Any legislation they pass has almost zero chance of passing the Republican controlled Senate, especially since you know Pelosi and company will overreach
Democrats promise congressional action on gun control
Newly ascendant Democrats are promising congressional action on gun control amid a rash of mass shootings, including a late-night assault at a California bar that killed 12 people.
Measures including expanded background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons are likely to reach the House floor when Democrats retake control after eight years of Republican rule.
“The American people deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader who is running for a second stint as House speaker.
Pelosi vowed to push for a range of actions to stem gun violence, including restrictions on high-capacity magazines and a measure allowing temporary removal of guns from people deemed an imminent risk to themselves or others.
The measures could win approval in the Democratic-controlled House next year but will face opposition from the Republican-controlled Senate and the White House, where President Donald Trump has promised to “protect the Second Amendment.”
All these measures are in place in so many of the states that have seen mass shootings, and some have even more, like California, where we just saw the Thousand Oaks shooting. A federal “red flag” law would most likely be killed in the judicial system, as Los Federales have zero authority to empower federal agents and federal courts to seize firearms unless federal laws have been broken. The draconian gun laws in California, NJ, Chicago, and other Democratic Party run areas haven’t stopped shootings. Twelve people were shot and one killed in Chicago on Sunday alone.
If they were smart, they would play small ball. Start with background checks. Expand them to cover the tiny amount of sales that do not include a federal background check. They could craft a “red flag” law that protects people’s 2nd Amendment and other Constitutional Rights when accused while also removing firearms from those who are a federal danger. This could be a model for the states who do not have them.
Passing a whole raft of gun control legislation that the Dems love and are in Democrat states and cities only means that law abiding citizens have their rights restricted. Criminals won’t care. We see that they don’t care.
But, you know they will over-reach and push their whole gun grabbing agenda.

Do you think the NRA, Senate and Trump would go along with these restrictions?
There were about 11.5 million firearms manufactured in the US in 2016, and 4 to 5 million imported. The FBI reports about 15 million background check aps per year. Studies estimate that 13-22% of transactions do not involve background checks (Hillary Clinton incorrectly said 40% – it is not 40%). Most of the 13-22% are private sales, gifts, swaps and inherited firearms. Few are at “gun shows”. Based on the estimates, the number of transactions without background checks are not “tiny”, but likely are in the low millions.
That’s how useless the Lefties holding the House for 2 years will be.
Good. Its a losing proposition. probably 75 percent of the democrats own guns as do about 75 percent of the GOP. If you ask people how they feel about back ground checks they say sure….then the Dems lose their mind and pass a bill that bans mags, assault rifles, has background checks, raises the age to 21, quadruples the cost of hunting licenses and on and on they pack the bill with so much stuff that they then force their own caucus to defeat the bill.
Stupid. Not only stupid but then they will pass a bill that they know will die in the senate because even if the DEMS steal Arizona and Florida the GOP after the MS runnof will still have 52 senators with only Collins and murky in Alaska voting no on about everything so Pence can break any ties.
The second thing they will do is impeach trump. His numbers will go up if he plays the victim card like Clinton did and all but guarantee a landslide reelection in 2020.
Then they will try to impeach Kavanaugh all of these three things because their base demands it. Trump has most likely done something wrong and even if he hasn’t. They can impeach him because they think his aftershave is offensive.
The problem is getting 67 senators in the senate to vote to impeach after the trial. I would imagine that once the first impeachment is over they will vote to impeach him all over again for the color of his socks and we will go thru the whole process again. then they will vote to impeach him a third time for the lack of Airconditioning in Somalia until 2020. The key here is to keep him defending himself rather than campaigning for the next two years.
1. Overturn the NFA making silencers, shotguns and automatic weapons unregulated by the federal government.
2. Eliminate the federal background checks since they have proven to not be effective.
3. Force the states/localities to comply with the constitution’s full faith and credit clause WRT firearms possession.
4. Shut down the BATFE. We don’t need a federal agency at the Federal level to regulate products that are all legal.
or we can “compromise” like reasonable people for sensible gun control and just leave things the way they are.