…is a world flooded due to Other People consuming meat over holidays, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on Toblerone chocolate conforming to Islamic law.

…is a world flooded due to Other People consuming meat over holidays, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on Toblerone chocolate conforming to Islamic law.
Toblerone chocolate is Halal. So?
Nothing has changed in the formulation or recipe, it was just shown to conform with Halal so that devout Muslims can eat it.
Toblerone is likely Kosher as well.
Creeping Sharia sounds nuts.
Just like you, but here you are.
The stock market has lost nearly 20% of value the last couple months.
Government spending is keeping the tRump “Miracle” going.
US exports fell by the largest amount since early 2009 (The Great Recession).
And deficits are headed back toward $1 trillion a year! We’re adding to the debt during “miracle” economy.
The gap between rich and poor continues to widen.
It has? According to whom?
The Market peaked at 26.7. It closed at 22.4. If it’s lost 20% of its value, it should be a lot lower.
and the market’s having conniptions for 2 reasons. First, FAANG is in a tailspin (lost over 1T in the last 4 months) and second, That idiot, Powell is playing Lefty games with the interest rates because he thinks it’s his job to “cool off the economy”.
And, no, government spending is doing nothing of the sort. People are still buying, companies are still expanding. The issue is long term, those who need loans will have to pay more for them.
And deficits are headed back toward $1 trillion a year! We’re adding to the debt during “miracle†economy.
I thought you didn’t want anyone touching entitlements, yet here you are, shedding crocodile tears over big deficits. We’d also be adding to the debt, even if the budget was balanced (listen to him spin on that one).
Betcha didn’t feel that way when Zippy was in.
And gap between rich and poor continues to widen because the poor continue to make bad life choices and rich Leftists continue to encourage them to make those choices.
If poor people voting for Republicans is a bad life choice, than yes. Our policies support the wealthy at the expense of the workers.
So you want to cut taxes on the wealthy and superwealthy, AND cut benefits to the elderly to pay for them? All GOPhers should run on that platform.
So balanced budgets are a bad thing? Exploding the debt during a strong economy is good?
And the stock market is dropping because stocks in the stock market are dropping? Great analysis! Look up tautology.
The FED raises interest rates to quell inflation (2% target). Loan rates (autos, homes) go up. Fiscal policy, where the government spends, stimulates the economy. Monetary policy, where the FED modulates interest rates (and money supply) can be used to stimulate (0% rate) or slowing the economy by raising rates.
Actually, it’s more like poor people voting for Democrats that’s a bad life choice. Voting for Trump was probably the smartest thing a lot of them have ever done.
Entitlements are what run the debt. Cut the welfare rolls and privatize Social Security, add a means test, run it off the markets rather than some phony government lockbox that probably never existed, and put the thing on a paying basis. We know how you’d hate the idea.
Cutting taxes makes for business, and therefore, job growth as well as personal consumption. Trump also wants to cut taxes for the working stiffs, while the Demos want to raise them. Guess which puts a bigger burden on people, cutting taxes or raising them?
Ask the IRS, raising taxes cuts revenue, cutting taxes raises it (you really don’t understand how this works, do you?).
Balanced budgets are just dandy and it’s probably better to spend when times are good rather than in bad times, but I doubt you objected to Zippy ballooning the debt, so this is just more of your hypocrisy.
And the stock market is dropping because stocks in the stock market are dropping?
I will explain it in baby talk, so even you will get it.
FAANG, a group of tech companies run by hypocritical Lefties just like you have made people mad because they sell people’s data to other companies. They’ve also allowed hackers to gain access to that data. They’ve also discriminated against Conservatives. That’s made enough people mad that pulling their money out of FAANG companies has cost them over $1T in 4 months.
This is why the market dropped through the summer.
Then, the mean Lefty chairman of the Federal Reserve said it was his job to cool off the economy, not to quell inflation btw (in the hope people would start to hate the President; fat chance). He scared people by threatening to raise interest rates which caused many people to sell stocks. He then raised interest rates which caused many people to sell many more stocks.
I know this is hard stuff, but try, even though you’re just another brainwashed Commie, to understand.
Why would anyone read past your first sentence?
No one stopped tRump and the GOPhers from cutting taxes for the working classes. They preferred to cut taxes for the wealthy. It’s what Cons do.
GOPhers control the House, Senate, White House, the Supreme Court and most state governments. They should privatize Social Security. Why haven’t they?
How much of federal spending goes to welfare each year? Do you consider Medicare to be welfare? Medicaid? SNAP?
Who appointed the Fed Chairman? tRump.
Only one of those companies, Apple, is listed on the DJIA, which has dropped from 26828 Oct 3 to 22442 today. Is it your contention that Apple caused the Dow drop by itself? Did Apple sell people’s data? Did Apple discriminate against Cons? How?
Oh, and kiss my ass.
Most people already know this, but you seem to be in a perpetual state of willful ignorance.
They preferred to cut taxes for the wealthy. It’s what Cons do.
Yeah, because it, and cutting all those Democrat regulations, is what gets the economy moving. And Zippy was doing such a swell job stagnating it, right?
They should privatize Social Security. Why haven’t they?
Because creeps like you use the media to demonize them by taking advantage of a lot of old people’s ignorance and fear.
Who appointed the Fed Chairman? tRump.
We all make mistakes. Like your parents.
There’s a general run on tech stocks. Read the financial page. If you can put down the comic strips.
Oh, and I’m not queer.
Leilani should be escaping the rising seas, but instead she daringly turns toward the water and heads out as if she hasn’t a care in the world that the polar ice-caps should have melted by now. She looks fit enough to survive the millimeter of sea level rise that is coming this year.
Oh noes!!! A big wave caused by climate change knocked off her top and she had to turn around and come back to land: (NSFW)
The stock market is way, way, way over valued. With the fed raising interest rates the moment Trump was elected. They already tried to stifle the economy and put the Anti-Fed President on notice.
What has transpired is that bonds of many times including savings accounts at many banks paying 4 percent interest on the average daily balance is keeping money in banks and moving money to Bonds.
The result is a declining stock market. When the Dow hits 20000 and it will it will be time to look at investing but a major, major correction was needed because for 9 1/2 years the only place to put money was the stock market with their 4-7 percent dividend paying blue chip stocks as well as the simple run up of value of the stock itself because no one could save anywhere else.
Now that the interest rates are becoming appealing, at least to savers the market will continue its slide. The fed is doing everyone a favor except for those who bought high and are holding out hope the market will return to 25k-26k anytime in the near future.
Your best bet right now is saving money in a simple checking account that pays 3-4 percent on the average daily balance. Right Now I keep 10,000 dollars in my checking account with fraud protection should someone break into my account and rob me blind. It costs me nothing for this money to sit there. The rest of my investments are in blue chip dividend paying stocks which as their price falls the dividend yield increases. A win, win. The only losers are those who were hoping Face book etc. would continue its crazy and insane run up based upon nothing more than no where else to invest under Obama.