Back before my Twitter account was killed for unknown reasons, I posted a tweet daily about #AmericaWithoutNetNeutrality, making fun of the wankers who thought Doom was coming. Nope, sorry, we survived (via Twitchy)
One year ago this week, after the Trump administration and @AjitPaiFCC reversed anti-innovation internet regulations instituted by the previous administration in 2015, CNN falsely reported “the end of the internet as we know it.”
The internet's still working just fine.
— U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (@SenBillCassidy) December 12, 2018
It is working just fine. We haven’t heard any stories of Big Tech doing bad things to the Internet, even though the repeal of NN was a direct threat to reproductive freedom, according to the ghouls at NARAL.
FCC #NetNeutality vote is happening right now and you can watch them destroy the internet live with me! Go to! #SaveNetNeutrality #TrumpBrokeTheInternet
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 14, 2017
Supporters of NN aren’t giving up, though: giving the federal government massive power over the Internet, treating it like a 1940’s phone system, is very important for them
(Gizmodo) Net neutrality proponents now have less than two weeks to convince 38 House lawmakers to support an effort to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality. Seventeen of those votes could come from Democrats who have yet to sign on—all of whom have received significant contributions from internet service providers such as Comcast.
Under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Congress could undo the controversial FCC rules passed in a party-line vote last December, which effectively reversed the 2015 Open Internet Order that had established net neutrality principals as federal regulation. In May, the U.S. Senate passed a CRA resolution for this purpose with the aid of three Republicans.
Unfortunately for supporters, the CRA rules for the House and Senate differ in one significant respect: In the Senate, a discharge petition—that which forces a vote on a CRA resolution—only requires 30 signatures, a threshold far below a majority. In the House, however, a majority, or 218 signatures, is required before a vote can be called.
Even if it manages to get a vote and passes in the House, the Senate will not vote to bring back Obama’s Internet control rules.
Now, the actual order that ended Obama’s Net Neutrality went fully into effect on April 23, 2018, and some are still telling us that Doom is coming, much like they do with ‘climate change’. Come April 23, 2019, when Bad Things haven’t materialized (just like they rarely did prior to Obama’s internet control rule and the Internet flourished from a tiny thought to everyone being addicted to it), Democrats will still push for it. Because virtually everything the do is about increasing the power of the government over your life.

The internet needs to be destroyed. Seriously. It is creating world wide anarchy and we are closer to world war 3 today than we were in 1960-70’s.
In fact the internet has destroyed millions upon millions of jobs while creating millions more which pay less, offer less security and have weakened unions. Another reason why the Democrats are abandoning the unions in favor of Illegals which come to the USA and take over union jobs for 1/3rd the pay.
Additionally a new Gallup Poll shows that 160,000,000 people WANT TO IMMIGRATE TO THE USA. The left is drooling mindlessly over this idea. The communists which do in fact still exist in Russia and China are drooling as well as they watch this kind of influx destroy what is left of America.
Because those 160 million are not skilled and educated people. If they were they would be doing quite well where they live now. These are ignorant people who have no training or skills necessary for the well being of the USA.
but the democrats do not care and what is more frightening is the fact that most Americans are no longer taught history or politics. They are brainwashed by a partisan school system. The most recent example is when queried about world war one, a large percent of those queried thought the war started over JFK Assasination, The Cuban Missile Crisis, and that Winston Churchill was the prime minister of the UK at the time as well as Ronald Reagan was the American president.
I mean people graduating HS/College know nothing of the real world and the dangers thereof.
The internet is a danger to the world. mark my words it will be the demise of us all.