One would think that after a couple of scorching hot takes on the subject, someone in the editorial pool at major media outlets would go “OK, hold on, this is beyond stupid.” Alas, not (via Twitchy)
Democrats won the popular vote for president, House and Senate but control only one branch of government
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) November 8, 2018
You know this won’t stop, right? Because being a Democrat means never having to understand Civics 101. It’s easier to just throw a hissy fit with the knowledge of a 3 year old.

I take it these people really are that ignorant.
Or they think their supporters are.
Who cares. IF The left doesn’t like it they have two choices. They can protest and burn down buildings when they lose or they can pass a constitutional amendment and ask those 40 or so Red and blue states to give up any say in national government and be ruled by NY, CA, IL, NJ, Fl and TX.
When they complain about the popular vote should decide all elections. See how they would like this change. The larger the state the more senators and representatives you would have So Alaska would have the most of both. Lets say 1 senator for X square miles Alaska has 663,000 Square miles of area lets say 1 senator for every one hundred thousand square miles so Alaska would have 67 senators and Rhode Island would get 1 senator for representative rhode island would again get 1 and Alaska would get 134. This makes more sense than the popular vote nonsense they are spewing.