I wonder, have members of the Cult of Climastrology, such as writer Eric Giddens, ever considered that we do not want to actually engage?
Citizens must engage on climate
It’s hard to miss the news about extreme weather these days — hurricanes, fires, and closest to home, flooding.
The climate is changing, and as a result our communities are hurting. The federal government’s National Climate Assessment released Nov. 23 assessed the impacts of climate change across the United States, both now and throughout this century. The findings are sobering if not downright terrifying: If we do not take action, climate change will cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually and will increasingly threaten our health and well-being. Citizens and local governments bear most of the brunt of this destruction and the costs of repair.
So what can we do? The problem can feel overwhelming and out of our control.
Bad weather has always happened, and is actually out of our control.
The good news, though, is that much can be done at the community level, and community-scale action can collectively put a major dent in the problem. Even better news is local climate action strengthens local economies. Here’s what you can do to be a part of that community-focused solution:
Understand the cause. Greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and methane) form a blanket over the earth that trap heat. Greenhouse gases are emitted by burning coal and natural gas to produce electricity, natural gas to heat buildings and water, gasoline and diesel to power motor vehicles, and by solid waste as it decomposes in landfills. We emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than can be re-absorbed by plant materials on the surface of the Earth, and the Earth’s average temperature is rising as a result. This atmospheric disruption causes the extreme weather events that we are witnessing.
That’s weird, absolutely no mention of the #1 GHG, water vapor. It’s almost like they’re sandbagging. And whining about the trappings of modern society that make it run.
Accept responsibility. We are all responsible for this. No one is exempt. We all use electricity and natural gas. We all use water. We all move around in automobiles and rely on goods and services that are transported with motor vehicles. We all produce solid waste. And in the United States, we do all of these things far more intensively than people in other countries do.
OK, when will Warmists accept responsibility and start living like it’s 1499? Here’s the big one
Advocate for action in your community. Local governments, accountable to local people, can enact policies and implement programs to reduce electricity and natural gas consumption through conservation and energy efficiency, shift electricity generation to renewables, reduce vehicle miles traveled through planning, conserve water and reduce waste. These actions that reduce emissions and other actions that make our landscape and built environment more resilient will also enhance our local economies. Saving energy saves money, investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy creates jobs, and building resilient communities reduces the risk of catastrophic loss due to extreme weather events associated with climate change.
Got that? You’re supposed to ask the government to tax you out the ying yang, artificially increase your cost of living, and to take lots of your freedom away. All for some un-scientific, cultish belief.

The elitist attitude. People should listen to ‘their betters’.
A doctor with this elitist attitude recently told me that millennials need to be given propaganda if that is the only way to get them to do the ‘right things’. (e.g. – Global Warming) So we should lie to our kids? The doctor appears to be infected with the mental illness of leftism.
The only way the Left ever wins is if enough people are kept in the dark about leftism and leftist programs Never having worked.
The way the Right wins is by bringing everything to light.
Water vapor condenses and falls out of the atmosphere as precipitation, that is, its effective half-life is short compared to carbon dioxide. Yet, as the atmosphere warms it can hold more water vapor, resulting in a positive feedback loop for warming.
So now we have to cut the water, too?
Jeffery gets weirder by the day.
That amount of positive feedback must be what the alarmists say it should be, as CO2 levels have been at least 10 times higher than today. The positive feedback from water vapor creating a “tipping point†would have happened long ago.
“Must not beâ€
They used to claim that by the time we began to notice the effects of global warming in our own lives, it’d be too late to do anything about it.
Now some climate alarmists are claiming we are beginning to notice it in our own lives.
If they weren’t lying before, then they really need to just shut up, go hunker down in their Apocalypse bunkers and quietly wait for the end — and quit bugging the rest of us.
Well I can understand why you dont debate AGW you just spout your one talking point.
You do realize that if what you said is true that we would have all been long gone and dead by now due to a 5 billion year draught?
Water vapor might indeed fall but it is constantly being replaced. Water vapor is indeed what keeps our planet warm. NOT CO2. One could argue Methane with more degree of certainty than co2 but you cant get money from poor ranchers but you can get money from Exxon and Shell.
Not to mention most AGW fans are meat eaters and how would they like to actually give up a good hamburger or steak vs. giving up gasoline.
If the AGW people ever come up with a real way to keep us warm and farm the fields and plow the snows then I’m all on board. Until then your stuck with fossil fuels. Because even if you build a bazillion electric cars. How ya gonna charge them.
Thats right just as all of Europe is now going up in flame by angry white RURAL voters who are the ones being hit by AGW tax not those living in the big cities who take buses or walk to work. They certainly dont farm, ranch or have to drive 10-15 miles to work and they dont have busses running all over the country side.
The Great unwashed. Just as in the USA a tax on carbon would hurt every rural voter because in fly over country where we dont matter to the leftists, we dont have trains and busses to take us to work, farm our fields or herd our cattle, sheep, turkeys etc…etc.
