I wonder how many of the Progressive parishioners drove their fossil fueled vehicle to the church?
Progressive churches are singing rewritten Christmas carols to fight climate change
Some progressive churches in Australia are teaming up to fight climate change this Christmas season — and are singing rewritten Christmas carols to get the job done.
Check out the Pitt Street Uniting Church Singers croon new versions of “Joy to the World,” “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “Silent Night,” and others..
The rewritten version of “Joy to the World” they sing in the clip goes like so:
Cool down the world / the time has come / for targets tight and fairÂ
Let petrol, oil, and coal / prepare to goÂ
Let’s fund renewablesÂ
Let’s fund renewablesÂ
Let’s fund, let’s fund renewablesThe Pitt Street Uniting Church’s website describes the congregation as a “progressive faith community of justice-seeking friends in the heart of Sydney.”“We still sing traditional carols and celebrate Christmas!” says thevideo description of church singers belting out the new carols. “We also believe that God wants us to care for the earth. 97% of climatologists believe that climate change is real, and that it is in part caused by human activity.”
The Lord also says you should practice what you preach
Another video featured “people of faith” singing the carols in Brisbane “to remind ourselves, the public and elected leaders of our responsibility to look after our common home, planet Earth. The Very Rev. Dr. Peter Catt, Dean of Brisbane’s St. John’s Cathedral said that in this climate emergency we must stand up for urgent action against coal and support renewable energy projects especially in Queensland.”
The Very Rev. should hearken back to 2012 when the party in control rammed through all sorts of ‘climate change’ measures then lost so badly during the Queensland elections that they did not have enough seats to be a formally recognized political party.

Sung to the tune of ‘Jesus loves me’:
Global warming’s true I know,
’cause Obama tells me so.
If it’s warming or if it’s freezin’,
global warming is the reason.
Blame global warming,
blame global warming,
It’s global warming,
Obama tells me so.
Al Gore and DiCaprio
Say that CO2 must go.
They can fly their private jets,
but we shouldn’t drive our vets!
Blame global warming,
blame global warming,
It’s global warming,
Obama tells me so.
Love it.
Could also be Stalin/Lenin, Chairman Mao, Uncle Ho.
All gods to the witless.
I kinda like this.
The line at 1:44 is “their money’s where their mouth is….”
Cool beans.
Sell the church to put the church’s money where your mouth is.
[…] Hat tip: Pirate’s Cove. […]
You people are just lunatics. Rewriting Christmas songs, about fake global warming… Is your church now off the grid? No electric, no heating and so forth, you get water from rain and a water well? If not you are part of the problem. Where does your electricity come from? You got parishioners out back in a mouse wheel generating your electricity, if not you are hypocrites. Do all of your donations go to renewable energy and not in the pockets of the church leaders? Do your church leaders live in hut’s behind the church? And how was that church built, and furnished…did it not take coal and fossil fuels to run all the equipment to make all that stuff… God is grimacing at you right now! Are you the church of Satan, then I could see why you would turn religious songs into this garbage. You should all be ashamed, it is not funny.
Where did all your clothing come from? Did you shear sheep and hand spin the wool? You know it took factories to make all that stuff right, and more fossil fuels. How do you get around town, car which takes fuels, a bike, might be your power but how was it manufactured??? That paper for your signs, did you chop down trees???? Really you killed trees to make that paper? You do know where paper comes from right, we need trees for clean air!!! And OMG how many trees did it take to make that guitar?? Just pathetic.