She’s a peach
Read my letter calling for a hearing on the deaths of two young children in Border Patrol custody this month. We must know more about the care and treatment of these children.
— Senator Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) December 27, 2018
That tweet is via Twitchy, but, she was already yammering to the news yesterday, which is all over the news now
Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California called Thursday for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a hearing after two children died in the custody of Customs and Border Protection.
Feinstein, the top Democrat on the committee, made her request in a letter to GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who is set to chair the committee in the new year.
“These heartbreaking incidents are sadly consistent with previous reports of widespread abuse of children in immigration custody and the judgment of medical and mental health organizations that Border Patrol facilities are not adequately staffed or equipped to properly care for children,” Feinstein’s letter read.
As noted earlier, the timeline of the custody of the uninvited migrant in question shows that the CPB was doing all they can. Last I checked, they aren’t doctors, nor did they provide the medical care. The migrant kid was taken to a hospital, twice, for that.
In her letter, Feinstein cited the deaths of the two children along with reports of a hospitalized 5-month-old and murdered children in Tijuana.
She said she had reached out to McAleenan “but have not received answers to explain why these deaths occurred.”
It’s very simple: Democrats and all their organizations are making it clear to people that if they show up the U.S. will take care of them, to hell with our laws, and to hell with the Americans who should receive the help first. Perhaps DiFi should take a look at the massive homeless problem in San Francisco, Oakland, and other cities in her own state.
Democrats create this type of problem by not standing strong on immigration. They do the complete opposite of deterring it, so, anything bad that happens is on Democrat heads.
Where’s the letter regarding a police officer, one of your constituents, who was killed in cold blood by an illegal alien?
— Rob (@piratedwight) December 28, 2018

Diane Feinstein wants to know what’s going on PERIOD.

Kinda like that nignorant angry little negro fella in st. louis.
The first little girl taken into custody was with her father who signed a form stating they were both in GOOD HEALTH. An hour later she started throwing up and soon thereafter went into a coma with 106 degree temperature. She was then treated immediately and life flighted to the best hospital in the region where she died. Even her father said the border patrol worked extremely hard to save his daughter and had nothing but praise for their efforts.
But of course when the left takes over the house you can bet they will investigate this in depth and people will lose their jobs….especially if any of these involved show a predisposition to vote republican.
There should be oversight. The matter should be looked into an any death within the BP’s care should institute some changes to try and prevent this in the future but you can bet it will turn into a witch hunt by the left with full blown press conferences, leaks and the MSM declaring the right and the BP HATES, LOATHES and DESPISES WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND IMMIGRANTS.
FineSwine doesn’t give two shits or a damn about the two kids who died.
The ONLY THING she’s looking for is agitprop material she and her commie
demonrat accomplices can use in their war against President Trump.