If you don’t pay attention your are freaking doomed!
Daylight saving time is coming; here’s what you need to know
It’s almost time to fall back.
What’s going on: Daylight saving time will officially end this coming weekend, giving everyone an extra hour of sleep. Finally.
- Beginning at 2 a.m. on Nov. 4, the clocks will roll back one hour.
- So your 7 a.m. today will be your 6 a.m. next week.
- You’ll want to set your clock back one hour if you’re awake before 2 a.m.
- If you’re awake around 2 a.m., wait until the morning to change your clocks.
Why?: “Daylight saving time gives people that extra hour of sunlight during the warm summer months, then comes standard time when that extra hour of daylight is snatched away in the evening and shifted to the morning hours. It’s an age-old tradition that officially isn’t that old,â€Â CBS News reports.
Did you pay attention? I really, really hope you paid attention, This Is Important!
Seriously, people, do we really need these kinds of articles? “What you need to know”? It’s a simple concept, like brushing your teeth in the morning. You turn your clocks back one hour. That’s it! No need for an article like this.

Slow news day? LOL. Why would YOU write about an article you feel shouldn’t have been written in the first place?
Well, it’s a courtesy to remind people.
Because it annoyed me. And I was kinda done with politics and stuff for the day. Have to do different things now and then. If you’ve noticed, I don’t usually write follow the pack, obligatory stuff. If it’s not of much interest to me, it rarely shows up in a post.
What we never see is an article about how many government employees work at the federal Dept of Transportation whose only job is monitoring the clock. Literally.