While gun registration may seem no big deal on the surface, like so many other gun grabber proposals it really is about making it easier to grab those guns later, to restrict people from having firearms for protection and hunting and sport
Less than 20 per cent of long guns registered in Quebec ahead of Jan. 29 deadline
Quebec’s attempt to establish a firearms registry is facing resistance, and with a January deadline looming, less than 20 per cent of the long guns believed to be in the province have been declared.
Pro-gun activist Guy Morin is calling on the public to “wait until the last minute†to comply with the law. The spokesman for Tous contre un registre quebecois des armes a feu (All Against a Quebec Gun Registry) said in an interview Friday his hope is either the registry will be abolished or so few people will register that it “cannot be enforced.â€
The government has put the number of long guns — mostly shotguns and rifles — in Quebec at roughly 1.6 million. But since the registry opened last January, only 284,125 guns had been declared, Public Security Department spokeswoman Louise Quintin said.
Morin, whose group last month cancelled a plan to hold a rally at a memorial site for the 14 women killed at Ecole Polytechnique, said Quebec’s law is an affront. “We are Canadian gun owners, and this is insulting to us,†he said. “Why do we have to register here when everywhere else in the country, you don’t have to?â€
And said registry allows government to grow and repress
Following pressure from gun-control groups, Quebec passed a law creating its own registry in 2016. The government has given gun owners until Jan. 29, 2019 to register their firearms or face penalties of up to $5,000.
Quebec initially said its registry would cost $17 million and another $5 million annually to maintain. Quintin said in an email that the budget for setting up the registry is now set at $20 million.
Public Security Minister Genevieve Guilbault told reporters this week the government is hoping it does not have to resort to fines. “Yes, there are fines that can be applied for people who don’t fulfil their obligations,†she said. “But you know, before the repression part, I prefer to focus on the prevention part,†she added, encouraging people to register their guns over the Christmas holidays.
Oh, wait, it gets better
Heidi Rathjen, co-ordinator of PolySeSouvient, a gun-control group formed after the 1989 Polytechnique massacre, lobbied for the creation of the Quebec registry. She rejects arguments it is a waste of money, pointing to provincial police statistics showing 80 per cent of firearms seized during crimes over the past 20 years were long guns.
Rathjen said a registry is essential because guns cannot be controlled if the government doesn’t know how many there are and where they are.
Controlled. The same people are usually soft on criminals at the same time.

OTOH Given how authoritarian Canuckistan is getting, it can also be noted how easy it is to herd people into cattle cars if they’re unarmed.
The article cited said:
Better yet, wait until the last minute, and then don’t comply with the law. Of course, in Quebec it’s probably against the law to urge people to disobey an unjust law, but if I were a Quebecois, and owned a firearm, I would not comply. F(ornicate) a government that infringes upon people’s rights!
Of course, this ridiculous law has darker consequences: obeying the law means surrendering to the chipping away of individual rights, but disobeying the law makes one a criminal, and thus the government can make it illegal for you to own a gun at all.
I don’t know much about the Canadian legal system, but that’s what the gun grabbers will eventually try here: mandate the registration of all firearms — that’s common sense gun regulation, don’t you know, not an attempt at taking away your guns — and make non-compliance a felony. Then, as a convicted felon, your right to keep and bear arms can be taken away.
The object of so many things the left wants is to take away a persons rights and to make them a criminal. The reason is in a country (or world for leftists) where the state limits speech, firearms, free association, business, religion, education and healthcare all of there things can be denied a “felon”. Then the only people with any rights at all are fellow leftists and their army of agents, bureaucrats and secret police. Heck, I just described the Soviet state without even trying.
Until recently, conservatives had stopped millions of felons in FL from voting.
Contrary to right-wing conspiracy theories, the facts show it’s conservatives suppressing likely Dem voters.
Asking for a non-driver ID that costs less than a fifth, is hardly suppressing votes.
As always, the little schmuck can’t take a breath without lying.
PS Conservatives still want to stop millions of felons in FL from voting.
