When we look at what goes on with Millenials and kids on college campuses, it often looks like they’re all nuts, right? Well, really, that is just because we are seeing the vocal minority in action, while the rest are just living their lives. Similarly, not all elected Democrats are stark raving mad Statist nutjobs. Some are just plain old liberals. Or at least pretend to be
Blue-dog Democratic lawmakers are wincing as the leaders of their party continue adopting measures that some believe could be perceived as anti-business in states dominated by Republicans.
Democrats are haggling over how far to push climate change policies at a time when President Donald Trump is dominating American politics. Liberals are wanting to push the envelope, but moderate Democrats are blanching.
Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, who co-chairs the centrist Blue Dog Coalition, told reporters that he will talk with Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, about the direction and scale of climate legislation.
Cuellar’s concerns come after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday a new panel to address climate change.
His concerns, like many others, is in how far these super far left Democrats (technically, they would be super far right on the political scale, way over in the Authoritarian area) want to push the envelope with their ‘climate change’ policies. They aren’t idiots (just boobs) and understand what this would really do to the economy, and this would effect their own chances of re-election.
Newly elected Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is one of the biggest proponents of the mission to force Democrats toward a more anti-fossil fuel message. Her strident objection to energy production does not appear to be winning her many converts among the middle-class union workers.
Terry O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), took issue with her anti-oil mission during a phone conference in December.
“To me the Green New Deal is just a regurgitation of the keep it in the ground movement,†he said, referring to the so-called Green New Deal, an environmental push by Ocasio-Cortez. “What I’ve seen so far I’m not that impressed with. It scares the heck out of me.â€
And the keep it in the ground movement won’t hurt the big moneyed donors to the Democrats, or to the mostly rich elected Democrats, but will hurt those middle class union members, along with all the middle and lower class American citizens. AOC figures the Green New Deal can be paid for with a tax on big earners
When asked by Cooper how to fund such a radical transformation of the country’s energy industry, Ocasio-Cortez pointed to past exorbitant tax rates for the super wealthy.
“You look at our tax rates back in the ’60s, and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate — let’s say from zero to $75,000 — may be 10 percent or 15 percent, etc. But once you get to, like, the tippy tops on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent,†Ocasio-Cortez said. “As you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more.â€
Getting beyond the precious face Cooper, who makes over $10 million a year, made, a goodly chunk of these people make the money through capital gains, not income, and can easily shift the money they make both ways into shelters. Or overseas. They have the means to protect their earnings. And that could mean moving companies out of the U.S.
It also means, though, that those who aren’t in that $10 million bracket will also see their taxes go way up. Not exactly a winning recipe.

What is Hysterical is that the left now hates, loathes and totally DISTRUSTS OLD WHITE MEN and yet. A vast majority of the SCIENTISTS who are making these claims of AGW are OLD, WHITE MEN vying for government money and writing books to enrich themselves in a society that rewards them for their entrepreneurship while these same kids hate that system and want it removed from the planet.
In fact several of the high profile WOMEN climate Scientsist do not believe in AGW hence the movement itself is Mysoginist and anti-woman.
THIS from a former barista who refused to equitably share tips with her waitstaff until forced to do so by her boss.
Our federal tax system is related to an anonymous waitress making an unsubstantiated claim that she deserved more of Ocasio-Cortez bar tips, how?
When will the rightists demand her birth certificate?
Don’t need it. Plenty of background shows she’s a carpetbagger.
And Jeffery is a typical Demo. Now it’s just an anonymous waitress making an unsubstantiated claim.
I thought all women should be believed. He was certainly bloviating that way when it was the baseless claims of the phony PhD, Chrissy Blase.
Birth Certificate. Thats a great Idea. I think all liberals should provide one since:
A professor in Washington state, changed her name was the president of the local chapter of NAACP, Wrote a book, was a freelance writer for a local newspaper and a college professor. What a wonder full story if not for the fact she was collecting WELFARE and was actually a white person pretending to be poor and black to sell her soap, dolls and artwork as well as her fake autobiography.
Yeah I think Birth Certificates should be mandatory. Perhaps how about Tax records as well. I’m not opposed to Trump revealing his. Probably what we will find is he is not quite a rich as he wants everyone to believe but still a billionaire. What does the rest of the left have to hide?
