Who would have thought that the Cult of Climastrology would put out a study with major errors designed to prop up their apocalyptic prognostications?
"Scientists behind a major study that claimed the Earth’s oceans are warming faster than previously thought now say their work contained inadvertent errors that made their conclusions seem more certain than they actually are." https://t.co/d9c3ts6GIO
— Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) November 14, 2018
More certain than they really are
(Daily Caller) The scientists behind a headline-grabbing global warming study did something that seems all too rare these days — they admitted to making mistakes and thanked the researcher, a global warming skeptic, who pointed them out.
“When we were confronted with his insight it became immediately clear there was an issue there,†study co-author Ralph Keeling told The San Diego Union-Tribune on Tuesday.
Their study, published in October, used a new method of measuring ocean heat uptake and found the oceans had absorbed 60 more heat than previously thought. Many news outlets relayed the findings, but independent scientist Nic Lewis quickly found problems with the study.
Keeling, a scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, owned up to the mistake and thanked Lewis for finding it. Keeling and his co-authors submitted a correction to the journal Nature. (snip)
So, while Keeling said they still found there’s more warming than previously thought, there’s too much uncertainty to support their paper’s central conclusion that oceans absorbed 60 percent more heat than current estimates show.
“Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean,†Keeling told The Union Tribune. “We really muffed the error margins.â€
It’s a whopper of an error, and it sure appears as if someone was calling them on the errors in their doomsaying study. The only big question is, did they know about it beforehand, and try and pass it on like a chef trying to sell their slightly undercooked protein to the expediter, or was this just a missed error? With the CoC, one can never ignore their intentions.
And even if the oceans are warming a lot, it doesn’t prove mostly/solely anthropogenic causation.

the 2013 IPCC report was so bad that scientists around the globe called for the disbanding of the IPCC altogether stating for the most part they are casting a huge discredit on science and leading the public to mistrust everything they do.
THIS in a nutshell is the reason why the AGW movement is so all in or all out by both sides.
Conduct real open and honest science, and let people prove you wrong until they cant. Once no one can prove you wrong then perhaps we can say oh yeah your right. Man breathes oxygen. The science is settled. Global warming is happening because of XXXX. The science is settled.
Thats all any of us want. Not brow beaten into submission while we are taxed out of our minds to a buracracy that doesn’t know how to use money for anything but funding their own lavish lifestyles.
the backstory to this is a certain blogger who happens to be strong on physics and mathematics realized their were some serious flaws with their math and physics. once he ran the calculations it didnt jive. He pointed out their errors and it was settled.
The same thing holds true for Dan Rather claiming a certain form showed GWB was awol when in fact the form was typed on a Microsoft word document and cooked for Dan Rather. Then CBS said oh well the IBM Selectric Typewriter can have its ball changed to allow for the typing anomalies. Then the lead engineer for IBM came out and said. NO it cant be changed. Thats not how the typewriter works.
So Dan Rather’s long and stellar career ended in a giant lie perpetrated by someone who hated someone else over POLi-FUKING-TICS. How sad for us all that we no longer can have civil discourse and discuss the issues any longer. I blame both sides and depending on who is in the white house decides who loses their minds the most.
Rather than claiming that the oceans were very likely warming 60% more than the IPCC reported, the revised estimate is between 10 and 70%.
Errors occur in scientific research, which is why scientific consensus is not based on a single study. When challenged, the authors quickly corrected their errors.
The oceans continue to warm.
TEACH: if the oceans are warming a lot, it doesn’t prove mostly/solely anthropogenic causation
Shell Oil believes it is. They even recognize governments’ role in reducing carbon emissions. Why would a fossil fuel company call for reducing CO2 emissions if global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a global cult?
The same can be asked of Christians who keep their mouths shut over Islam or Jewish religion. The optics and in this case a corporation faces competition. If they come out with this type of position they do not alienate anyone. Those who do not believe in Global warming are not put off by a company who says the government should do something about it and those that do are not boycotting their gasoline.
Its all about strategic positioning.
Applie CEO cook came out and said “”IF you do not believe in global warming you should not buy Apple products.”” So I don’t. Apple also fired their most reknown developer for calling on the company to be more woman friendly. He was a mysoginist according to some women offended by a MAN daring to stand up for womens rights within the company. Damned if he did and damned if he didnt.
I do Not buy Apple products because I necessarily do or dont believe in AGW its because I was insulted and trash talked by a Gorilla who thinks they are so powerful they can tell people what to do. Every Giant falls. One day Apple will fall for taking a path that alienates half their potential clients. Shell is choosing the path of less resistance. makes sense to me.
Errors occur in scientific research, which is why scientific consensus is not based on a single study. When challenged, the authors quickly corrected their errors.
The oceans continue to warm.
Errors occur, but Jeffery is never wrong.
As he and all the other trolls love to say, LOL
Someone who actually did the math.
It doesn’t matter. The major media outlets will continue to tell the lie and ignore any retractions. Just like they do with all political “news” that doesn’t fit the approved narrative. The results will be exactly what we already have. Two sides that absolutely refuse to recognize the validity of the other side’s position. It is especially funny since on “Climate change”, no one really needs to have a side.
So now lets set back and think about this for a bit. Shell oil. Once a giant American company fell on hard times when oil was 10 bucks a share and was bought out by the Europeans who are mostly all IN on AGW. Now that we know their political backstory is it any wonder they would come out in favor of AGW and demand governments deal with AGW?
All this after the paper was peer-reviewed, published in Nature, and breathlessly broadcast around the world via the MSM. Lewis, who found the flaw, tried to contact the authors twice with no response, so he went public via Judith Curry’s blog. Wait-I thought blogs were to be ignored according to The Church of Settled Science.