…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on language at the UN climate summit.

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on language at the UN climate summit.
Finally… thanks Bobby!
Apparently tRump doesn’t realize that he’s Individual-1 in the court filings. LOL.
The leader of the US White Nationalist movement is an unindicted co-conspirator.
Same could be said of Willie, Zippy, and the Hildabeast.
(R) – 120 Executive branch indictments + tRump’s… (89 convictions)
(D) – 3 Executive branch indictments (1 conviction)
Guess the Dems just aren’t pushing the boundaries hard enough…
tRump (R) – 2yrs in office. ongoing.
Obama (D) – 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
Bush, George W. (R) – 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.
Clinton (D) – 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence.
Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.
Reagan (R) – 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
Carter (D) – 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
Ford (R) – 4yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence.
Nixon (R) – 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.
Johnson – 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.
I ask if Jeffery was joking, but we all know better.
And indictment means zip.
Jeffery also wants us to buy the “not a smidgeon of corruption bit, either. Forget F&F, Benghazi, weaponizing the IRS, Weaponizing the FBI.
Since the Demos controlled everything in DC until Reagan and, particularly, Newt, came along, it’s a pretty hollow stat, b ut let’s see what happens now that there are some real judges on the bench.
And indictment means zip.
How about the 89 convictions of GOPhers (not including the tRump gang)? Mean anything? The Dems had 2 convictions.
see what happens now that there are some real judges on the bench.
You don’t understand how the system works, do you? Judges don’t indict or convict. Congress doesn’t indict or convict.
Maybe Nixon, Reagan and W were just outliers when it came to corruption. tRump too. Nixon had Watergate and the coverup. Reagan had Iran-Contra and cover-up, plus just some crooks. W had crooks and liars (Iraq invasion). tRump is up to his waddle in conspiring to steal the 2016 election.
Do you believe the “Deep State” had been going after GOPhers the last 50 years and ignoring Dem felonies? Everyone is lying except the far right?
Jethro had sex with his grandchild.
I just think it happened?
Did you see it?
Did you film it?
Anyone else see it or film it?
So what proof do you have.
Well this person said it happened.
By person your talking about the person that lies all the time?
Well yes.
Well thanks for the call we will look into it.
Somehow I don’t think this is the America you want to live in but of course you probably do since you gleefully point out all the arrests and imprisionments of Republicans. You obviously have a banana state republic mentality.
Thats what they have on trump. Its always been an attempt to bring down trump for something. The collusion was always bullshit. Everyone knows it. HRC, Obama, Biden. Hell if your heart is beating right now and your 40-80 years old they could put you in jail for something you have done wrong in your life.
The fact Trump was a political novice allowed the special counsel in the first place. This was something the FBI and DOJ could have handled without a special counsel that was then handed wide, wide far ranging powers to pretty much investigate anything on the planet.
Good Luck Democrats. The next Dem Prez will spend his first 2-3 years being impeached. This is what happened when the Dems went after Reagan and then Bush. They reciprocated by going after Clinton had clear evidence of obstruction of justice but not the votes. He broke the law. Nothing happened. Trump might or might not have violated campaign finance law.
Neither Reagan nor Bush were impeached or charged with crimes. The Dems didn’t indict and convict members of Reagan’s administration for the Iran-Contra scandal, the HUD scandal or other ‘lesser’ scandals.
It makes the GOP look petty and partisan if they impeached Clinton in retaliation for courts’ actions against the corruption in the Reagan administration, wouldn’t you say? Was it proper for the Reagan administration to sell weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran to generate funds to support a right-wing coup in Nicaragua? Regardless of policy, many laws were broken.
Note that Clinton’s civil contempt charge resulted from lying to cover up sex with an intern, not to hide an attempt to defraud US voters.
Are your accusations aimed at the mythical “Deep State” libs rather than Democrats in Congress? Are prosecutors and grand juries natural enemies of the GOP?
Since Teach and another commenter are guilty of revealing the identify of commenters here, you might want to be careful about defamation.
Maybe review ‘defamation per se’.
So Cons rigged the Net Neutrality debate, too. And the Russians helped! The GOP is absolutely ruthless in getting their way. America doesn’t stand a chance.