Rick Scott is hardly all that Conservative.
And why do Lefties feel so adamant about letting Lefties vote?
Professional courtesy?
Obviously a paid shill under the employ of China or Russia here to sew discord and anger. Ignore Him.
Amendment 4, to restore voting rights for most felons, was passed by 64 percent of Floridians. Murderers and those convicted of sex crimes were excluded from restoration of rights.
The Amendment potentially adds over 1,000,000 new voters to FL rolls.
I’d check that one for vote fraud.
restore voting rights for most felons
When were they first given voting rights? When Old Hickory took the place from Spain?
The Amendment potentially adds over 1,000,000 new voters to FL rolls.
This assumes they can stay out of the clink that long.
PS Jeffery seems awfully concerned about felons voting. Does he see a conviction in his future?
Yes. The felonious tRump family could have their rights restored after they satisfy their debts to society. After all, the head of the tRump Crime Family resides in Mar-a-Lago FL.
You’re too easy…
Thanks for the early Kwanzaa present!
It was passed by what percent of Floridians? Anyway, murderers and those convicted of sex crimes may be excluded but not murderers and sex offenders who plead guilty to lessor crimes. So , no. And adding 1,000,000 new leftist votes is an accomplishment only Stalin could be proud of.
Why don’t Con Men want Americans to vote? It’s the only way a minority can dominate the majority, and Con Men realize it’s their only hope, short of a police state (which Con Men also favor, if that’s what it takes to rule).
Obviously a paid shill for either Russia or China whose sole purpose is to spread disinformation and dissent in America.
IGNORE HIM. Totally.
Until Democrats were desperate for votes, illegals and felons (same thing, really) weren’t allowed to vote and all Americans agreed on it.
And Conservatives, not to mention white people, are the majority.
Wishful thinking (hating, really) by little black racists doesn’t count.
Being in the country unlawfully is not even a crime, much less a felony.
Unlawful entry is a misdemeanor, punishable by a small fine and up to 6 months in jail.
More and more foreign nationals unlawfully present in the US have overstayed a valid travel or work visa, so they did not enter the country unlawfully.
It’s surprising that Republicans haven’t made unlawful entry and unlawful presence felonies with severe penalties.
US residents here unlawfully are not allowed to vote.
Republicans discourage voting by minorities since minorities are more likely to vote for Democrats.
In MO midterms, citizens passed Constitutional Amendment 1 adds a non-partisan state demographer, tasked with drawing state legislative districts to inform the current bipartisan redistricting commission. The vote was 62-38. The current MO governor, Mike Parsons (R) who replaced the disgraced and resigned GOP governor wants the Amendment repealed.
The new GOP does not believe in democracy since they consider themselves the chosen people entitled to rule the US. Any dishonesty on their part is acceptable since it serves the greater good.
A paid shill by the Russians or Chinese who doesn’t even under stand the nuances of leftism in the United States. Every post should be ignored. He is here to sew discord, divison and anger on this and many other websites he visits daily. The truth is in the preponderance of posts he makes here daily. No doubt he gets paid by the posts on a dozen different Right websites.
Remember when you hit the reply button to Mr. Jethro, that he welcomes anger and is trolling to achieve it.
Why do you feel that facts sow discord, division and anger? Because they counter your deeply held beliefs?
I am very well paid, but by a US corporation, and not for commenting on right-wing websites, or commenting anywhere for that matter. You overestimate the amount of time it takes to refute conservative hatred and talking points.
Do right-wingers really believe that someone pays Americans to argue on right-wing blogs? Yet, you probably don’t believe the Russians ran an online propaganda campaign in support of DJ tRump.
I find right-wing followers to be fascinating. Right-wing leaders flatter you but betray your loyalty.
You are well paid by our tax money that you get from government grants. Then you raise rates for your products far in excess of comparable business and really rape the middle class.
As to your climate religion, you have not offered a single thing to back up your claims and your only solution to your manufactured religion is world communism and destruction of our way of life, except for certain elite.
Lies as usual from you.
