…is people stuffing themselves which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on Acting AG Matthew Whitaker’s views on the 10th Amendment.

…is people stuffing themselves which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on Acting AG Matthew Whitaker’s views on the 10th Amendment.
Who’s the girl?
Did you know that First Lady Michelle Obama’s (called Moochelle by NuCons ’cause Black) two-day visit to Chengdu, China, in 2014 cost over $220,000 in hotel bills, according to the Weekly Standard. The figure included expenses for her advance team, communications staff, and security.
Fast forward to 2017 when First Lady Melania Trump ran up a six-figure hotel bill for a one-day trip to Toronto, according to federal spending records. Government spending data show at least six separate Toronto hotel charges ranging from just under $12,000 to nearly $49,000 for a total of roughly $174,000. She did not spend the night.
The total was roughly eight times what it cost to house the first lady’s advance team, whose $18,000 in hotel expenses were broken out separately; in addition to the hotel charges, the first lady’s trip involved $21,000 in transportation costs.
The payouts went to “MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN AWARDEES” via the GSA.
Are we trying to isolate Mike from her/his entourage, which was always huge and included her racist mother?
And Mrs Trump does not take any salary or stipend, so we’re talking the cost of her people, including security, because Lefties are so idiotically insane these days, everybody on the other side gets threatened.