For a country that has built tons of skyscrapers, giant aircraft carriers, and put men on the moon, I’d think building a bit of wall would be easy peasy. But, in Liberal World, things like this are just too hard. Of course, the point here is to find any reason to not build the walls from the Open Borders crowd
Why it would be hard to build a border wall
The border wall is more than just a proposed barrier between the U.S. and Mexico; it was central to President Trump’s presidential campaign, and the obstacle in the way of ending the longest government shutdown in American history.
But while “build the wall” is a simple catchphrase, the logistics of doing so are complex. Much of the border is composed of rugged terrain, with a combination of deserts, mountains and rivers demarcating the line between the two countries.
If Mr. Trump obtains the funds to build the wall, either through an appropriations bill passed by Congress or calling a national emergency, the wall isn’t the only thing that will need to be constructed: Some of the border is so remote that the government would have to build new roads to get there, according to a Defense official.
At the easternmost part of Texas, where the Rio Grande empties into the Gulf of Mexico, there are no fences, and the nearest road is three miles away. The U.S. side is a wildlife area, relatively close to a beach resort.
Due to the rugged terrain elsewhere on the border, particularly the more mountainous areas in the west, the closest border roads are dirt paths carved by border patrol agents.
OK, I’m totally convinced! Why would America want to do something mildly difficult?
The inaccessibility of the border is only one challenge to its construction. According to the Defense official, the federal government controls only 400 miles of the border. The remainder is private property. It could take six to nine months for the government to declare eminent domain, which is the power of the federal government to take private property for public use. It is likely that proclaiming eminent domain would also face legal challenges.
Or, they could offer a good price for that land. But, Trump isn’t trying to build a wall/fence along the entire border. Just portions, to go with existing barriers.
Furthermore, even if a wall were to be built, drug dealers often find other ways to get drugs into the U.S., such as smuggling them through entry points or building extensive tunnels. When Mr. Trump visited McAllen, Texas, last week to visit border patrol agents and discuss border security, they expressed support for the wall. However, the border patrol agent in charge showed an image of a tunnel illegal immigrants had carved — under a wall.
Barriers are not perfect. But, they stop most. Hence the reason people put them around their homes, around businesses, around government buildings.

So the wall stops 80%? I’d take that deal.
I have produced concrete for high rise buildings, for nuclear shielding, for miles upon miles of highways, for just about everything concrete can be used. It doesn’t matter what the project is, designers and engineers and contractors all manage to get the job done.
The only impossible project is the one no one has the balls to try.