…is a world blurry from too much carbon pollution in the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watcher Of Weasels, with a post on catching a Progressive being good.

…is a world blurry from too much carbon pollution in the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watcher Of Weasels, with a post on catching a Progressive being good.
Way to go, trump.
While Federal Workers Go Without Pay, Senior trump Administration Officials are Poised to Get $10,000 Raises
In related news, tRump threatens to declare a national emergency to force taxpayers to pay for The Wall.
From the Authoritarian’s Handbook:
Declare National Emergency – check
Stop paying workers, while giving pay raises to own staff – check
If he arrests President Obama and declares martial law, he’ll be like Vladimir!
More on the subject, this shutdown is caused by them Dems. Why not get them moving? Then the Dems are playing games with our security, so Trump is going to have to be the adult and do something, I am sure you agree.
Surely you don’t agree with furloughing 400,000 workers, forcing another 400,000 to work without pay while giving administration elites $10,000 pay raises.
How soon before the 400,000 forced to work for no pay say no way.
I’m sure the Dems will approve a bill every day to open the government. What they won’t do is negotiate with a terrorist holding the nation hostage. tRump could do something adult such as funding the government and negotiating border security with the legislative branch. tRump’s ideas are not even good, much less the best. Nearly 60% of Americans oppose his Wall. Anyway, Speaker Pelosi did agree to a compromise – 1 dollar for The Wall.
I’m sure Jeffery made this little speech when Zippy shut down the government.
How soon before the 400,000 forced to work for no pay say no way.
And they’ll be saying it to Pelosi Galore.
As of right now, america seems to be cool with the feds shut down. The only ones losing their minds are Jeffery and his little voices.
Nearly 60% of Americans oppose his Wall.
Which Fake News poll is that? It certainly isn’t reflected in the note of panic creeping into Chuckie’s voice or the dour looks on Hoyer and the Dick From IL.
The markets don’t think so, either. Up 750 points.
Sorry, the Dems own this. As to Federal workers, don’t give a flip.
Pelosi and Schumer maneuvered tRump into taking credit for the Trump Shutdown. It was on television.
“I will take the mantle,†Trump said of blame for a shut down. “I will be the one to shut it down.â€
“If we don’t have border security, we’ll shut down the government,†Trump said, taunting Pelosi. “Nancy’s in a situation where it’s not easy to talk right nowâ€
Do you recall tRump saying he would be “proud” to shut it down?
Do you recall tRump saying he would not blame anyone else?
Today tRump said HE would keep it shut down for months or years.
Of course, the US-hating far-right would be happy to see the US federal gov’t collapse.
I certainly agree with ‘furloughing’ 400,000 federal workers. Actually, I support laying them off completely and eliminating their positions. If they are ‘non-essential,’ then we don’t need them on the payroll in the first place.
Declare National Emergency – check
Stop paying workers, while giving pay raises to own staff – check
Notice little Jeffery has a copy of the Authoritarian’s Handbook at hand.
Of course, those pay raises were part of a bill passed 5 years ago. Congress could stop it, but where is Pelosi Galore?
Or Occasional Cortex?
Trump also says the government could be shut down for months. Or a year.
Imagine how many non-essential jobs could be IDed and eliminated.
from the OPM memo you cited:
Regarding “non-essential”… one example is a Con Man bete noir, i.e., SNAP, where Con Men say who gives a f#ck if poor kids don’t eat… unfortunately that’s several billion dollars taken out of the economy of grocery stores. And hope you’re not looking forward to a timely tax refund. And sure, you hate the TSA, but let’s hope it’s not your airliner blown up, or your flight canceled from lack of personnel.
What OPM believes and what’s good policy are two different things.
SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. The Food and Nutrition Service works with State agencies, nutrition educators, and neighborhood and faith-based organizations to ensure that those eligible for nutrition assistance can make informed decisions about applying for the program and can access benefits
So they just give advice. Plenty of social workers out there at all levels can do the same.
As for the TSA, they have yet to catch anybody, they’ve stolen all kinds of goodies from people (Ann Coulter being the best known), their policies are a PC joke, and they’ve allowed 95% of “terrorists”, complete with weapons and explosives, through on dry runs.
Back before Terrible Tiny Tommy Daschle got his way, The Blonde and I flew to HI and, at the Honolulu Airport, security was the 442nd RCT, most decorated unit of WWII, and sharp as ever. Give me some of those guys over the kabuki of TSA any day.
