If only you’d let the government impost a carbon tax on you along with giving up lots of your freedom, we could solve this
Your white Christmas is on the way out
Global warming is winning the war on Christmas.
Scientists studying temperatures have been recording markedly hotter winters over the past 50 years. For millions of people, the holiday will be hotter than those their grandparents experienced. In the coming decades, many children alive today in the northern hemisphere may come to remember a white Christmas as mostly a memory.
Picking a single day, even Dec. 25, as a barometer for climate change can be misleading since there is so much daily and annual variation. Average seasonal trends do paint a picture, one of pervasive melting. “It’s very fair to say Decembers are warming in some places, and that is translating to a warming Christmas,†says Sean Sublette, a meteorologist with the science nonprofit Climate Matters.
By analyzing data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Sublette says the average December temperatures in 82% of US cities it studied have risen that more by at least 0.5°F since 1970. A full quarter have warmed by at least 3°F. By comparison, only 12% of the 244 cities saw average temperatures drop. And just one (in Idaho) recorded as much as a 3°F decline. The most warming—more than 5°F —occurred in places like Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, Maine; Duluth, Minnesota; Fargo, North Dakota and Burlington, Vermont (average where temperatures have soared 7°F). What has been recorded in Iowa has been typical for the midwest:
What’s missing from this is any evidence that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. You know what happens now, though, right? Snowy Christmas’ will start increasing.

Posted on Fox news. Anyone who refuses to believe Fox news is dying as a conservative outlet is fooling themselves. Fox news is dead. The fox empire has been sold to Disney/ABC and the only thing left is Fox NEWS as a stand alone which will not last much longer once they lose their conservative viewers, because no matter how liberal they become the taste is too bitter for the left to digest.
Fox news is dead. It just hasn’t hit the ground yet.
I blame Al Gore, who invented global warming.
Worse, he invented this internet thingy, which allows the plebeians to publish their writings, without the Patricians able to control them.
And the Internet.
File under: The Gore Effect. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/12/21/texas-city-featured-in-al-gores-inconvenient-sequel-lost-millions-in-its-green-energy-gamble/
More science from the deni-o-sphere? LOL
Sounds more like economics from the facts of life. So you can stick your LOL up your ass again.
Of course, Jeffery doesn’t know the difference between economics and meteorology, so it all makes sense to everyone but him.
I just watched a report on CBS news this morning about 10 minutes ago about how deep the Russian trolling is on the internet. The entire meme is desgined to sow discord in the United States and bring left and right to each other’s throats.
They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and once Fox news bites the dust the right will be left with noting but total frustration and the cultural wars will hit the streets. I have been remarkably accurate in my estimates of what is going to happen and right now EVERY government in the EU is now a center RIGHT coalition with the exception of Spain and Portugal and most recently the National Populist right party which just formed seven months ago has seen a 5000 FOLD increase in membership from nothing to TWELVE PERCENT.
The point is simple. Discord is being sowed in the EU to dissolve that body and discord is being sowed in America to dissolve this body. The winners? Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. Who do you think is sewing this discord?
Al Gore.
The Lefties, of course, but the EU is dying its own death because of a pack of Socialists.
We’re still fighting because, if we kill all the Lefties, we’re still one nation under God.
I bet I have more guns than you. And am a better shot.
You have more guns, but you want the Feds to take them away.
Then only the Feds will have the guns, right?
Or is it just from all the white nationalists so you can kill them all?
The internet needs to be shut down. Period. But of course it will not but honestly the reasonable expectation of privacy on the internet needs to go away. Each person should be assigned a Internet drivers license with their true name and assigned an internet ID which eliminates reasonable expectations of privacy.
then you have a choice. Game or surf or purchase with your real name. Post crap on political blogs as an anonymous poster because you can. Sewing strife and discord willy nilly or you can do the same thing with your real name which is easy to track down.
I know political commenting would become civil. The worldwide anarchy would die and the world would not burn.
Of course none of this will happen. The internet is the 666 the bible predicted. It is pure evil in every sense of the word and think about it for just a moment. Can you live without the internet? Your cell phone, Ipad, Nook, Notebook.
