vast, vast majority of us are not racists, don’t care if Hispanics or muslims or name your race come to America. Our only concern is they do it legally and properly.
We are TIRED of this nonsense and we have been given a voice which is derided as Racist because IF YOU ARE WHITE IN AMERICA THEN YOU ARE A RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC MYSOGINIST according to the Democrats and the left.
Thats why everywhere I turn the lines are out the doors and winding down the streets, weeks before the actual election.
Wow. Just wow. Right-wingers (white nationalists) attacking Jews a week after a right-wing attack on a synagogue with 11 dead. Wow.
And finally Mango tells the truth!
TRump is the great white hope. The man attacking Jews, Muslims, Blacks, gays, liberals and brown immigrants; the man who will restore the rightful order and give America back to the white Christian man. This is why tRump is popular with his white Christian base.
You’re fine calling folks “white nationalists” online, try it in real life and you’ll get fed all of your teeth by a fair number of people. Just telling you because I care about your dental health.
You’ve issued that violent, physical threat to me before. Drowning puppies and TEACH even posted a local address they claim was mine. So you might be able to find me! You should issue your threat more accurately as “a fair number of people will TRY to feed your teeth to you”. Good luck.
We take your word that you are not a white nationalist, but it’s our experience that unless one is a multi-millionaire capitalist supporter of tRump, one is likely to be a white nationalist tRump supporter. Why are you so sensitize to the sobriquet? Just deny it and move on.
We also find that most white nationalists, neoNazis and KKK supporters keep a low profile in public unless they’re having a march or have decided to go on a shooting spree. Although tRump has fomented white nationalists coming out of the closet, most still only express their views online or in the Klavern.
Do you think America is or should be predominantly a white Christian nation? Do you want to halt non-white immigration? Do you think white Americans are somehow superior to South Americans, Africans, Central Americans, Muslims etc?
Don’t muddy the waters little girl. I stand by my statement, the names that you use are equivalent to the “N” bomb, k*ke, w*tback etc. & would result in a beating from many many people. And pro-tip – the KKK/various (real) white nationalists have always taken as dim a view of Catholics, Jews and many others as the non-white, ask me how I know.
As always, Jeffery follows his Mocha Messiah and tries to make a racial incident where none exist.
Some was just doing a little concern trolling. After all, I’m sure Jeffery doesn’t like being called a black nationalist. That conjures up images of Rev Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and Rap Brown. Of course, that’s what he is, but I don’t doubt he doesn’t want you calling a, well, you know.
And I’m still trying to figure out who this “we” is. He certainly doesn’t have any friends.
As to the royal “we” that he insists on using, I have two theories. Either he took Latin and translated “Against the Gauls” a couple dozen times (Julius Caesar wrote it all in third person) or he is trying to emulate Thurston Howell the third from Gilligan’s Island who frequently used the royal “we”. I’m leaning hard towards Gilligan’s Island.
If you’re saying Trump supporters, you’re lying.
The guy who did that hated Trump for moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; something people on your side don’t like, either.
Trump doesn’t attack Jews (his own daughter is one, after all), blacks (you’ll find more Lefties doing that these days), homosexuals, or immigrants, so you’re quite the little liar.
Trump is popular with everyone. 40% approval among blacks and Hispanics. White women love him as do WOC.
Explain how he is attacking any of these groups.
How many MSM members has trump locked up or executed? That would be ZERO.
How many news outlets has he closed down or ordered the FBI and the IRS to audit and harass?? That would be ZERO.
How many Immigrants have been ripped from their homes in the USA and sent packing. Again ZERO.
How many Muslims have been rounded up and put in concentration camps or internment facilities. Again. ZERO.
Now lets look at a few things. FDR..Democrat…rounded up and put an untold number of Americans in internment camps for the duration of the war. Truman Dropped TWO nuclear devices mass murdering Japanese by the 100’s of thousands. Another Democrat.
Woodrow Wilson a progressive…..Locked up dozens of press members and shut down 100’s of newspaper organizations in the USA.
John Adams shut down 100’s of newspapers and locked up 100’s of reporters during his administration.
“The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists … more than all previous administrations combined.”
— Jake Tapper on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 in a broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper”
Joe Biden locked a reporter in a closet for hours………. Er, we made a mistake… Vice President’s aide apologises to journalist locked in a closet for hours during fundraiser.
Obama Shuts Out White House Reporters Yet Again HUFFPO. YET AGAIN. Trump tried to do that one time and they press went ape-shit.
Trump has done NOTHING against women, children, Hispanics, Muslims Gays, lesbians and whatever other group you want to throw out their.
Your problem is simple…. YOu live in an echo chamber…You read it on reddit or huffpo and by god it must be true as MSNBC plays in your ear 24x7x 365 proclaiming trump evil incarnate.
J’s typical post since Trump was elected: blah, blah, white nationalists….blah, blah…neo-Nazi,,,blah, blah…KKK…blah….white Christians….blah, blah, blah…tax cuts for the rich,,,blah…blah…did I say white nationalist..?….