This has sent Politico’s uber-pasty white Matt Dixon into apoplexy on behalf of black people who most likely use the phrase themselves if they live in the South rather than screaming F bombs at people
At DeSantis rally, Perdue says Florida governor’s race ‘so cotton-pickin’ important’
During a Saturday rally for Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, President Donald Trump’s top agriculture official used the term “cotton-pickin’†to describe the importance of Florida’s gubernatorial race, which also features Democrat Andrew Gillum, who is running to be Florida’s first black governor.
“Public policy matters. Leadership matters,†said Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said at a Lakeland rally, according to audio provided by American Bridge. “And that is why this election is so cotton-pickin’ important to the state of Florida. I hope you all don’t mess it up.â€
Perdue is a former governor of Georgia. (snip)
From the start of the general election, race has played a dominating factor in Florida’s nationally-watched governor‘s race. The day after the Aug. 28 primary election, on a different Fox show, DeSantis called Gillum “articulate†and said voters shouldn’t “monkey this up†by electing him. Like Bossie, DeSantis was rebuked on air by a Fox News personality, but the former three-term congressman, who is white, refused to apologize because he said he did nothing wrong and his comment was not about race.
In Liberal World, and in the Leftist media, everything is raaaaacist. But, sometimes a phrase is just a phrase, and some people use them rather than blurting out curse words. These big liberal city elitists need to get out of their comfort zone and talk to real people, rather than just staying in their bubbles. And stop taking Offense at everything. Sure, the phrase has roots in cotton picking, which involved slaves. But, not all who were involved with picking cotton were slaves. Even Bugs Bunny used to say it a lot, as did others in the cartoons.

These morons never heard that poor white trash picked cotton, too?
PS Something to make everybody smile.
Out of FL, many Demo early voting ballots are not being returned. Since one pollster says the Demos are in the bed-wetting phase and this trend could be national, could be that wave will turn out yellow.
The Democratic Plantation owners were busy.
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who recently compared Jewish people to termites, led a “Death to America” chant Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran.
Gotta love the Democratic party and they wonder why them throwing hate at Trump isnt working. I think Trumps approval among Blacks is 40 percent even though he supposedly is a racist.
All those black leaders of the black communities live in million dollar homes while their people live in abject poverty and murder each other daily because of the hopelessness inflicted upon them by the democratic party. Is it any wonder their is a BLEXIT and a #walkaway movement from the democratic party because of the light being shined on America.
Remember both parties GOP and Democrats say, ah shucks it cant be done. Trump just does it. Its why the left hates him. Its why the GOP has obstructed him. Its why in the next 6 years the GOP will not be recognizeable as it keeps conservative values but adds Hispanics, latinos and Blacks to its core constituency.
A vast, vast majority of White people are not racist, homophobic or mysoginists despite the fear mongering claims of the left.
Vote GOP. Help us give hope a chance. REAL HOPE AND CHANGE….Not I hope to change my bank account and address as was Barak Obama’s pledge in 2007.
He may only be pretending to be a racist, white nationalist for his base of racist, white nationalists.
Do you think 40% of Black votes tomorrow will be for Republicans? Or even more?
FOX, Facebook, NBC and CNN all pulled tRump’s racist ad. If you’re too racist for FOX, you may be too racist, period.
This is absolutely true! Most white people are not racist, homophobic misogynists. Most are decent, understanding, sympathetic hard working people, who have been screwed by gov’t/corporate elites.
But a vast, vast number of Trump supporters are racist. And homophobic. And misogynistic. They were likely that way before tRump, but for some reason are fervently attracted to his message.
Because the Reply widget is so @#R%%&*$! lame, I’ve had to break this into several pieces.
Trump the racist, homophobic, misogynist?
Donald Trump gave the job of constructing Trump Tower to Barbara Res, making her the 1st woman to build a skyscraper.
In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill’s family farm after her husband committed suicide. Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill’s pleas for help in news reports.
In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.
In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.
In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: “We’ve paid off your mortgage.â€
In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach, Florida accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump “put the light on Palm Beach – not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination.†Foxman also noted that Trump’s charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.
In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl’s storyand positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check.
In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson’s family members were tragically murdered in Chicago, Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump’s security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her family members were safe during such a difficult time.
In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life byconvincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the hero bus driver a check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.
In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi after he spent seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn’t even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the United States Marine’s release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet.
In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she’s the “bravest woman, I know.†She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college.
Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending her boss against accusations that he’s a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she’s struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years. Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through “immensely difficult times.â€
What is interesting is that you have called every person here racist and members of the KKK. Yet your post are tacist, bigoted hateful. You go out of your way to put down people of any color. You have never, ever indicated that you have done a thing for those less fortunate, but you push for taxes for those that have helped others. Why don’t you clean your own house?
