North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein apparently thinks that those poor women can’t afford their own birth control
BREAKING: Today, I sued to block the Trump Administration's new rules to limit women’s access to contraception. I will fight these regulations in court because they are unlawful and I believe that women, not their employers, should make their own birth control decisions.
— Josh Stein (@JoshStein_) December 20, 2018
Is it even necessary to note how much is wrong with this? If you’re a Republican, you understand that not forcing companies to pay for contraception doesn’t limit access. It’s right there at every drug store. You can find condom vending machines all over the place in bars and nightclubs. Heck, at schools! And, if companies shouldn’t be making birth control decisions, then why should they pay for it?
If you’re a hardcore Stateist, well, you get the above. Anyhow, since he doesn’t offer a link, here you go
Attorney General Josh Stein today filed a complaint to seek an injunction to prevent new Trump administration rules that will drastically change access to contraceptive coverage. Specifically, these rules will allow any employer or health insurer with religious objections to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage requirement.
“I believe that women, not their employers, should make their own birth control decisions,†said Attorney General Josh Stein. “These new rules to limit women’s access to contraception are unlawful, and I will fight to stop them.â€
Almost 2 million women in North Carolina have benefited from the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage requirement. More than 70 percent of North Carolina women aged 18-49 use contraception, including nearly 80 percent who are at risk of unintended pregnancy. In 2010, public costs for unintended pregnancies in North Carolina were $858.3 million.
The Attorney General’s complaint states that these new rules are illegal, as they violate the Administrative Procedure Act, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Today’s action against the new rules comes after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration’s interim final rules early this year.
The thing is, the HHS rule on contraception was created out of the blue. There is nothing really in the Obamacare bill that authorized this rule specifically. Contraception doesn’t appear in Ocare. Anyhow, Democrats are so paternalistic towards women that they do not think women can afford $9 a month for birth control pills.

Did you realize that more available contraception reduces abortions? As does more education? More income? More available healthcare?
Do you want to reduce abortion or control women?
Do you realize we just have your word for this?
As does more education? More income? More available healthcare?
Plenty of available healthcare, so that’s not an issue. Lot’s of upper class broads (think Chrissy Ford) have abortions, so that’s no answer.
Anybody can buy birth control anytime they want. I’m sure it’s in the reach of anybody on welfare.
As for control, maybe women need to control themselves. A lot less WD-40 between the legs solves many problems.
Women so rarely get pregnant alone. Anyway, thanks for confirming my point. It’s not about money, it’s about controlling women. The anti-abortion movement is not about fetuses, it’s about controlling women.
Cons ignore facts. Contraception prevents abortion.
“it’s about controlling women.”
Not sure how you got from women controlling themselves (“As for control, maybe women need to control themselves.”) to this being about others controlling women, but it makes as much sense as anything else you say.
Ah, yes, all men rape all women, right?
Maybe you do, but, in most cases, sex is consensual
Still trolling. It’s never about controlling anyone. It’s about self responsibility. It’s your body. Contraceptives cost around 18 dollars per month.
For patients not covered by health insurance, birth control pills typically cost $20 to $50 a month.
For patients covered by health insurance, out-of-pocket costs typically consist of a prescription drug copay. Most insurance plans offer the lowest copays on generic medication — usually $5 to $15 — and higher copays of $30 to $40 for non-preferred brands.
The left is all about a narrative that is false. Even with insurance it costs between 5 to 40 bucks a month and I am pretty sure most insurances today are closer to the 40 and farther from the 5.
Yet without insurance the cost is between 20-50 dollars per month. The difference is on the order of 10-15 dollars per month if you buy your own without insurance as opposed to having no coverage for birth control at all.
SO EITHER WAY YOUR PAYING. Its never been about controlling women as the left claims. Its about controlling costs.
Medicaid policy on contraceptives. The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) has established a Maternal and Infant Health Initiative (PDF 114.29 KB) (the Initiative) for the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Under the Initiative, CMCS will promote the use of effective methods of contraception in order to improve pregnancy timing and spacing and in turn, the health outcomes for both women and children.
A variety of contraceptive methods are available today such as barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms, and sponges), hormonal methods (pills, patches, rings, injectibles) and long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) (intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants). Each method has different characteristics that influence an individual’s choice;
An now you know the rest of the story. The poor have access to contraceptives for FREE. Those with insurance have to pay either co-pay or flat out pay for the contraceptives themselves, the cost being only between 5-15 dollars per month difference.
The left continues to LIE to deceive the American voter and it worked. When will the right fight back with the truth and facts? Who knows. People are more interested in the fight now than they are in the truth.
