Seriously, all that ice cream required lots of moo cows producing milk. Then all the sugar and flavorings which all had to be trucked in by fossil fueled vehicles, churned, then put in some sort of container, then shipped to the stores in trucks that used evil for climate change refrigerants, then you drove your fossil fueled vehicle to the store to purchase. How evil are you? You could be causing the Ratpocalypse
Scientists are warning that rising temperatures caused by climate change will turn cities worldwide into ideal rat breeding grounds.
Several U.S. cities including New York, Chicago, and Boston pump millions of dollars each year into their respective battles against a rat population explosion. But scientists predict that a global warming of “2 degrees” Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, will occur across the globe by the end of this century. This increase of warmer winters and hotter summers provides the most fertile breeding ground for rats to reproduce at staggering rates.
Bobby Corrigan, a “rat czar” from Cornell University, explained to several news outlets last year that the rodents have a gestation period of 14 days. And as Bloomberg noted this week, rat babies can start reproducing after just one month of life, meaning one pregnant rat can lead to 15,000 to 18,000 new rats in under one year. (snip)
“In some places we’re looking at a tenfold increase in the rodent population,†said Dr. Graeme Elliott, in an interview with The Guardian. The newspaper used a blaring headline warning of a coming “ratpocalypse.”
First of all, it’s interesting that Democrat run big cities full of ‘climate change’ Believers are one of the best breeding grounds for rats, eh? Second, in reality, when there is tons of waste and garbage rats will appear. How many rats show up and then breed when Democrat backed unions for the garbage collectors go on strike and leave garbage to build up in the streets?
To blame this all on a tiny increase in the average global temperatures is absurd. Remember, there was a massive increase in the rat population back during the cooling period known as the Little Ice Age, bringing tons of fleas carrying the Bubonic Plague, otherwise known as the Black Death. It’s thought that 75 million people in Europe and Asia died.
This is just another case of members of the Cult of Climastrology attempting to scare people. Eric Worrall notes
One question Faye – why hasn’t this overwhelming rat explosion you say will happen in New York, Philadelphia and Boston already happened in southern states?
Why isn’t the tropical region where I live utterly overrun by rats?
There are reasons for that. Such as limited predators in those Northern elite areas. Oh, hey, maybe Warmists will tell is it’s too hot for the rats in the South and such now!

Solution: Don’t live in filthy rat-infested cities.
“…meaning one pregnant rat can lead to 15,000 to 18,000 new rats in under one year.”
Good thing there is this thing called “conservation of mass”. Real scientists know about this. In effect, you cannot create 18,000 new rats unless you have a similar weight of food for them to nourish and sustain them. No, rats eating other rats doesn’t grow the population. Out where I live, we don’t feed our rats, so they move to the cities.
Rats, like dogs, wheat, cattle, corn, pigeons, squirrels, pigs, starlings, goats, sparrows, potatoes etc have co-evolved with humans.
Rattus rattus (black rat) was responsible for carrying Yersinia pestis, the bubonic plague bacteria. The large brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is the common rat seen worldwide now in cities and was not the primary carrier of the rat fleas responsible for the plague.
It is thought that black rats from Eurasia were brought to Europe via trade. Black rats carried the fleas.