Gotta love when a company that relies on shipping their products all over world which requires lots of fossil fuels climavirtue signal
Stella McCartney, Burberry among fashion brands uniting against climate change
The multitrillion-dollar business of fashion, with its complex and long supply chain, is worryingly vexed with problems contributing to climate change.
The fashion industry emits more greenhouse gas than all international flights and maritime shipping journeys combined, and it’s estimated that a garbage truck’s worth of clothing is either burned or sent to a landfill every second. On top of that, thanks to our powerful washing machines, our clothes pollute the ocean with microfibers equating to approximately 50 million plastic bottles each year. (microfibers is a real environmental issue, unlike AGW)
Conversation and action around sustainability and climate change has been quiet and slow to come within the sector, but Monday marks another move toward collective change. A fashion industry charter for climate action was formally launched at this year’s United Nations climate change conference, COP24, in Katowice, Poland.
Support for the new charter has come from high street retailers, luxury fashion houses and other suppliers within the sector. Stella McCartney, Burberry, Adidas and H&M Group are included in the list of 40 signatories.
Aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, the new charter includes 16 principles and targets. The companies involved have committed to reducing their aggregate greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 and they’ve agreed to prioritize low-carbon transportation suppliers and favor climate-friendly materials.
So, they’re pledging to Do Something. And whatever they do means the cost of their products will go up. Hooray!
Oh, and I’ve never considered Adidas to be a fashion company.
The charter is typical Stateist gobbletygook, and includes
- Decarbonization pathway and GHG emission reductions
- Raw material
- Manufacturing/Energy
- Logistics (through Clean Cargo Group1)
- Policy engagement
- Leveraging existing tools and initiatives
- Promoting broader climate action
Uh huh.

Some say they’re the 2nd worst polluting industry in the world, although these kind of metrics are increasingly mucked up by people who call CO2 emission pollution. Whatever the number, fashion, textiles, leather, etc are one of the biggest producers of air, water, and soil pollution in the world. 3rd world dying industries are especially onerous and poorly controlled.
This is what the “fashion industry” should be addressing first while they are in a state of self-reflection. Focusing on CO2 emissions is misguided, but a positive side-effect of reductions should be less pollution. But it probably won’t change 3rd world dying and tanning polluters who are huge suppliers of cheap material for cheap clothes sold all over the world. TJ Max! I don’t hear Burberry sounding concerned about dying.