Harken back to the early days of Obamacare, when we learned that members of Congress and their staffs were exempt from Obamacare, and that they wanted nothing to do with being in it. Now we get
Left wants a vote on single-payer bill in new Congress
Progressive Democrats are pushing for a vote on a controversial health-care bill after the party takes control of the House early next year.
But the left’s push for “Medicare for all†legislation would likely divide Democrats and pose a headache for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who is poised to become Speaker in the next Congress.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who is co-chair of the Medicare for All Caucus in the House, told supporters on an organizing call Tuesday night that simply expressing support for the idea is not enough.
“When we have that majority, we need to make sure that we put it to use,†she said.
Yet, many other House Democrats, including members of the leadership, are not on board with the idea of government-run universal health insurance.
Supporters say they are going to push for a vote and organize grass-roots efforts to pressure Democratic holdouts to sign on to the legislation. However, any floor vote would probably fail, with all Republicans and some Democrats rejecting the measure.
In all fairness, a decent chunk of these hardcore Progressives (nice Fascists) were not in Congress when Ocare was passed. And Ocare was really just a stepping stone to move towards Single Payer, which is really what Medicare For All is. A government run and dominated system.
Republicans used Medicare for all — otherwise known as single-payer — as a leading area of attack on Democrats during the 2018 midterm elections. They touted a recent cost estimate by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, which put the bill’s price tag at $32 trillion over 10 years.
If they’re saying $32 trillion, the real cost is probably more like $50 trillion. Not too mention the declining standard of care. Don’t forget, even tiny Vermont couldn’t make it work, as the costs derailed the whole thing. But, Democrats do not care. They don’t care about the quality of your healthcare or access to it. Nor your health. This was shown by Obamacare and the implementation. It’s all about patronizing people to get them beholden and controlled by the government. That’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s what Democrats do.
That said, they might be setting themselves up for an inter-party fight with the old guard who realize this is a bad idea, and further create a situation where their push for single payer helps lose the House and makes sure Trump wins in 2020.

Another symbolic vote so they can makes points with their base even though they know it has no hope of passing. Just like Republicans passing annual rollbacks of Obamacare, until Trump got elected and promised to sign them.
Let’s not talk about GOP hypocrisy and their symbolic votes to repeal the ACA…
$32 trillion! At $3.2 trillion a year, that’s a lot of money. How much do Americans spend on health care each year now? According to the CDC, Americans spent $3.3 trillion in 2016, which is over $10,000 per person and totaled nearly 18% of GDP. Do a family of four in the US would average about $40,000 each year. Where does that money come from since most don’t spend that out of pocket? Medicare premiums, Medicare taxes, general revenue (supports Medicare and Medicaid), private premiums, deductibles and co-pays, employer premiums (this is a benefit in lieu of wages)… So we spend more per year NOW, than is projected from “Medicare-for-All”? And we’d cover everyone? That seems like a good deal.
The complaint appears to be that the financing would come from Medicare premiums, general revenues financed by progressive taxation, that insurance companies could take a hit, and that gov’t might exert downward pressures on prices.
Americans spend much more on healthcare per person than any other advanced nation, and our system is designed, in part, to reward the wealthy: docs, pharma execs and investors, hospital execs and investors, device manufacturers, attorneys… Shouldn’t the system be designed to benefit citizens at the lowest reasonable cost? That’s how Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, etc, do it.
OECD countries spend on average 9% of GDP on healthcare (and cover all residents). The US spends twice that amount.
But you’re right that nothing can pass until the American people demand it.
Jeffery conveniently forgets the Rs passed it 100% until St John of Hanoi killed it, not because he cared one way or the other, but just to spite Trump.
Exactly like Jeffery.
than is projected from “Medicare-for-Allâ€
The devil is in the details. These things always cost more than “projected”. That’s the scam.
Shouldn’t the system be designed to benefit citizens at the lowest reasonable cost? That’s how Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, etc, do it.
If you want to talk cost, you’d better talk to Alfie Wise’s parents.
OECD countries spend on average 9% of GDP on healthcare (and cover all residents). The US spends twice that amount.
Yes, but we get actual care. We don’t wait years for surgery. We don’t get assisted suicide when we get old.
Again, there’s cost and there’s cost.
nothing can pass until the American people demand it.
And so far, nobody wants it but the Lefties.
Those who propose “Medicare for All” have never been on Medicare!
Part A pays for 80% of hospitalization; the other 20% is up to you, but this M4A bovine feces is being sold like it’s free health care. Part B covers doctor’s office visits; there’s still a co-pay. Part D, prescription drug coverage, requires an additional premium.
All of Medicare comes with premiums, even though you have paid into it for your entire working life.
There’s no free ride; everything costs something, and the Democrats aren’t being honest about how much this would cost, or who pays for it. Then again, leftists aren’t honest about anything else, so why should this be any different?
You’ve got A and B backwards, but you’re absolutely right about the cost.
That’s why you see ads for those Medicare supplements.
Lets run a trial program lets put all Congress and Senate Employees into Medicare for a five year trial period. they need to experience it first then see if they like it or not. I think everyone should have to buy a catastrophic insurance policy. For other health care need there is a health care plan called a health care cooperative and you pay 50.00 dollars a month per person for all preventative care. it seems like a good program to me.
Absolutely. There should be a law Congress has to live on it first before making the public live on it.