It couldn’t have anything to do with garbage sitting around and stuff, right? Oh, wait, right, we should blame all the New York City resident traveling around in their fossil fueled vehicles living and working in their buildings with outsized carbon footprints
‘We are at war’: New York’s rat crisis made worse by climate change
The discarded slices of pizza that litter New York’s streets have long fuelled its sizeable population of rats, but now the city’s growing swarm has a new reason to enjoy their home – warming temperatures.
City officials have reported an increasing number of calls from residents complaining about rats, and have warned that milder winters are helping them feed and mate longer into the year. And as winters warm up, more frequent outdoor activity by humans is adding to the litter rats thrive upon.
Rat-related complaints have been on the rise over the past four years, with 19,152 calls made to the city last year, an increase of about 10% on 2016. There are no reliable figures on the number of rats in New York – estimates range from 250,000 to tens of millions – but the surge in rat activity has been replicated in other cities. Houston, Washington, Boston and Philadelphia have experienced large increases in calls to pest control.
Veteran anti-rat strategists have, in part, blamed climate change. “It’s a complex issue but we are seeing rat population increases around the world now,†said Bobby Corrigan, a sought-after rat-catching consultant who once spent a week living in a rat-infested barn in Indiana as part of his PhD research.
So, they can’t actually show that the numbers have increased, just that there are more calls. Might it have something to do with more people in these cities making more messes? Regardless, the thing here is that they cannot prove that the very slight warming has been mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Still, everyone in these big Leftist cities who Believes in ‘Climate Change’ should immediately go carbon neutral. Just to be sure.

Carbon neutral for these cities not enough to do the job, re the rats. They need to go carbon negative, or carbon minus, including holding their collective breath until they pass out. And then do it again. And again. And again. Also, they could send their garbage to the landfill instead of dropping it wherever they are. Who cares about the urban rat complaint growth rate anyway? The urban areas make their own problems.