The total disconnect by the AGW fans is not funny. It’s alarming. There solution is to tax. Well we are seeing what a TAX does to people already pissed at their own governments for taking in millions of illegals and GIVING THEM FREE STUFF but then taxing the rural people who really don’t face immigration problems because Immigrants flee to big cities, not joes Podunk ranch.
The disconnect by the left is astounding and meant to punish their foes. It truly is. Reason 1508 not to support the AGW agenda.
We figured someone as brilliant as you would assume that precipitated water would evaporate back into the atmosphere. It’s almost like a cycle! It was sort of implied in our remark “as the atmosphere warms it can hold more water vapor”. But we get it. You’re not interested in the truth, you have a conspiracy to pimp, spouting your talking point about the coming ice age and the Deep State’s attempts to hide it. Shout on, brother, shout on!
Conservatives tend to be conspiratorial for a variety of reasons, not the least being their inherent distrust of institutions (government, science, education). Research has shown that conspiracies thrive in a population of high political information + mistrust of institutions. GOP elites are taking advantage of this in their base by driving the mistrust of institutions – Reagan did it, Bush did it, GOP Congress and tRump are doing it. In the mind of the conservative, global warming is a hoax perpetrated by socialist scientists and a secretive socialist government to confiscate money and freedom. Teaching evolution is a socialist plot to destroy Christianity. StillAlive has mini- and micro-conspiracies embedded in his/her major conspiracy.
From Chemtrails to NAU/SPP to gun confiscation to fluoridation to Death Panels to Jade Helm to FEMA camps to Agenda 21 to Sharia Law to The Fed (The Jews!) to Gay Agenda (End Times!) to US Jihadi camps… The Right has a lot distrust.
Are you sure that the Earth could have had a 5 billion year draught?
Not all precipitated water evaporate back into the atmosphere. Only the excess that doesn’t go into the soil, bodies of water, or is used in (and I’ll bet you’ve never heard of this one) photosynthesis. It uses carbon dioxide and water (the things you say we have too much of) to .make plants
as the atmosphere warms it can hold more water vapor
Wrongaroonies. Again.
There’s a limit to how much water vapor the atmosphere can hold. That’s why it’s called relative humidity.
In the mind of the conservative, global warming is a hoax perpetrated by socialist scientists and a secretive socialist government to confiscate money and freedom.
Try all people, except for the Lefties and their trolls. That’s why your nonsense never goes any where.
Conservatives tend to be conspiratorial for a variety of reasons, not the least being their inherent distrust of institutions
230 years ago, the people who wrote the Constitution, which you love to misquote, also distrusted institutions.
I read your reply and you pretty much dont make any sense.
1. It seems you go from water vapor to Conservatives are conspiratorial because you cannot defend the scientific fact that 98 percent of greenhouse gases are water vapor.
2. You then move on to confisticating guns and fluoridation to death panels and who ever Jade Helm camps are all based upon someone telling you that water vapor is more important to our temperature than you want to admit.
3. You then imply the previous poster said stuff he did not say in his comment you are responding too.
4. The previous poster remains basically on task while you run off in a dozen different directions trying to deflect from your inability to defend a simple statement that Water vapor is the main cause of planetary warming.
5. A warming planet would indeed create more water vapor but if it continues to fall to earth how do you propose a few molecules of CO2 is causing earth to warm irrationally?
In short I find your remark filled with anger and retribution. If you find yourself angry why do you bother to come here>? If you cannot logically have a discussion and present your side of the facts logically and with evidence why do you even bother to post here. Do you think this blog is so influential that Pundits, scholars and world leaders are breathlessly waiting for your next post?
Nignorant angry little negro fella in st. louis craves attention. Stop giving it to him. He is to be mocked.
Some years ago, DTE, the major utility company here in Michigan, ran months of advertisements asking folks to use less electricity. They promised ‘Yuge’ savings as a result. The actual result was a hike in our utility costs. Their response to the question for how that could be? We are not making enough money to cover our costs to maintain our services. I stopped worrying about water and gas conservation at that point. Second note. If there aren’t enough plants to recover the CO2, then stop deforesting the freaking planet. That should help more than flying around on high fuel use vehicles crying about me using natural gas to keep warm. F/U.
Is so true. The exact same things happen all across the nation. Obama put the hurts on coal so what happened. They started shutting down coal fired power plants and raised your bill dramatically so they could build natural gas fired power plants to make up for the KW/H shortage imposed by Obama’s EPA.
In the upper Midwest I saw this first hand as our utility said stop using so much electricity because we cant produce it and then, oh by the way we are going to almost double your electricity bill. Not because of Global Warming but because we need to build two new plants to replace the ones shut down by the Obama Government. More jobs lost in an economy that was already decimated.