The riots in France, which have been going on for a few weeks, continue to grow
(UK Guardian) Facing his biggest crisis since he took office in 2017, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, has instructed his prime minister to hold talks with protest groups – including the gilets jaunes, who were involved in the worst riots in central Paris in a decade. More than 100 people have been injured and almost 400 arrested in the violent anti-government demonstrations, sparked by fuel tax hikes.
The protests were not confined to Paris. Over the weekend more than 130,000 people demonstrated with the gilets jaunes movement across France. In Toulouse on Saturday, 48 police were injured in clashes with protesters.
ABC News has a 4 paragraph story about this, which includes
A protest against rising taxes and the high cost of living turned into a riot in the French capital, as activists wearing yellow jackets torched cars, smashed windows, looted stores and tagged the Arc de Triomphe with multi-colored graffiti.
French President Emmanuel Macron will hold an emergency meeting on security with the prime minister and the Interior minister later Sunday. He has vowed that those responsible for the violence will pay for their actions.
NBC News is running the Reuters article
For more than two weeks, protesters angry over gas taxes and the high cost of living have been blocking roads across France, impeding access to fuel depots, shopping malls and some airports. (snip)
The “Yellow Jacket” revolt erupted on Nov. 17 and poses a formidable challenge to President Emmanuel Macron as he tries to counter a plunge in popularity over his economic reforms, which are seen as favoring the wealthy. (snip)
The movement began online as an impromptu rebellion against higher fuel prices but has morphed into a broader outpouring of anger over the squeeze that living costs are putting on middle-class household budgets.
The article finally gets around to an important concept
Macron says the increased fuel taxes are part of his effort to combat climate change, wanting to persuade French drivers to exchange diesel-fueled cars for less polluting models.
Many, many other US outlets, such as Newsweek, are missing that central point, that this really began over the planned hikes in the fuel taxes to fight the climate change scam, with the existing taxes on fuel and energy already having driven up the cost of living. And, yes, they are upset over other policies. And then there’s the Paper Of Record
‘Yellow Vests’ Riot in Paris, but Their Anger Is Rooted Deep in France
The “Yellow Vest†protests he is a part of present an extraordinary venting of rage and resentment by ordinary working people, aimed at the mounting inequalities that have eroded their lives. The unrest began in response to rising gas taxes and has been building in intensity over the past three weeks, peaking on Saturday.
With little organization and relying mostly on social media, they have moved spontaneously from France’s poor rural regions over the last month to the banks of the Seine, where they have now become impossible to ignore. (snip)
Mr. Macron has previously insisted that, unlike past French governments, he will not back down in the face of popular resistance to reforms like a loosening of labor laws. It’s a harder line than many other western European countries have taken. (snip)
On these cold nights, Joel Decoux’s oven burned the wood he chopped himself because he can’t afford gas for heating.
It is not deep poverty, but ever-present unease in the small cities, towns and villages over what is becoming known as “the other France,†away from the glitzy Parisian boulevards that were the scene of rioting this weekend. (snip)
Mr. Dou — who says his 9-year-old son has never been on vacation and his gross salary of 1,300 euros a month, about $1,475, “disappears immediately in the bills†— was among them. There is little left after high taxes and costly utilities such as electricity.
The gas taxes are eventually mentioned again in a bit more detail, but only as “the last straw”, and not linked in any way to mitigating man-caused climate change. Nor does the NY Times note that so much of the rising costs, including food and electricity, are do to ‘climate change’ policies. Heck, dude is chopping his own wood because he can’t afford gas for heating. That’s because of ‘climate change’ policies.
The cutest thing is that the Times attempts to paint this all as some sort of inequity thing, a rich against the poor and middle class thing. But, hey, maybe they’re a little bit correct: it’s the bigshot rich upper class members of the Cult of Climastrology pushing their policies on the middle and lower classes. They do not hurt Macron. He’s rich. And he gets to take long fossil fueled trips on the taxpayers money. He doesn’t worry about energy and food costs.

Global warming is losing the battle. Their agenda is so transparent now. The UN is set to pass an accord that makes immigration a HUMAN RIGHT, therefore if any country would disallow immigration for any reason they are violating that persons human rights.
the EU is starting to come apart at the seams as more and more people realize they have been lied to and used and duped into a globalist cabal which pockets billions to the elites and leaves the common man wanting.
And now they have to let more and more immigrants into their countries to take their jobs and/or raise more taxes to pay for their benefits in socialist countries.
Good luck AGW. You are a lie and a sham and every day more and more scientist sign the petition claiming the science is not settled. Its up to 30plus thousand with over 9k of those signitures coming from PHDs and Doctors.
I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for the climate hoax??
Even if the governments abandon the climate hoax as an excuse for taxation and as a means to power, climate, like “socialism” ightmare, will fester among the useless ones at the fringe.
The recognition of the socialist/Communist murders and the fall of the Soviet Union did not stop the mad mutterings about “Next time…..”.
Prospering economies during the new “ice age” [Age of Glacial Advances] will have the same people of the fringe muttering, “We are the chosen ones to guide this. Next time…..”.
The deranged will always be with us. Best hope that their next fantasy isn’t even more deadly than the prior efforts. “Next time…..” will never be abandoned in the quest for power. Without that, their lives have no meaning.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove had an update/review of the “Yellow Vest” riots in France. As Paris Riots Grow, News Media Forgets A Very Important Detail. […]