Most news outlets who covered this vote are treating the failure of the United Nations to condemn the terrorist group Hamas rather neutrally, with a few taking Hamas’ side. The NY Times’ Michael Schwirtz and the person who wrote the headline decide to put it on Nikki Haley
In Blow to Haley, U.N. Rejects Measure Condemning Hamas
The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday rejected a resolution proposed by the United States to condemn the Islamic militant group Hamas for violence against Israel. The rejection was a blow to the American ambassador, Nikki R. Haley, who had positioned the measure as a capstone of her tenure.
In remarks before the vote, Ms. Haley characterized the resolution as an opportunity for the 193 member states of the General Assembly to put themselves on the side of “truth and balance.â€
Though the body has voted many times to condemn Israel, never once has it passed a resolution critical of Hamas, an organization Ms. Haley described as one of the “most obvious and grotesque cases of terrorism in the world.â€
“Today could be a historic day at the United Nations or it could be just another ordinary day,†said Ms. Haley, who announced in October that she would be resigning, perhaps by year’s end.
Hamas militants have fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, often hitting civilian areas. They also have employed a new kind of weapon: kites armed with incendiary devices, sometimes painted with Nazi symbols, that have burned Israeli farmland.
The vote was 87 in favor, 58 nations voted for Hamas, and 32 abstained. This required a 2/3rds majority. And this is being painted as a Bad Thing for Nikki Haley, rather than a bad thing for the United Nations, which just saw 58 nations stand up for a terrorist organization. And don’t forget the abstentions, because most of these same nation always vote to condemn Israel, the nation and people who are the recipients of terror attacks from groups just like Hamas.
In fact, this is a win for Haley, who just exposed the United Nations as basically a body that will support terrorist organizations. But, for the NY Times, Haley works for Trump, so, She Must Be Blamed.

The measure condemning Hamas was proposed by Haley and the US. Ambassador Haley identified it as the capstone of her tenure.
Why wouldn’t it be a blow to her?
Just more Con whining about press reporting.
The Gray Lady calls it a blow.
They never bothered ask Mrs Haley. Sounds like more whining from Jeffery, trying to find something to feel good about.
Typical. The Islamic countries were never going to vote against Hamas.
This says it all. A rejection of Haley. Yeah lets celebrate the fact the world condones violence against Israel who is then perceived as evil for defending themselves. Sure they have never been perfect but when Hamas fires missiles into your neighborhoods you tend to lose your sense of perfection when it comes to defending yourselves.
There is NOTHING the world can do to diffuse this situation save forcing Israel to relinquish Israel to the miserable Hamas thugs (who would destroy the infrastructure in a year and turn into a beggar nation) and to Move to southern Utah and Northern Nevada and giving them a reservation like the Indians. Which would be a good idea actually. Grant them Statehood and give them two more Republican senators and 3-4 more Republican house memebers.
You are dreaming. Immigrants always vote for whoever promises them free stuff. And Jews in this country are almost universally progressives.
The Cubans who fled Castro didn’t. Nor did the people fleeing the Warsaw Bloc.