The left needs to remember the rich are audited every year. Literally. During Obama’s 8 years in office in which TRUMP went after Obama and its pretty much clear that Obama authorized his IRS cronies to go after people that TRUMP would have bit the dust had he done anything wrong.
The left are just throwing stuff at the wall hoping something sticks on Trump. Trust me Trump is a bombastic Narcicist who admits it. He is crude, rude and obnoxious but we dont care. HE GETS STUFF DONE. Reveal his income tax. Your not gonna find any criminal activity there since Obama and his weaponized IRS could not find anything on the BIRTHER Trump who Obama and the left now hated.
Go for it Dems and make yourselves look like Rachael Maddow. LOLOL.
Trump is a bombastic Narcicist who admits it. He is crude, rude and obnoxious
Is he or is he a very smart guy who knows an image like that lets him say a lot of true things a guy like Willard Milton Romney could never say and be called a gentleman?
You would agree with a law requiring candidates to disclose 5 or 10 years of tax returns? Good. That would have saved us from tRump.
And you can’t really believe his only reason for hiding his returns was because he’s worth fewer billions than he claims. It’s much more likely that he’s a billionaire paying less federal taxes than some of the undocumented housekeepers he hires at his resorts. It’s much more likely he has business dealings in Russia, The Ukraine and Saudi Arabia that he would find embarrassing.
He will resign before he allows those documents to be revealed.
Actually, the Constitution is clear on the eligibility for federal offices. “No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.â€.
Which Dem Presidential candidates refused to disclose their tax returns?
I don’t think candidates should be “required” to show tax returns since the “requirements” to be president are spelled out in the Constitution and there is no mention of tax returns. Now I realize that leftists only read the Constitution when they agree with it and ignore the rest so I’m willing to say if All candidates for All offices, local, state and federal are “required” to reveal their tax returns then it would be fair.
It’s easy for guys like you, Jethro to demand someone else reveal personal information while you’re all snug as a bug and secure in your own privacy. BTW, how about birth certificates, school transcripts, financial records including real estate holdings and bank accounts and a full five years of health records. After all if we’re gonna invade people’s privacy let’s do it right.
Uh, in case Jeffery never heard, all rich people, including the Pelosis, the Os, the Ozark Mafia, and the Occasional Cortexes, have batteries of accountants employed to make sure they get every break the law allows.
It’s much more likely he has business dealings in Russia, The Ukraine and Saudi Arabia that he would find embarrassing.
When you get actual proof of this, let us know. Otherwise, you’re just blowing smoke.
He will resign before he allows those documents to be revealed.
Well, since Mule Ears has found no evidence of this and, even given a 6 month extension, has yet to produce that devastating report we were told would be released first while Chrissy Blase was lying her face off, before the midterms, then after the midterms, then when the new Congress was sworn in, I don’t think anybody but the Democrat rubes believes Trump is going anywhere.
Which Dem Presidential candidates refused to disclose their tax returns?
Which has what to do with eligibility for Federal office?
It’s much more likely he has business dealings in Russia, The Ukraine and Saudi Arabia that he would find embarrassing.
When you get actual proof of this, let us know.
That’s what the tax returns would tell. Duh. Try to keep up.
Which Dem Presidential candidates refused to disclose their tax returns?
Which has what to do with eligibility for Federal office?
Try to keep up. Or mind your own business. Either.
tRump will not be president at the end of 2019. Believe me. Mark my word. You tRumpitistas are whistling past the graveyard, and we all understand why. Your hero has committed felonies.
Mr Bodine wrote:
I do hope that our esteemed host will save this comment by Mr Bodine, so we can, once again, show how wrong her is. Absent an unexpected health problem — he is 72 years old — he will leave office, peacefully, on either January 20, 2021 or January 20, 2025.
That’s what the tax returns would tell. Duh. Try to keep up.
So another fishing expedition based on nothing. When you have some evidence to warrant such a venture (that damned 4 Amendment thingy again), let us know.
And I’m way ahead of you.
Which isn’t exactly hard.
Which has what to do with eligibility for Federal office?
Try to keep up. Or mind your own business. Either.
