In case you haven’t figured it out, I read a lot. Sometimes as much as 2 to 3 books a week. Mostly science fiction, some fantasy, horror, a few mysteries. Anyhow, remember the days growing up, and checking books out at the library? Heck, you may still do this. All my books come via Kindle, but, my dad loves checking out all the libraries in his county during his retirement. I used to do the same here, and Wake County has a grade A library system. But, you can only check out so many at a time. You have to return some to get more, right? Not in this school system
Library is limiting book rentals to boost kids’ screen time. Parents are peeved.
Every week, students at elementary schools in Mahwah could take out books from the school library. That changed at the start of this school year, and parents are concerned as to why. Some are downright angry.
Under a policy shift to have students receive more technology instruction, students in grades K-3 now take out books every other week and students in grades 4-5 take out books every three weeks.
“We’re hearing a lot of words and they’re the right words,” said Matthew Park, a parent attending a board of education meeting last week.
“And we hear people talk about how much they love reading and how (they) don’t want to take books out of kids hands. What’s being said is not matching up with objective reality and the reality is kids are getting fewer and fewer books into their hands.”
Superintendent C. Lauren Schoen said the district does not devalue reading and the policy change to check out books was not done to get rid of the library and media program, or the specialist position or to deprive students of books or reading time.
“Students access to books has not been dramatically limited,” she said. “Students still have access to books.”
Just not very often, because the school system wants them playing on their technology devices. Ridiculous.

Somebody likes throwing her weight around.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – NJ Library Limits Books Checked Out In Order To Increase Screen Time. […]