Not only is this bit of moonbattery involve the Christmas season, but the Warmist uses a great event to push the Cult (this apparently came off the CNN wire originally)
Fifty years ago, astronaut Bill Anders captured an iconic photo of Earth. Looking out a window of the Apollo 8 spacecraft on Christmas Eve, 1968, he glimpsed a splash of blue beyond the lunar surface. After a fumbling exchange in zero gravity, his crewmate Jim Lovell extended a roll of 70 mm color film. At 16:39 Universal Time, 240,000 miles from home, Anders aimed his Hasselblad camera and brought our world into focus in one of history’s most famous photographs.
“Earthrise” transformed the first crewed mission to orbit the moon from a nationalistic bid for prestige in the Cold-War-era space race, into something more profound: a dawning appreciation of humanity’s common destiny on a fragile planet in the vacuum of space.
The sight of Earth, bursting with color against the inky darkness of space and a barren moonscape, was “the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen,” Anders told Andrew Chaikin, a writer who later recounted the photo’s fascinating history for the Smithsonian. And the view was “totally unanticipated,” Anders said, because the mission had been so focused on going to the moon.
A beautiful event, brought to the world by the United States Of America. But…
Unfortunately, our oasis has begun to fade. And the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves. Rather than being wise stewards of Earth, we have despoiled it to the brink of environmental catastrophe.
Consider the recent, harrowing report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Even if global temperature increases are limited to 2 degrees Celsius — the Paris climate agreement threshold, which the world is nowhere close to achieving — the impact will be calamitous.
Without a drastic course correction, we will face deadly heat waves, rampant wildfires, food insecurity, water shortages, violent storms, rising sea levels and disappearing coral reefs. The US government shares this bleak outlook (at least outside the White House and other climate-denying precincts). Last month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warned Americans to prepare for devastating impacts on their economy, health and environment. (snip)
That was the unmistakable message at the acrimonious global climate conference in Katowice, Poland, in December. With Earth hanging in the balance, the Trump administration redoubled its retrograde support for fossil fuels at the climate conference. Delegates finally agreed on a set of fundamental transparency measures, but only after an all-nighter in which they put off the most contentious issues until next year. Meanwhile, greenhouse gas emissions continue to accelerate “like a speeding freight train.”
A mere half-century after Earthrise, we are racing toward Earthset.
These cultists attempt to ruin everything. Yet they refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and walk the talk. Huh.