Apparently, they missed all the people rioting in the streets over the French government jacking up their cost of living
More than 1.6M sign petition to sue France over climate
More than 1.6 million people have signed an online petition to take the French state to court for not doing enough to fight climate change.
Greenpeace, Oxfam and two French environmental groups launched the petition last week. Their signature drive received exceptional support in just a few days, including from film stars Marion Cotillard and Juliette Binoche.
Greenpeace France director Jean-Francois Julliard said on France’s BFM television Monday that the groups hope for an eventual court ruling requiring France to further lower carbon emissions.
Julliard says the legal effort could take years, but cited a similar, successful effort in the Netherlands.
When President Emmanuel Macron tried to raise fuel taxes to help wean France from fossil fuels, it sparked a nationwide movement last month. Macron scrapped the tax hike.
All these people either think that Other People will be affected by Doing Something, or they are rich people who aren’t negatively affected by a large increase in the cost of living. Nor do these people tend to give up their own big carbon footprints.
But, this is what’s going on: Warmists attempting to use the courts to force governments and companies, and by extension, Other People, to comply with their rigid cultish beliefs.

And the bureaucrats of the government want lawsuits like this. I don’t know how it works in France; but in the US the groups bringing the lawsuit either get their court costs paid by the government, or have already gotten a grant that they use to sue the government. The only losers are the taxpayers.
The real winners are always the lawyers!
So, Monsieur Macron introduces a big tax on carbon, and the French working class begin huge protests, forcing M Macron to back down. The plebeians spoke!
Then, the patricians being aghast, organizations like Greenpeace and their ilk, all gathering places for the white spoiled brats of the left, try to use lawfare to reimpose the same things against which the plebeians revolted. And they wonder from where populism has arisen.
1.6 million sign the petition for not doing enough. I suggest France, turn off the power. Compost all the cars and shut down their mass transit system. Then go to the countryside and kill off all the cows and animals spewing methane. Of course please be sure to stop producing anything because it will aspirate co2.
These people lead sheltered lives. I can guarantee you the people in the ghettos are not signing these petitions. The kids signing them are sheltered and confused communist/socialist wannabe’s lied to at every turn by their communist protagonists, professors and Media all with an agenda of disinformation for the purposes of a Globalist world order.
Sheltered people do not believe the world is dangerous. They have never walked through the airport in Casa Blanca and seen first hand how part of the building is collapsing. They have never taken a taxi ride in the streets of Somalia where the taxi cab driver runs every red light and cruises 60 mph down side streets because if he slows down or stops your going to be at the least robbed and most likely KILLED because you are not a Somalian.
These people live in a bubble. Their world is fake. Their take on life ambivalence to the real pain and suffering that takes place around the world. Their guilt solution is to have mass immigration into their country and let the working class pay for their guilt. There they have fixed the world.
I talk to these people on speaking engagements around the world and it is most astonishing how confused they are by how dangerous a simple cab ride can be in 100 countries on this planet.
The press believes if we let all these people into EU and NA, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand and other western cultured nations the world will end its dangerous phase and become a world without borders and conflict. The truth is just the opposite. A nation without borders cannot protect its citizens and nowhere is this more evident than in countries with disputed borders and a weak government unable to protect its own citizens let alone those who would dare visit said countries.