I think the cost for bcp is about $5 to $10 per month and free to many women. I can remember when a statement like this in the 70s would be an insult to blacks as they would view it as trying to eliminate black people.
they do not think women can afford $9 a month for birth control pills
Poor women have to make choices, including whether to pay $9/mo for contraception. It might not be much to a single guy with a good job and no children.
If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them.
Since most reversible contraception methods have a failure rate, the only way for a woman to have zero chance for pregnancy is to not have sex. Do you think women shouldn’t have sex unless they plan to get pregnant? How about men? Should they only have vaginal sex with a woman when they plan to impregnate them?
Not sure what your statement has to do with this topic, since the contraception that is the subject of this article is ‘reversible.’
As for your questions, yes, neither men nor women should copulate unless they are willing to face the consequences of pregnancy. They might not want pregnancy to occur in any given copulation, but it’s always a possibility, even if the probabilities are low.`
I believe the phrase is, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the timeâ€.
Jeffery wants us to weep for people because sex means pregnancy. You have choices and you have consequences. You make a choice, you live with the consequences.
“the only way for a woman to have zero chance for pregnancy is to not have sex.”
Your point being…? Apparently, you think women are incapable of controlling their urges. Probably best not to let them vote or make any other important decisions, right, you sexist pig?
You really have no idea what you’re writing, do you?
Hell, that’s a couple of packs of smokes or a fifth of Jack. Ansd still a Hell of a lot chear than weed.
Thing is, most corporations would want contraceptive coverage in their health care plans, because pregnancy is expensive for business. It’s much better for companies to not have female employees get pregnant, and need time off of work for pre-natal exams, and to have to hold their jobs open for maternity leave. It is much better for companies when their male employees do not have to take time off from work for the birth of their children or for additional child care requirements.
We’ve already heard about how Planned Parenthood, of all places, offers little in maternity coverage for its own employees, and how they’ve urged employees on maternity leave to return to work early.
It’s obvious: from a strictly financial sense, companies which do not want to offer contraception are hurting themselves. Thus, companies which do not wish to do this must have a fairly strong moral reason for not wanting to offer contraceptive care.
Aren’t contraceptives pretty inexpensive, I mean like barely more than aspirin or ibuprofen? Why can’t these feminists pay for their own inexpensive drugs. I do. Condoms are pretty cheap too, but not as much fun as the morning after pill of course. They require planning, and everyone knows how that can ruin the moment. They are just another platoon in the Free $hit Army, or at least that is how I see it……
“I believe that women, not their employers, should make their own birth control decisions,â€
There he is – he’s got it!
“These new rules to limit women’s access to contraception are unlawful, and I will fight to stop them.â€
Or not.
He ALMOST achieved consciousness. Almost.
When the anti-abortion right makes their draconian laws putting doctors, women, clerks, etc in prison for life, would you also imprison the man who impregnated her? If not, why not?
Well, for openers, she probably won’t know which one.
When the anti-abortion right makes their draconian laws putting doctors, women, clerks, etc in prison for life
We certainly hope this includes lawyers, judges, media types, and trolls.
But why put them on the public dole for the rest of their lives?
Send them to Venezuela where they can enjoy that good socialist life. Or send them north of the Brooks Range in their PJs.
Problem solved.
He may not have been involved in procuring the abortion, and might not even know that he knocked her up. If he was aware and complicit in procuring the abortion, then yes, he shoulod be criminally liable.
Why does the complete responsibility for the pregnancy rest on the woman? Few women become pregnant without a man’s complete cooperation. Maybe if men were punished for randomly impregnating women (and subsequent abortions) they’d be a little more careful in spewing their DNA hither and yon.
Do you agree that biological fathers need to be forced by law to support the child through college? This could amount to a couple hundred grand. Should we increase our enforcement of finding fathers and forcing them to be responsible? Maybe that would make them reconsider their behaviors.
Does the woman have full responsibility for being impregnated? If the man has no responsibility than all decisions should be hers alone. Including whether to use “morning after” drugs or abortion.
Because women are the ones who get pregnant?
Maybe if men were punished for randomly impregnating women
Last I looked, there was this thang called child support. You do have to be able to ID dear old Dad, but it’s there.
And most men (you can tell Jeffery knows next to nothing about this man-woman thingy) don’t go around randomly impregnating women and spewing their DNA hither and yon. Most consider themselves fortunate to get laid at all.
There’s a reason it’s called getting lucky.
Do you agree that biological fathers need to be forced by law to support the child through college?
Let the kid get a scholarship. Or a job.
Or both.
Kind of like what we’d all like to see Jeffery do.
No, that’s a civil liability.