It really is long past time to shut down the Russia Russia Russia “investigation”
Done With Michael Cohen, Federal Prosecutors Shift Focus to Trump Family Business
When federal prosecutors recommended a substantial prison term for President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, they linked Mr. Trump to the crimes Mr. Cohen had committed in connection with the 2016 presidential campaign.
What the prosecutors did not say in Mr. Cohen’s sentencing memorandum filed on Friday, however, is that they have continued to scrutinize what other executives in the president’s family business may have known about those crimes, which involved hush-money payments to two women who had said they had affairs with Mr. Trump.
After Mr. Cohen pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws and other crimes — he will be sentenced on Wednesday — the federal prosecutors in Manhattan shifted their attention to what role, if any, Trump Organization executives played in the campaign finance violations, according to people briefed on the matter.
This goes on and on and on, but, what’s missing? Anything having anything to do with Russia Russia Russia. Which was the entire point of this so-called investigation. After almost two years, there really is no proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Where there contacts? Yes. But there is zero proof that anything nefarious was going on. I bet if Mueller investigated Hillary’s campaign they would find contacts there, as well, because nations want to find ways to have influence with whomever may win.
We already know that Russia was screwing around with our election with….social media ads. No one can say whether that had any influence. They didn’t cause Hillary to fail to go to must win states, nor pass out on 9/11, nor use an unauthorized server, among others. The US under Obama with Hillary as his Sec State screwed with Russian elections (and other nations, as well).
Almost everything from Team Mueller has nothing to do with the point of this whole theater. Many are process crimes because of the investigation. Time to shut this down and move on if Mueller cannot show any collusion.

Remember the Whitewater Independent Counsel, Ken Starr, who replaced the previous investigator, Robert Fiske? He was appointed to investigate a failed land deal in Arkansas and any associated financial improprieties. The investigation was spurred by 1992 articles in the New York Times critical of the Clintons. The investigation went on for about 4 years.
The outcome had nothing to do with the Whitewater Corporation but did find that President Clinton lied under oath about having sexual contact with an intern. Congressional Republicans impeached Clinton over these high crimes and misdemeanors.
Why didn’t the GOP want that investigation shut down?
According to tRump’s DOJ, candidate tRump directed his personal attorney to pay hush money to at least two women tRump was sexing so that the stories would not hurt his electoral chances. Those actions may be in violation of campaign laws.
You don’t know if the numerous contacts the tRump campaign and staff had with Russian operatives (and repeatedly lied about) was a conspiracy to defraud American voters. Maybe their objective was merely to make business deals with Putin and the oligarchs. Why do you think the campaign and administration had so many secret meetings with Russians?
Anyway, that’s why we have an investigation (which tRump instigated with his firing of Director Comey). Unlike the White House, Mr. Mueller runs a “tight ship” with few media leaks.
Criminals always want the investigations of their crimes halted. Duh.
The problem with these independent persecutors. And Mule Ears “runs a tight ship” because he’s such a blithering incompetent nobody wants to spill the beans and end the free ride.
This one’s going nowhere also. If there was something hokey, we’d have heard about it during the campaign.
Paying your own money to shut up mistresses or one night stands is NOT illegal and is NOT a campaign contribution per the Supreme court in the John Edwards mistress scandal look up the decision.
So you believe he obstructed Justice?
Could that be because every investigator on his team is and are Democratic and more specifically HRC supporters. Having been shown to attend Clinton Rallies and give substantial amounts of cash to the HRC campaign. When you only have a dozen people with the information, its pretty hard to leak that info without losing your career and having to return to Podunk without your law degree and working at McDonalds.
But good news. MickeyD’s is now paying 15.00 per hour….thats a good living wage for a disgraced Lawyer.
So you believe he obstructed Justice?
Yes, I think he did, but the Senate acquitted him of the charge.
And you think Mr. Mueller’s team doesn’t leak because they are Democrats? You may be correct.
And disgraced Republican lawyers can always go on “Wingnut Welfare” (FOX “News” or a variety of conservative groups).
Just like disgraced leftist appear on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC. They could work for the Atlantic, the New Yorker, the Times, Washington Post, Ny Times, LA Times, Huffpo, and a 1000 other leftist outlets where the Conservatives are relegated to a few conservative outlets most of which can not afford to pay like the above.
I understand your a troll. Most likely paid shill by Moscow, China or the DNC but still surely you must realize how many lies the MSM puts out daily against trump and the right.
Watch TimCast on youtube. He has started several powerful left wing news reporting organizations. He continues to work independently putting out his own content after coming to verbal blows with the organizations that go batshit crazy left.
He says it best. The left has lost its collective mind. He is a progressive. He is more center left. His words exactly not mine. He gives a fair assessment of the events. He is fully on board with the right being censored and shows evidence.
TIMCAST on youtube. You might actually get a fresh perspective of how SOME on the left actually are against a majority of what the left stands for these days. Just as you fail to grasp that most of the commenters here are opposed to most of what the establishment right stands for these days as they lie out their ass to get elected and then DO NOTHING TO HELP ALL PEOPLE.
Try it. You might like being in the middle. Its where rationality meets good manners.
They leak.
Corsi is suing them 350 mil for doing it.
