…is a holiday where people take long fossil fueled trips to visit people which is horrible, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a lawsuit to get Trump’s tax records getting shut down.

…is a holiday where people take long fossil fueled trips to visit people which is horrible, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a lawsuit to get Trump’s tax records getting shut down.
Do you think Individual-1’s decision to rapidly pull US troops out of Syria is a trick he’s playing on ISIS, or a favor to Iran, Russia and Assad?
Sure, because IS has been such a powerhouse in the Middle East since Zippy folded his tent and slunk away.
Individual-1 just surrendered to Russia, ISIS, Iran and Assad. Probably just another distraction from his legal problems. Like sending troops to the border, threatening a shut-down, faking a middle class tax cut, and on and on. He’s a desperate crook.
Yeah, we remember how upset the nignorant angry little negro fella from st. louis was when Loose Shoes pulled all U.S. troops from Iraq.

No, he won the war against IS and figured it was time to go home, having cleaned up yet another mess by Jeffery’s Mocha Messiah. If Jeffery had been paying attention, he’d recall this is why he sent in the Rangers and it’s the reason he’s pulling them out.
But, of course, Jeffery thought Zippy was so right walking away from Iraq, which began this whole mess.
And sending troops to the border worked. The illegals are stuck in Mexico.
And we have yet to see how the shutdown works out, but, so far, he’s made the Demos look like the Grinches. Just in time for Christmas.
Any more stupid things you’d like to say?
I have family who have been there a d participated in the war. I can assure you that you have no idea as to what is going on. But that has never prevented you from saying very stupid things. Most of your hate would be rectified if you would grow up and get an education.
That’s a girl for whom most guys would holla.
Do you think American troops should be in Syria, Jethro? When did you become a war monger?
May 17, 2017
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.
The decision by the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came after a cascade of damaging developments for Mr. Trump in recent days, including his abrupt dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, and the subsequent disclosure that Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.
Is Individual-1 going to fold on The Wall? The Republican Senate just passed a stopgap spending bill and it’s likely the Republican House will do the same. Will Republican Individual-1 sign it or cause the gov’t to shut down just before Christmas?
Con Rep Mark Meadows said tRump is doing himself ” major political damage” if he gives in.
Ann Coulter called him “gutless”.
Trump U Scam… Winning!Trump Foundation Scam… Winning!Ann Coulter said Chris Christie was the only real Conservative in ’12. Using her as a reference is treading on non-existent ice.
Meadows is a Republican. We do not have a Conservative party in this country. What he says is his opinion, but his opinion is just that and nothing more.
Much as little Jeffery loves to be the spreader of FUD, along with other things, I recommend him to the wisdom of Sun Tzu – If a battle can’t be won, don’t fight it.
Ryan has been bought and paid for by Tom Donahue along with many of the Whigs who threw their political career to the winds this year. Trump has floated a deal with the Demos. They are, as always, the Party of No, so it will not pass the House.
If there’s a shutdown, he dumps it in Pelosi Galore’s lap.
President Trump has a strategy.
You learn that by watching what our enemies do.
First, they want to undermine support of President Trump by blaming him for Washington’s refusal to build the wall. Official Washington favors Mexicans over Americans.
Eddie Scarry wrote in Washington Examiner, “The ‘wall’ is now ‘steel slats’ and Trump has screwed his supporters.”
He quoted Ainsley Earhardt of Fox News, who told Kellyanne Conway, “People who voted for him and want the wall, went to the polls to vote for that wall, they want to know how he’s going to do this and they want to know why he seems to be softening his stance this morning.”
Scarry is concern trolling to please his boss.
This is what Jeffery has been told to do.
The Washington Examiner is owned by the guy who owned the Weekly Standard. He also hired Fusion GPS to get dirt on The Donald. There was nothing there. Fusion GPS then was hired by Hillary and Obama to come up with a justification for wiretapping Trump Tower.
The Examiner’s owner is folding the Weekly Standard because its name is mud. He will launch the Weekly Standard 2.0 as a weekly Washington Examiner.
However, that does not reduce the Trumpenfreude over the fall of the Weekly Standard. Like most conservative organizations, it deteriorated into liberalism over time. Good riddance.
President Trump cannot get funding for the wall. Paul Ryan is a Democrat now, and Mitch McConnell does not have the votes in the Senate. Why embarrass the Senate?
And, if little Jeffery wants to talk about scams, we always have F&F, Uranium One, the so-called Deep State coup, Mule Ears and the ever-present hope he’ll actually come up with something.
If we’re talking Winning
The economy
The border war
The trade war
The war on IS
Looks to me like we’re kicking little Jeffery’s ass.
Trump Wednesday: “We have defeated Isis in Syria,!”
Pentagon Wednesday: “the coalition has liberated the ISIS-held territory, but the campaign is not over.â€
Trump Thursday: “Russia, Iran, Syria and others are the local enemy of ISIS. We were doing there (sic) work. Time to come home and rebuild.â€
The reliably supportive trumpublican Lindsay Graham compared Trump’s actions to President Obama’s.
Where’s your Surrender Monkey meme?
Just a nignorant child repeating incoherent nonsense.
If the DOD says the campaign isn’t over, it just means our Arab allies and Israel will carry the burden from now on.
And Graham may still be the thrall of St John of Hanoi on foreign policy. Unlike your side, people on ours are allowed to have diverse opinions. We’re not all brainwashed and living in fear of being cast from FB for having a stray thought that has “offended” somone.
Somebody’s been beating little Jeffery’s ass about towing the Party line.
I was in Iraq this time last year. I witnessed the fall of ISIS. America and their coalition partners had very limited goals for being in Iraq and Syria and those were all tied to defeating ISIS. By any measurable standard, that has been accomplished months ago. This isn’t about Bush, Hillary, Trump, Obama, or Kerry. It’s really simple. We as a nation had goals for our military. They accomplished those goals. Now those resources get reassigned. That is what normal looks like.
I like the Holla girl. That is the real reason ISIS lost. They had nothing worth fighting for.