IOW, one has nothing to do with the other. And neither.
tRump will not be president at the end of 2019. Believe me. Mark my word. You tRumpitistas are whistling past the graveyard, and we all understand why. Your hero has committed felonies.
We’ve been told all this for 2 years. Mule Ears has the goods. Trump will resign.
We’ve been marking your word going into a third year.
And felonies are what Democrats commit.
Vote fraud. Tax evasion. Malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance in office. Perjury.
The GOP managed to pass a term limits law back in the 1990s, and some longer=tenured congressmen challenged it in court; the Congress could not impose additional qualifications on congressional candidates beyond what the Constitution specified.
The same would be true of the presidency; that’s why term limits on the President had to be via amending the Constitution.
Mr Bodine believes that had Mr Trump’s tax returns been made public, he’d have lost the election; that’s just plain stupid. If there had been anything in his recent Infernal Revenue Service filings, some Democrat somewhere in the IRS would have copied them and ‘leaked’ them. It would have been completely illegal, but what do Democrats care about illegality when it comes to winning elections. After all, President Hillary Clinton would surely have pardoned the leaker, if by some miracle it could be determined who he was. (It’s not like they’d have looked very hard.)
Because Mr Trump’s tax filings didn’t show any problems — remember, he’d been highly critical of President Obama since 2010, and in no single year were any charges or consent agreements filed against him by an IRS with a distinctly partisan director — it was more advantageous for the Democrats to claim that he was hiding them, as a political ploy, and that’s just what they did.
Ms. Delaney concludes tRump’s tax returns were not embarrassing since President Obama didn’t leak them. Con Men think all Americans are as dishonest and immoral as Con Men. President Obama did not leak tRump’s tax returns. Perhaps Mr. Obama was afraid of the consequences or perhaps he is just too decent. Maybe Mr. Obama is naïve and believed tRump’s lies that he would release his returns.
The claim wasn’t that tRump’s tax returns were criminal, but rather politically embarrassing.
By law, the Dems in the House can access tRump’s returns.
See 26 U.S. Code § 6103.
Ms. Delaney concludes tRump’s tax returns were not embarrassing since President Obama didn’t leak them. Con Men think all Americans are as dishonest and immoral as Con Men.
No, we’re incredibly honest, especially compared to Jeffery, but we remember how Zippy became a US Senator.
President Obama did not leak tRump’s tax returns. Perhaps Mr. Obama was afraid of the consequences or perhaps he is just too decent. Maybe Mr. Obama is naïve and believed tRump’s lies that he would release his returns.
You should take that act on the road. Somebody somewhere might take it seriously.
In the meantime, there is this, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”.
So much for Zippy’s decency and naivete.
Look, little Jeff is trying to get an argument going by saying stupid inflammatory non facts. Jeff, you are as irrelevant as the Democratic Party is becoming.
I would not have expected President Obama, personally, to have anything to do with leaking Mr Trump’s income tax returns; I would have expected it from some low-or-mid-level bureaucrat.
Actually, the blue dog Demos are the only ones thinking.
Big taxes, more regulation, just what the American public needs to return the House to the Rs.
Occasional-Cotex stole tips that were supposed to be shared. In some bars that’s how they divide tips, but if one person sandbags her tips she is stealing from the others. BTW, the incident was not “unsubstantiated” it was witnessed by a coworker and verified by her employer. In American one is innocent until proven guilty not after proven guilty.
But a mistake She made before is not the point. When fools start with the progressive taxing of income what they are doing is limiting people’s ability to thrive. They are creating wealth disparity by allowing the already rich to sit on their wealth while taxing the away the income of those rising on the ladder of success. If the leftists were really interested in “wealth disparity” they would confiscate the money, investments, stocks, bonds, IRA’s, private planes, Rolls Royce’s etc of all those billionaire and millionaire democrat politicians, entertainers, sports figures, talking heads and media whores. Then they would be making a real dent in wealth disparity. Taxing away rising success only makes people move to where the taxes ae lower or hide their money off shore.
If you guys really were against the 1%’ers you’d take their accumulated wealth rather than stomp all over the little guy on his way up.
Are there any ‘blue dog’ Democrats left? I thought that they were pretty much extinct.
I think they mean the old pros like Hoyer who have sense enough and a long enough memory to know this will put the House back in R control.