I would submit NO. The internet is an addiction driven by pure evil even though each individual using it thinks they are innocent and wholesome. I watch my grandkids GAME and they trash talking by 10 year olds is nuts.
A youtubers from CHile mutilated a cat on a live stream. You Tube is full of people doing insanely stupid and dangerous stuff for HITS and paydays. Gamers stream on Twitch and every word out of their mouth is F this or F that. Hate spews forth daily from the internet.
The internet is pure evil. Pure Evil and should be abolished. Period. It wont. Because anyone who has read this far is right now calling me an insane idiot for this post while ignoring an entire planet burning to the ground a simple result of the INTERNET.
Good luck everyone. Your gonna need it.
I blame Al Gore, who invented the internet.
I blame Al Gore for causing the Arctic to melt. Oh but wait- that didn’t happen, either
Arctic sea ice has INCREASED the past two months, not melting, proving once and for all that global warming is a communist hoax. The theory has been invalidated!
Check out Figure 2 (but ignore Figure 3).
Every time something is proven verifying that global warming is a communist hoax, more commies come along with another hoax to invalidate it.
In other words, the Arctic Ice is still there, as stated. And didn’t see any pictures
Tim Berbers-Lee is totally innocent.
Actually, the Net is where the Lefties show their true colors. Back in the old days, the Lefties were all reasonable and loyal Americans because it was all filtered through the Lefty media.
No filters on the Net. As someone said, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
I like the Lefties out in the open. They make better targets.
So they begin their temperature record at the bottom of the cold period, then fill it with U.S. cities that have UHI, and voila, a crisis is manufactured. In the mean time, this year North American November snow extent was highest on record.
It appears to be true that winter temp averages in the US east of the Rockies and north of the confederacy are warming.
Data begins at ’70 because that’s where the lying started.
Most climate scientists accept the evidence that humans burning fossil fuels has increased atmospheric carbon dioxide leading to the warming described, and they do not review that evidence in every article they write.
We understand that “skeptics” believe the scientists are liars and cheats and are part of a socialist/communist plot to control the globe. Many “skeptics” still deny that the Earth is even warming, despite overwhelming evidence.
Atmospheric CO2 is higher now than at any time in the last million years. The increased CO2 resulted from humans burning fossil fuels – gas, oil, coal. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation (IR) emitted from the Earth (which absorbs sunlight are re-emits as IR), resulting in warming of the atmosphere and surfaces.
Why is it so important you post here and sew discord by pissing people off? What is your purpose for arguing and sewing discord to a dozen or so posters on this website? How many websites do you visit using different names screaming the same things?
See its people like you who are the problem with the internet. You come to a site where your views are not welcome, post anonymously and sew discord. The people here are a group of people who believe the same things but thats is not good enough for you. You disrespect them for their opinions because yours of course is enlightened.
YOU and tens of millions just like you are the reason the world is burning. Look in the mirror friend. You are either a paid shill to do this type of thing or your just ignorant of the damage your causing with your strife and discord.
Just trying to carry truth forward and sow ‘cord’.
And of course to try to find out what motivates those I disagree with.
It’s likely that more people read this site than comment. If all they ever saw was TEACH’s hate-speech and misinformation, they might think it’s all there is.
Maybe they read your typings and even believe they’re based on evidence rather the rantings of conspiracy theorist.
YOU and tens of millions just like you are the reason the world is burning.
We understand that you hate to hear facts and opinions that differ from yours. We understand that you likely only visit sites that reinforce your worldview, rather than seeking and examining other views. I disrespect no more than I’m disrespected.
— the nignorant angry little negro fella from st. louisÂ
So noble, so brave.
Nobody projects more than a Lefty and no Lefty projects more than Jeffery.
And you sow nothing but laughs at your ignorant lies and hatred of all that you are not.
And it’s clear what motivates the ShortHose twins (drowningpuppies and fromwhiz): hatred and envy for all youse are not.
