…is a horrible fossil fueled plane, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on things Democrats want to ban.

…is a horrible fossil fueled plane, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on things Democrats want to ban.
I was just reading about stewardesses complaining about sexual harassment and now I see this picture where these stewardesses look very happy about being objectified. (perhaps they are just happy getting paychecks). I’m so confused.
Imagine that. A conservative court siding with planned parenthood. And the left thought the court was going to immediately destroy the country, in case after case ruling against women, and all things liberal.
The fact is this was and should be considered a states right issue and the Supreme court said the states should decide their own problems. Which is how it should be. If California wants to penalize its people and just only let criminals have guns then that is their right. If the people do not like that. They should move. If people do not like Washington States gun laws they should leave. Its why states rights are so important in the republic of the United States.
Maybe the Constitutional issues favored PP this time.
You want a Constitutionalist, you get an opinion based on his view of the Constitution.
This is why I dislike juducial review. It’s everybody’s opinion.
Book me on that airline, Miss Jones.
I recently flew Wow Airlines. The stewardess were all young, slim, and pretty Icelandic girls, and wore tight lavender dresses and cute little hats. It was nice. It felt and looked classy.
Give them a few years to put on weight and it will change. WOW is a relatively new airline, unburdened by old flight attendants. Those same stews who got hired because they were young and pretty will be leading the protests if they get fired after they get old and fat. And WOW just got bought by Icelandic air, so now it is all one big airline monopoly.