Venture investors in small corporations pay the salaries of the employees, hoping to make a significant profit. That’s where we get more than 99.5% of our investment.
Not sure why you think the transition away from fossil fuels is a tenet of communism or would result in the destruction of our way of life. Can you offer a single thing to back up your claims?
If you have problems with venture investors take it up with Congress and implore them to change the tax laws. If you have problems with the exorbitant profits of drug companies, lobby your Reps to tighten the patent laws that encourage drug developers to sell medicines for exorbitant costs.
Being in the country unlawfully is not even a crime, much less a felony.
Unlawful entry is a misdemeanor, punishable by a small fine and up to 6 months in jail.
Contradiction much?
More and more foreign nationals unlawfully present in the US have overstayed a valid travel or work visa, so they did not enter the country unlawfully.
But they’re still her unlawfully. Like those 9/11 guys.
Republicans discourage voting by minorities since minorities are more likely to vote for Democrats.
Rick Scott and Ted Cruz are in the Senate because on minorities. And we’re still the majority here.
The current MO governor, Mike Parsons (R) wants the Amendment repealed.
Vote fraud much?
The new GOP does not believe in democracy since they consider themselves the chosen people entitled to rule the US.
He must be getting a new Bell & Howell for Christmas.
“Republicans discourage voting by minorities…â€. Surprise-another assertion by J without any proof.
ÐžÑ‚Ð»Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÑ‚ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ð°, товарищ!
Тем не менее, как черный руÑÑкий, Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð°ÑŽ больше о Ðмерике, чем вы.
Mommy left the key to the liquor cabinet in the open again.
Venture investors in small corporations pay the salaries of the employees, hoping to make a significant profit. That’s where we get more than 99.5% of our investment.
They do? And here I thought it was for the necessary manufacturing and technological equipment. Most startups are pretty skin-and-bones when it comes to staff, but, when It’
s government grants, the sky’s the limit because Whitey’s paying for it, right?
Not sure why you think the transition away from fossil fuels is a tenet of communism or would result in the destruction of our way of life. Can you offer a single thing to back up your claims?
Because, after the Berlin Wall fell, all the Commies got into global warming?
There are some things about our boy jeff that you might not know. He had his education paid for by you in the form of NIH grants. Then much of the funding for his corporation is by similar grants. This guy lives off the tax payer. He then takes huge deductions again at your expense. Finally, he is in the drug business and charged you considerably more than his drugs are worth. You might say he is a leech.
Then our man jeff, or boy, can not see the pain of climate laws in Europe and how he wants that here. He is a true scum.
Succinctly put.
Not exactly in the spirit of the season, but the truth can be a bitter pill.
You’re a smelly old liar, a loser and jealous of others’ success. You’ve made a living sucking at the teat of taxpayer funding of Medicare and Medicaid.
If you were ever a medical resident Medicare paid for it. But to be honest you’ve shown no evidence that you’ve had any medical training at all.
You’re an admitted and proud white nationalist, dumb as a fence post and likely a tax cheat to boost.
Your Imperial Orange Wizard has driven the stock market down nearly 20% since October. He’s in a death spiral.
You and your butt-brother fromwhiz have much in common.
Merry Christmas!
Just accusations without anything to back them up. Just your say-so which is worth zip.
And Trump didn’t drive the market down. That nitwit at the Fed who thinks he’s the economic czar did.
If you were ever a medical resident Medicare paid for it.
I’ll bet it didn’t. dave comes across as a smart, informed guy who backs up what he says.
You just want to be the Grinch. A fitting color, too.
Green is the color of envy.
Your buddy has no idea what he’s talking about regarding venture investment or HHS grants. None.
And you’re a jealous old liar.
What do you guys have against Black folks? Is it just envy?
What do you have against white people?
Your hatred, given everything the white US of A has provided you, is stunning. You really think Communism would be nicer to you? Ever read about how the Soviets treated all those black revolutionaries who came to Moscow to learn how to overthrow their governments?
And, if all you can do is call people liars when you’re so often a proven liar doesn’t get you much street cred around here.