It seems they do by your count the only people being tried and convicted is Republicans. That of course means the Democrats are impeccably pristine and without sin. Only in your Banana republic minds eye.
I think the people that are going to end up regretting this rejection of net neutrality is silicon valley. Already Twitter is taking a substantial hit as conservatives have quit using twitter. In fact after twitter refused to take down tucker carlsons address FOX NEWS has boycotted twitter and their 18 million followers have followed suit. Twitter stock has taken a hit.
Google and Facebook are facing similar backlashes as even Facebook has lost 40 percent of its users, mostly the young and now they have turned into nothing but a data mining operation to sell your personal information.
Google pays people to make YouTube videos which will always keep them powerful. YouTube pays ISP’s to let their streams play. An example of this is my ISP allows YOUTUBE to run all night even when I am asleep but If I watch a Walmart Vudu movie at 1 in the morning they turn off my internet after about 2.5 hours forcing me to either turn it on or turn it on in the morning when I wake up.
We can tell easily who is greasing whose palms these days that is why I am so anti-google. They are the biggest threat to the internet given they refuse now to do work with the US government because there is more money to be made in China then the US government can give them
If anyone in this nation colludes with Russia and China it would be google and Facebook. Not Trump.
Mango typed: the only people being tried and convicted is Republicans. That of course means the Democrats are impeccably pristine and without sin.
Not at all. That’s just your reduction ad absurdum. But the data empirically suggest that Republicans are more corrupt than Dems, at least regarding the executive branch.
A festival of projection in 2 lines. And Puffington is the source.
O, that Dr Freud was still alive.
Does this not concern you little one? The fact that everytime the GOP is in control they indictments fly willy nilly and people go to jail yet when the Democrats are in charge NOTHING happens.
Does not the Fact HRC is a known Felon and nothing happened? Are you content with watching your political opponents go to jail while your own side of the cesspool is risk free?
As someone here points out. All the left has is hate and your post here shows that. They are vengeful, spiteful and toxic when it comes to politics.
It concerns me that the Republicans are so corrupt. The DOJ is under the executive branch.
Of what felony was Mrs. Clinton convicted? What felony did she commit? And why hasn’t tRump’s DOJ indicted her?
Do you find presenting facts hateful? It seems that conservatives are the ones steeped in hate. Cons have always opposed rights for women, Blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims… Conservatives took babies from the arms of their mothers. Almost all white nationalists, KKK members, skinheads and neo-Nazis are conservatives.
Liberals DO hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty. Conservatives, especially this new breed, display both.
Let’s talk about Democrat corruption.
Jim, Wright, Tony Coelho, Danny Rostenkowski, Rod Blagojevich, Teddy Kennedy, Eric Holder, the Ozark Mafia, the Choom Gang, and on.
Conviction in a town where the Lefty judges observe the agenda and not the Constitution is hardly a reliable metric.
If you’re asking felonies the Beast committed, Uranium One, the email server, cattle futures, all those coin tosses. That’s plenty right there.
It seems that conservatives are the ones steeped in hate.
Then why did the Demos depend on the Klan to bring in the Solid South?
Conservatives took babies from the arms of their mothers.
No, that was Zippy.
Cons have always opposed rights for women, Blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims
Franklin Roosevelt and his New Dealers.
Liberals DO hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty.
Tell it to the Branch Davidians.
Too bad facts are against you.
Too bad facts are against you.
And yet you supply no facts.
And neither do you. “Conservatives have always opposed rights for women, blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims…â€. Must have missed the “rights for Muslims†part of the constitution….
First Amendment of the US Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
You may not like non-Christians but it’s unconstitutional to discriminate against others based on their religious beliefs.
Or do you not believe the Amendments are a legitimate part of our Constitution?
Cue subject change in 3, 2, 1…
Quoted the 1st amendment-good job. You meantioned “rights of Muslimsâ€. What Muslim “rights†are being violated? As always, good luck
No, it just means that, from 1932 to 1994, DC was a company town and the company was the Democrat party.