“Wingnut Welfare�
That’s Commie News Net and MSLSD.
from the NYT:
If felonies were committed (and tRump’s fixer/personal attorney pleaded guilty) isn’t it appropriate to investigate all who may have been involved?
tRump and his minions (FOX and conservabloggers) are twisting the facts to label this as “going after Trump Inc”. (That will be a separate investigation related to hiding income and tax fraud by Trump et al).
tRump didn’t expect to be elected, nor was he prepared for it. His past is catching up with him. He needs to cut a deal with the Feds, although it’s increasingly evident the Feds won’t be interested. Alternatively, Jennifer Rubin interestingly speculated that tRump will resign just before the 2021 inauguration of the new Dem President and have outgoing “president” Pence immediately give him a full pardon. Pence’s career is over anyway (except as a FOX welfare recipient). Although that won’t stop the SDNY from pursuing him.
Using material from the Gray Lady is always dangerous because their lies are so palpable.
Mule Ears passed Cohen off to the US Attorney because he bungled the way he’d handled it. Getting your star witness to admit he’s a liar doesn’t do you much good in court.
tRump didn’t expect to be elected, nor was he prepared for it.
Keep telling yourself that. He’d bested a field of 10 or more well-connected old pros and had the Hildabeast wondering why she wasn’t 50 points ahead.
What Little Idiot means is the Lefties didn’t expect him to be elected, nor were they prepared for it.
Troll, troll, troll the boat gently across your swamp.
He trolls incessantly to stir up anger. Everything he says has only a slight bit of truth. Just enough to keep your responses coming.
Feed the troll guys. Feed the troll.
$50 million is enough. He hasn’t found anything by now, he isn’t going to. Time to shut it down. The special counsel law was never intended to create an office of “presidential oversight”. Heck, when the FBI investigated Hillary, they wrapped it up in just a few months with time left over to issue a report before the election.
Except she was guilty as hell.
Trump not so much.
Trump is very guilty. Guilty of WINNING!
When the Feds “investigated” the Beast, they had a director who was in the Ozark Mafia’s pocket do it.
tRump has spent more on golf vacations than has Mr. Mueller.
hasn’t found anything by now
Really? He found that every member of the tRump campaign had extensive contacts with Russian operatives and lied about it. He found that tRump was working a business deal with the Russians (and Putin) at the same time he was running for US President (although Rand Paul says, “No big deal”).
During negotiations, Trump Inc offered Putin a multi-million $ penthouse. Yikes.
Cohen and felon-mobster Felix Sater worked behind the scenes into the summer of 2016 to get the Moscow deal finished — despite public claims that the development was canned in January, before Trump won the Republican nomination. Sater said that he and Cohen thought giving the Trump Tower’s most luxurious apartment, a $50 million penthouse, to Putin would entice other wealthy buyers to purchase their own. “In Russia, the oligarchs would bend over backwards to live in the same building as Vladimir Putin. My idea was to give a $50 million penthouse to Putin and charge $250 million more for the rest of the units. All the oligarchs would line up to live in the same building as Putin”.
W. Samuel Patten, a Manafort associate, admitted that he paid $50,000 to get inauguration tickets for a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch and another Russian individual. This is illegal.
We fully understand why tRumpvangelicals want the investigation to end. And it has nothing to do with gov’t spending or time spent.
Talk to the people who care what you have to say. Thanks.
Thanks for the advice!
We’ll give it all the consideration it deserves.
Which is more than the consideration we give you.
Mule Ears is not President, thank God.
Now if Jeffery wants to do comparisons, let’s talk about Zippy, shall we?
And contacts do not translate to crime. Although, since we know our little Jeffery is a Commie at heart, it’s very Beria of him to say this amounts to a crime without any proof other than “contact” (this how your brain rots if you read the WaPo too long).
he paid $50,000 to get inauguration tickets for a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch and another Russian individual. This is illegal.
It is? How? and a Manafort associate is not necessarily a member of the Trump organization.
If that gruel were any thinner, it would be part of that water vapor that suddenly worries little Jeffery.
Actually, he hasn’t. Mortuary Bob Woodward, best connected guy in DC, says there’s no there there and he has the ear of creeps like Mule Ears.
PS Corsi is suing Mule Ears for 350 mil, so Mule Ears may soon have his own problems.
That is some accumulation of lies and half truths. Basically, you have not reported one crime. We have said before that you are not very bright and you have a very poor knowledge base. You are making yourself look like a fool.
He just shakes up the long-accepted status quo: the US taxpayers are no longer the dummies who pay for the whole world yet get taken advantage of at every turn.
America needs him to keep shaking things up.
And unfortunately this is why the left hates him. They want to protect their power and wealth. They are terrified they will be exposed. The deep state which is entrenched unelected Bureacrats who cannot be fired except under dire circumstances work for both sides of the aisle.
In DC the left and right have a pact. The right makes sure the Military industrial complex is well funded. The left makes sure the borders are kept open and 10’s of thousands of illegals flood into the nation yearly. These people don’t care about America. They are not patriots. Nationalism is the bane to existence of all countries on the planet and therefore they believe they are doing good and becoming insanely rich at the expense of US. The little guy with no voice, no power and no say in what goes on in this country.
Trump is hated beyond belief. Obama came to DC with the intention of being transparent until the deep state got ahold of him and his eyes were opened. Suddenly he became secretive and nothing about his administration was transparent.
If the DONALD played ball, Mueller would be done by now. But he hasn’t. Hes a threat to the deep state and this will not end until he is impeached.
ANYONE notice how the GOP is silent. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is defending trump, Pushing Back. Its the same thing that happened to GWB during the IRAQ war. The right shut up and disappeared and GWB hid in the White house till his time was up.
Because in this nation Politicans do not have power. The Deep State does.