Did not.
But I do plead guilty to advocating tax reform, reducing taxes on the working classes where possible, and increasing taxes on the wealthy. The working classes should receive more of the results of their productivity rather than our system now where the profits accrue to the wealthy.
We should protect Social Security and expand health care insurance to cover all Americans.
OK, you can foot the bill.
“They all pulled Trump’s racist ad..â€. Too funny, but sad-Mexicans aren’t a race, so by definition impossible to be racist.
Do you think 40% of Black votes tomorrow will be for Republicans? Or even more?
Do you think Blexit and WalkAway won’t have an effect? 51% of Hispanics want Trump to stop the Central Americans from coming here.
Yes, we all know the dead will be up all night to replace the votes thinking black people won’t cast for their Democrat massas, but after 2 generations, at least, of waiting for the Demos to deliver, a lot of black people see Trump offers something better than welfare – work.
He may only be pretending to be a racist, white nationalist for his base of racist, white nationalists.
Most white people are not racist, homophobic misogynists. Most are decent, understanding, sympathetic hard working people, who have been screwed by gov’t/corporate elites.
This is the part where Jeffery sings the Internationale and tells us, “Workers of the world, unite; you have nothing to lose but your brains”. Also your lives for a great many.
Make up your mind, sweetie. Which are we?
But a vast, vast number of Trump supporters are racist. And homophobic. And misogynistic.
So anybody who doesn’t support Trump is just wonderful?
Considering Trump is drawing tens of thousands to his rallies while Zippy and Gropin’ Joe can’t even fill a high school gym, you’re not going to sell your snake oil to an awful lot of people.
He may only be pretending to be a racist, white nationalist for his base of racist, white nationalists.
Most white people are not racist, homophobic misogynists. Most are decent, understanding, sympathetic hard working people, who have been screwed by gov’t/corporate elites.
whiz: Make up your mind, sweetie. Which are we?
Simply: Not all white people are trump supporters, Buttercup.
But a vast, vast number of Trump supporters are racist. And homophobic. And misogynistic. But not all of them.
TRump may or may not be a racist, misogynist homophobe, but he supports and advocates policies that are.
That is a lie. Try harder to make everyone mad.
Noted racist Donald Trump-
And nowhere near most Trump supporters conform to your bigoted, ignorant views.
And, if he’s racist and misogynistic, why do so many blacks, Hispanics, and women support him?
PS Remember I asked whether the fact Demo early voting ballots weren’t being returned in FL might be a national trend? It is, Rs are killing it in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Montana, Tennessee and Texas.
Remember what I said about those buttercups? You’ll be eating a ton of them Wednesday.
Jethro doesn’t have any thing left to throw at the trump wall. The orange Teflon man is making stuff happen.
The economy is roaring.
Blacks and Hispanics have the best unemployment in the history of the statistics.
GDP growth is 4.1 percent not an anemic 1 percent like Obama.
The middle class have gotten tax breaks. Everyone has more money in their pockets
Real Wages are UP over 3 percent the first time since 2009.
Blacks are starting to smell hope if they just dare to take a step without the Al Sharpton training wheels fully locked in place and the batteries removed from his racist megaphone.
Why is Trump Popular? Because he has stood up to Globalism, Political Correctness and stands for the values that have endured for over 200 years. The left are more concerned with 3 percent of the population to the exclusion of everyone else.
No one has been arrested. No Gulags have been set up. The press is the enemy of the people…How so? They refuse to report the Truth. They have become GOEBELS of Nazi Germany. Spreading Propaganda instead of the truth no matter who it hurts. Unless and until the truth becomes the foundation for the MSM they will continue to be called out by Trump and those that support him.
Vote for A republican is a vote for a better nation. We dont want to harm jews, Gays, Lesbians, Women, Children, Black, Whites or Hispanics. Despite what the democrats would have you believe, we want YOU TO PROSPER and are working hard to make that a reality and not just a promise. A vote for a Democrat will plunge this nation back into economic sluggishness so the democrats can return their negros to the plantation and their white serfs to their share cropping farms.
OK, for those who want to know just how fried the Demos are, consider Ned Silver’s final words, No one should be surprised if Democrats only pick up 19 seats and fail to take the House (considering how well he did last ime, it may well be the Rs who pick up a few seats).
Of course, some Demos have already gone OTT, Vote for Claire McCaskill, you Liberal dipshits. Instills confidence, doesn’t it?
And then we have the Demos’ excuse for why they didn’t take the House, Are you ready for the House popular vote? as if we had an Electoral College for House elections.
Now you know what the pollster meant by bed wetting phase.
Winning and winning.