Considering the authoritarian nature of the political left, is this a threat? Will we be forced to Believe? We’ve seen enough tweets and articles and statements and cartoons about forcing people to Believe, about jailing them, and even killing/executing them
Sunday on CBS’s’ “Face the Nation,†Gov. Jerry Brown (D) said the increasing wildfires in California meant that “in less than five years†the “worst skeptics†were going to be believers in climate change.
On the California fires, Brown said, “Well, how they started is now the subject of investigation. The consultation occurs because the brush, the vegetation is so dry, and the humidity is so low. And when you have that and then the heat and years of drought, that gets it going. In paradise, there were a lot of buildings that also caught fire, and it just went from one to the other. So it’s a mixture of many things, and the president talked about how our forests are managed. That’s an element. But there is also the way the houses were built, the materials, what kind of vegetation is around, and then there’s also the changing climate and the increasing drought and the lowered humidity and water vapor. All of that is combining to create the tragic situation that we saw today in both northern California and here in southern California.†(snip)
He added, “The only way to assure the long-term forest health is not just, you know, cutting trees, it’s going to require reducing carbon emissions and eventually, sooner rather than later to zero. If we don’t do that, you’re going to see these fires not only continuing but getting worse by the year as they are. The last five years, the fires have never been this bad. This fire in Malibu is the worst we’ve ever seen. This fire in Paradise in Northern California is the worst in the history of California. So, yeah, you can mold the science, but I’ll tell you, every year it’s going to get clearer and clearer so that I think in less than five years even the worst skeptics are going to be believers.â€
Interesting, since the cause of the fires have been things like down power lines and automobiles and camp fires and such. Not a tiny increase in atmospheric CO2 and global temperature.
Perhaps if Jerry would give up his own use of fossil fuels and make his life carbon neutral he might persuade me back into the fold. But, you can bet he’ll take a long fossil fueled flight to Poland for the upcoming UN IPCC climate change meeting.

Maybe he can finish that high speed train to nowhere in 5 years… well, maybe.

Kind of drama queenish, eh?
Just as predicted, Deniers have accepted that the Earth was warming, many Deniers will also accepted the evidence that CO2 is causing the warming. Deniers will also claim the cure is worse than the problem, and that we should do nothing.
Come on, TEACH, you know better than that. Don’t you?
Better than what, little dumbass?
Deniers have accepted that the Earth was warming
They have? Where, O where, are these people?
They certainly have been well hidden from view.
Even TEACH now accepts that the Earth is warming. Even Tony Wuwt accepts it. Just a few hardcore science deniers deny that the Earth is warming.
The issue is not the temperature, but the cause.
Of course, you knew.
You missed the point. Your (not you’re) compatriots here still insist it’s not warming.
Several years ago most so-called skeptics denied it was warming, that the scientists were cooking the thermometers. Now, almost all admit they were wrong and indeed, it is warming. Now – your (not you’re) argument is that, “Of course it’s warming, but it’s all natural, not human generated CO2!.”
You’re still wrong. It’s warming from CO2 we humans have added to the atmosphere. Why you deny that is beyond us. It was correct 20 years ago, and still is.
Why don’t Cons just admit they don’t like the potential solutions? Be honest for once.
Here: “Of course the Earth is warming because of CO2 we’ve added to atmosphere over the past century. We were mistaken earlier, either out of ignorance or deceit. Regardless, we do not approve of taxes or government mandated controls and will always fight against them.”
And massive taxes and global communist government is the only answer to stopping the dreaded scourge.
Well, Moonbeam stopped believing that letting undergrowth grow unchecked was OK.
And Trump was the one who rammed it down his idiot throat after half the damned state burned down.
Nothing to do with CO2. California weather returning to its norm.
But wait- the apocalypse is in five years? I thought we had till 2030, then 2040, ect.
Several years ago most so-called skeptics denied it was warming, that the scientists were cooking the thermometers.
They were cooking the books and still are.
And we’re still waiting for all these people who buy global warming. How’s ’bout some evidence?
Why don’t Cons just admit they don’t like the potential solutions? Be honest for once.
Yeah, taxes on everything. We don’t like it and we’ve said so.
We’re honest all over the place. Jeffery, as always, is the liar. Re-education camp didn’t do him much good (who goes on a hunting trip, but comes back to Mommy’s basement every morning to drop a couple of idiocies?), maybe next time he should try education camp.
They’ve been saying that for over 30 years.
<Bullwinkle> “This time for sure!” <Bullwinkle>