Government at work, folks (via Twitchy)
BALTIMORE GUN BUYBACK | One woman said she's trading in a 9-mm gun in hopes of getting…a bigger weapon! MORE:
— FOX Baltimore (@FOXBaltimore) December 18, 2018
Twenty-five dollars for rifle magazines that carry more than 10 rounds, one-hundred dollars for revolvers, pump and bolt action weapons, two-hundred dollars for semi-automatic weapons and five-hundred dollars for full-auto weapons.
Thing is, that semi-auto pistol mostly likely cost more than she got back. Unless it’s old and worn out, not worth it. And, a fully automatic weapon? That would most likely be illegal to possess.
The Mayor and Police Commissioner say the gun buyback program is another tool in the waged war against violent crime some research shows gun buyback programs are not effective in reducing violent crime in urban settings.
Mayor Pugh told FOX45, “Our point here is, there are guns on the streets of our city. We are signaling folks out there, we don’t care if its grandpa’s gun or your gun, we want it.”
What they mostly get back are guns that were stolen. They give the thieves money, then they steal more guns.

The Mayor told the truth:
You see, they aren’t interested in reducing crime, oh, not in the slightest. Your grandpa isn’t likely to be a criminal, isn’t likely to go out and shoot people. If he has a firearm, either he’s interested in hunting, or perhaps he wants to be able to protect himself and his family if a real criminal breaks in. After all, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
And if they don’t feel like responding to your call for help, legally they’re not required to.
Best part: the same lefties who demand we all turn over our safety to the police, also love to emphasize the cases where cops do wrong, and then try to paint all cops as monsters.
“we don’t care if its grandpa’s gun or your gun, we want it.”
And even more truthful, would be they don’t want YOU to have it. Because they don’t trust you. They want you helpless and disarmed so they can do whatever they heck they want to you. Disarming the public is just one of the prerequisites for tyranny.
The left is really stepping up it’s plans to disarm the victims of violent crime. Have they considered any methods to punish the criminals who actually use guns in the commission of their crimes?
I assume when all the “diversity” finally arrives from South America, Africa and the Middle East the evil native white men should be completely disarmed. You know, to save the planet and for the children cause diversity is our strength and all.
This is the driving fear of the American far right: the loss of white privilege/superiority.
I am superior because of who I am, has nothing to do with skin color. For instance, I am far superior to you. So, how can I lose that??
If there really is such a thing as “white privilege/superiority,” then of course we’d want to keep it!
People have a natural inclination to want the best for their children, favoring their children above the children of others, so quite naturally if there is a special privilege in being white, it would be perfectly normal for white people to wish to retain it!
White superiority? If whites actually are superior, then shouldn’t we encourage that, in that it would bring about a better, more efficient society? If whites actually are superior, then imposing stupidity such as Affirmative Action to try to elevate those who are less gifted has the appalling effect of damaging society. If society is strictly egalitarian, neither elevating nor holding back anyone based upon his ethnicity or race, then those who are stronger, smarter, bolder or just plain better than others will rise to the top, regardless of their race or ethnicity.
What the left have, on the other hand, is the underlying assumption that whites and Asians actually are superior, and thus they must penalize them to help blacks and browns, whom the left silently concede to be inferior. Whatever blacks and browns achieve is forever tainted by the assumption, on the part of both the left and right, that they were aided on their way by those policies which restrained competition by whites and Asians.
In a truly race-neutral society, the best people will prosper, and benefit society. Let that happen, and it will be the true test as to whether any particular race or ethnic group is somehow superior to others.
Who knows? The results of that might just surprise people.
Then you admit the left is deliberately erasing whites through immigration? Thank you for your candor. I sit here and watch as the left imports millions upon millions of people who in no way resemble America and who in on way want to be any part of our culture. It boils down to deliberate racial genocide against whites whether you admit it or not. Why are we not importing millions of French, German and Italians? Why is forcing “the loss of white privilege/superiority” so important to you leftists? Why do you hate the very white people who built the country all these others want to move to? It’s all a rhetorical question because we know it’s because you are all anti-white racists. If you weren’t you’d be trying to get Africans, Hispanics and Mohammedans to move to China, Japan, Korea and Nepal but you’re not. You only want them to move to white majority nations so it’s racist!
Then you admit the left is deliberately erasing whites through immigration?
What I said, clearly, was that the US far right is afraid that that’s the case. Your beliefs don’t turn your fears into facts.
And your protestations hardly refute my contention. “Blood and soil!” “You will not replace us!” “Jews will not replace us!”
Are YOU afraid that a brown/Black/Muslim tsunami is washing over America and that you must fight that?
It’s understandable that when a dominant culture is threatened by minorities seeking equality and justice that the privileged feel attacked. You see Black folks as news anchors, gays marrying, transgendered being treated as humans, Muslims being defended as if they have a right to their religion, creches removed from public properties, Black men complaining about being shot by police – it all feels threatening. But if you’re a typical white working class American, your enemy is not Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks, your enemy is the US system that rewards the wealthy donor classes at the expense of working class Americans. It’s always been so, but it’s reached a fever pitch in the past several decades.
How can the left import anyone? The White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court and the majority of US statehouses are controlled by conservatives. Even Don Trump imports foreign workers for his estates and resorts.
Little Jeffery forgets that was Zippy and the Beast’s policy for 8 years. He’s already been rebutted.
if you’re a typical white working class American, your enemy is not Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks, your enemy is the US system that rewards the wealthy donor classes at the expense of working class
Right out of the 3rd sub-basement in the Kremlin, 1935. And the wealthy donor classes are all Lefties.
This kid needs lots better writers. The whole world is revolting against the UniParty.
How can the left import anyone? The White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court and the majority of US statehouses are controlled by conservatives.
The House has been run by Whigs for quite a while and Zippy’s policies are still carried out.
This is the driving fear of the American far right: the loss of white privilege/superiority.
A lot of black people carry firearms for protection. So, once again, you admit you’re a traitor to your people.
And whites will always be superior, at least in your eyes. The right, far or otherwise, knows that. Look at the mess of Southern Africa since whites were driven out.
Look at the people running the Left and the Democrat party.
All white. You’re still a slave, hopping to your massa’s every command.
And Us.
It’s a white thing. You wouldn’t understand.
You left out that guy who invented 100 recipes using peanuts. He was black.
Looks like the message is, “steal guns from your family members and sell them to us for pennies on the dollar so you have weed money”.
Man if I lived there I would be buying all the MagPul 30 round AR mags for about $12 each that I could and then peddling them to Baltimore for $25 each. That would be more profit per mag than MagPul makes…….