So what, can’t understand what you are concerned about. After all, Obama destroyed our health care system and you loved that, even though you have no understanding.
“The US hating far right..â€. While J is rarely if ever correct, he’s always good for laughs….https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/03/democrat-spending-bill-offers-12-billion-more-for-foreign-aid-0-for-border-wall/
Pelosi and Schumer maneuvered tRump into taking credit for the Trump Shutdown. It was on television.
That’s why Trump said, “Nancy’s in a situation where it’s not easy to talk right nowâ€.
And we know anything on TV is authentic.
Pelosi Galore and Chuckie could end this tomorrow if they wanted. Clearly, they don’t. All they have to do is send the bill to the Senate. McConnell adds funding and it goes to committee.
the US-hating far-right would be happy to see the US federal gov’t collapse.
Because non-essential offices and functions are closed? How does the government collapse if all the non-essential stuff is shut down?
It’s because we love this country we want to see the socialist elements purged from the government. We love the government set forth in the Constitution.
You’re the ones who want to destroy it with a lot of cockamimi amendments.
Draining the Swamp #4,276 & Elections Have Consequences #102,592:
Wow. I mean such a hardship. By the way, the TSA is being effected as well. Now there is a worthless bunch for sure. Have yet to see a consequence of the Dem shutdown. See jeff, we support you.
So you’re OK with tRump keeping park service personnel working to make the tRumps money while cutting services at the national parks?
Doesn’t that strike you as elitist and hypocritical? No, of course not, ’cause tRump.
You are being funny, this is the business of your Dems., not Trump. Winning. MAGA.
Seems the nignorant angry little negro fella is losing his shit.

Nobody is even going to notice until May.
But, if we’re talking elitist and hypocritical, let’s talk about Pelosi Galore’s jaunt to HI while all the Federal workers were starving.
TSA is hit by the shutdown?
Oh, joy. Be still, my beating heart.
My wife has a titanium implant in her knee and documentation it isn’t a bomb, but still gets strip-searched while all the Moslems in their Larry of Arabia outfits are passed without question.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
You left out the critical part.
Gee, wonder why you left that out?
Could it be that you hate Trump more than you hate the truth?
All the left has is hate.
Funny how you can find the lie if you’re willing to dig just a little.
Gee, a member of the tRump administration covers for her boss. You also reminded all that the GSA leased our property for 60 years to the tRump organization, to their economic benefit. The new Congress will soon look into that likely unconstitutional sweetheart deal.
All you have is abject loyalty to tRump. The question is, Why? Are you a Russian agent?
I remember when Willie suborned his secretary to cover for him. And a spokesbabe for the GSA isn’t part of the Trump Administration, she’s a Federal employee (yet another of Jeffery’s lies).
You also reminded all that the GSA leased our property for 60 years to the tRump organization, to their economic benefit.
The voices in your head own property? Whoda thunk? Care to provide the date when the deal was made?
I can. 2014.
Jeffery lies. All the time.
Our? You’re not an American? My apologies.
And Don Juan tRump is not the head of the government? Good to know.
The US government leased US property (our!) to the tRump Organization in 2014. So what? The tRump Org is making money off it. DJ tRump is still part of the tRump Org.
Try to keep up.
You lie.
Wow, I can hear the masses screaming.
Well, it is non-essential. Much like Jeffery.
The attention-whore-in-chief trumped up a “press conference” flanking himself with skinheads, reinforcing his campaign promise that white men need to keep brown men in Mexico.
tRump mocks his supporters daily. How little he thinks of you…
A bunch of bald 50 year olds in suits? In the immortal words of Daffy Duck, “Oh, boy, that’s rich, I’ll say. Oh, it is to laugh”.
And most legal Hispanics favor the wall, 5 to 3.
Idiot Boy needs to stop getting stuff out of the same rag that ran the piece 10 years ago by the guy cumming all over himself telling the world Zippy was a Lightworker.
Our? You’re not an American? My apologies.
And Don Juan tRump is not the head of the government? Good to know.
The US government leased US property (our![when they ask your consent because it’s yours, by all means let us know]) to the tRump Organization in 2014. So what? The tRump Org is making money off it. DJ tRump is still part of the tRump Org.
It’s not our property, it’s the Federal government’s and they will be glad to inform you if they think you’re trespassing. Sorry, this is not Red China where everything is called the People’s until they actually want to use it.
And the Trump outfit is not making money off it. They own the hotel on the property they bought. They make money off the hotel.
And, clearly, I’m a real American, unlike you, Commie that you are.