Neither has made a relevant comment in months. Nothing but spewing your vile bile.
Hey whiz, did you ever admit that Teach favors expanded background checks and accepts that the Earth is warming, or are you still in abject denial? It’s the new Con ploy, deny, deny, deny and it’s all Fake News anyway! Commies! Obama! Hillary! But Whutabout????
I’ll get back to you if you ever come up with an argument.
Have a cool and collected Kwanzaa!!
Not presuming to speak for our esteemed host, but his blog tagline is “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
Our host uses WordPress, and that software allows the administrator to ban names, IP addresses and other things. It would appear that Mr Teach purposely allows Mr Bodine to comment here, so he, at least, is not offended, or at least not offended enough to override the ethic he expressed in his tagline, to take action to ban critical commenters.
I disagree with Mr Bodine on just about everything — if he told me that 2 + 2 = 4, I’d have to check his math — but at least he braves the slings and arrows of most other commenters to come here and make his points.
And once again I thank Mr. Teach for allowing me to comment on his blog.
Although I disagree with much of his “Teach”ings, not all bloggers allow direct confrontations from commenters.
I have friends, family and colleagues with whom I have differences in philosophy. We manage to co-exist.
Merry Christmas to all!
Sanctimonious too.
Yeah they tell you to stay away or somebody’s gonna bust a cap on yo’ ass.
Most climate fabulists are the ones pushing the lie. It’s like Hollywood, you won’t do lunch in this town if you aren’t a Commie.
Isn’t this a good thing? Isn’t wishing for w ‘white Christmas’ both raaaaacist and Christianist?
The song I’m dreaming of a white Christmas ought to be banned!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9QLn7gM-hY&w=560&h=315%5D
Bing Crosby was a blue-eyed white man!
I was thinking the same thing. Not at all surprised that conservatives would be upset if All Their Christmases Were (No Longer) White!!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakkuh, Classic Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays and a Fruitful Festivus to all!
Back when I volunteered at an inner city community center/mission, there was a Christmas “store” where community members could come in and obtain new toys, bikes, Christmas decorations, food that had been donated using documentation from caseworkers. I recall an older Muslim woman selecting only Christmas decorations and whispering, “I’m Muslim, but I still love Jesus”.
Was that like when you volunteered for the Army, little fella?

And Merry Christmas to you too, little one!
Not exactly, since the mission accepted my help.
Christmas will always be white because we’re the ones that make things work.
And it’s Good Kwanzaa for all you Commie phonies out there.
I volunteered at an inner city community center/mission
There’s an easy lie to spot. You don’t volunteer. You’re a taker, not a giver.
And I suspect your Moslem woman is a lie, too.
My taxes pay for you Red state white nationalists to lounge around your trailer homes spongin’ off the gubmint.
And I bet I pay more in taxes than you “earn” or steal in a year.
Where do you volunteer?
Preferred and common usage is now Muslim, rather than Moslem, but you knew that.
Do you prefer white nationalist, KKKer, white supremacist, cross-burner, neo-Nazi or skinhead?
Happy Holidays!
Have a White Nationalist Christmas! May you get a stocking filled with White Privilege and White Supremacy!
Don’t need it.
Was born with it.
You’ll never have it. You and Zippy. He wants to be all white, too.
Nothing but spewing your vile bile.
A poet and don’t know it. If you want to see how hate-filled Jeffery is, just consider that line Not at all surprised that conservatives would be upset if All Their Christmases Were (No Longer) White!!
My taxes pay for you Red state white nationalists to lounge around your trailer homes spongin’ off the gubmint.
And I bet I pay more in taxes than you “earn†or steal in a year.
Sure, all the Lefty trolls are the ones who work. You never paid taxes in your life.
It’s the new Con ploy, deny, deny, deny
No, that’s the perpetual Demo ploy. Willie, Zippy, Pelosi, Beast.
Preferred and common usage is now Muslim, rather than Moslem, but you knew that.
Not preferred, PC and I don’t speak PC. I say Oriental, Peking, American Indian, Calcutta, and Bombay, too.