It makes the GOP look petty and partisan if they impeached Clinton in retaliation for courts’ actions against the corruption in the Reagan administration, wouldn’t you say? Was it proper for the Reagan administration to sell weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran to generate funds to support a right-wing coup in Nicaragua? Regardless of policy, many laws were broken.
The Boland Amendment wasn’t law, but an administrative resolution, so any charges would have been tossed out.
Note that Clinton’s civil contempt charge resulted from lying to cover up sex with an intern, not to hide an attempt to defraud US voters.
No attempt to defraud voters. Where do you get this stuff? I know, the mainstream fake news you think everybody listens to.
Since Teach and another commenter are guilty of revealing the identify of commenters here, you might want to be careful about defamation.
As with so many other things, you need to check the definition of defame. But, since little Jeffery is making threats, maybe it’s time he was banned.
But the data empirically suggest that Republicans are more corrupt than Dems, at least regarding the executive branch.
No, it just means that the Demos controlled Congress and the Federal bench. So the data also suggests, the Demos ran a kangaroo show court.
And, in this country, data is treated as a singular
Sorry Charlie, It Ain’t Necessarily So…
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. So suck it.
And it’s your belief that all those Reagan staffers and appointees were illegally charged and convicted?
Is there any lie you won’t tell?
Is there more ice now than ever???
No belief, fact.
And data is used as a plural only in Britain and Commonwealth countries.
You need to proofread the drivel before you paste it.
PS You better start worrying what happens if the Choom Gang tries to throw the Ozark Mafia to the wolves. Doubtless, Willie and the Beast have a lot on Zippy and Holder.
We’re about done here with you. You can’t type the truth.
Hey, what kind of forms are you a wiz at? Concrete forms, welfare forms, unemployment forms?
We meaning all the little voices in your head, again. I see no one else trying to vote me off the blog, so you must be getting tired of having your ass kicked. BTW, if anybody goes, it’s probably you for threatening Teach – he does have that right, you know.
And the forms were the IRS Business forms I coded.
You may not like non-Christians but it’s unconstitutional to discriminate against others based on their religious beliefs.
Last I heard, nobody’s rights were being abridged, but, just to let you know, an establishment of religion means a specific church designated by law as the state religion, as the Anglican Church in Britain, or Islam in Saudi Arabia.
So you don’t know what you’re taking about (surprise!) yet again.
All you do is lie. And lie. And lie some more. You rarely know what you’re talking about. What’s the point? Are you sure you’re not paid $12/hr by tRump?
So what’s the point?
You’re so proud of filling out forms that you named yourself after your ability! Good for you.
If you were to read more, you would likely find the Supreme Court disagrees with your Constitutional acumen. It’s kind of their thing.
But with the new Supreme Court, the White Christian Identity movement may be able to install Christianity as the state religion. And most tRumpublicans would support that.
While I realize that you are quoting, it is good to see that you are coming around to the fact that the government cannot tell people they must abandon their religious beliefs in order to make a living.
Well, since we have no idea where you plucked that, it could have been from the comic strips.
Anything beyond establishing a state religion is somebody’s opinion.
LOL Defamation. Thats too funny. How can anyone defame an anonymous commentor posting on a website.
Now that being said. Since the OP of this website is using his real name and is a real person not hiding in the shadows I would suggest that you are the one in danger of defamation.
THIS certainly pertains to Jethro as he constantly besmirches a mans BUSINESS. In this case Mr. Teachs Blog and website.
As far as one anonymous poster saying negative things about other anonymous posters I’m pretty sure there is no breach of Libel. By the way it is libel if it is written and defamation if it is spoken.
You continue to spew ignorant nonsense. Please Google defamation, slander and libel. You’re welcome.
You don’t know what you’re talking about in this case. LOL.
Actually, you don’t. Teach, and God love his patience, is nothing but perfectly respectful to you. He disagrees, but that’s neither defamation, slander, nor libel. Like all other Lefties, little Jeffery can dish it out, but he can’t take being called on his nonsense.
Oh, and LOL re hurting Porter’s “business”. I bet he likes comments.
Doubtless, a lot of people find you boring, especially since you must hijack every post to spread your drivel.
His business might triple if you went away. And, if you keep threatening him, you just might.