The Time’s Up movement started in response to…well, Hollywood stars who had ignored the rampant sexual assault, sexism, harassment, and inequality within Hollywood finally deciding that Harvey Weinstein was a bad person, then going after seemingly most males in Hollywood. While having some worthy goals, it, of course, did what most leftist things do, alienate people who they need the help of due to Category 5 Moonbattery. Regardless, the Cult of Climastrology is doing what the CoC does, hijacking something
‘Time’s up’ on climate change, say campaigners calling for government action
The call was made as a Children’s Rally for Climate Action was held yesterday to highlight the impact of climate issues on future generations.
Ireland looks set to miss 2020 reduction targets set by the EU.
President of the Union of Students in Ireland, SÃona Cahill, says students and universities are doing their bit but leadership needs to come from the government.
“There’s huge work being done by students: UCC’s student union is giving out keep cups to every first year,” she said.
“There’s significant plastic-free campaigns going on, drafted sustainability policies, work being done in Trinity around fossil free.
“But this isn’t an individual’s problem, this is now a government problem and we need to do something because the time is up,” she said.
Well, of course it is a “government problem”. This means that the Warmists themselves do not have to take responsibility to make changes in their own lives. I wonder how surprised they will be when government forces them to make changes in their own lives and costs them lots and lots of money and freedom?

What the government of Ireland needs to do is raise the tax on gas about $5 a gal And tell the people it’s in response to “The Children’s Rally For Climate Action”. Then ask if they have any other suggestions and see how the parents of these kids react. No matter what the news media or anybody says their answer should be “But it’s what the children demand”. That will probably shut this crap up post haste.
I wonder how surprised they will be when government forces them to make changes in their own lives
Sort of like when government slashes Cons Social Security and Medicare to cut deficits caused by cutting taxes for the wealthy.
No. We Cons know that the socialist programs need to be phased out. They will never work.
Do you remember when that socialist country or socialist program worked? Me neither.
Do you consider the health care programs in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Japan etc to be socialist? If so, all those nations provide health care to ALL their residents for much less per person than the US does.
You think Social Security and Medicare are failing? Based on what?
You have already been schooled on your little list and the fact that those countries do not offer what you imply. Are you aware that you must pay a doctor in Japan before he will see you, no matter how urgent?
“Schooled” by who, you? LOL. I don’t trust a word you type, even “the” and “and”.
Healthcare is not free, and many systems likely charge co-pays. In Japan, citizens pay monthly premiums based on income. The total cost per citizen in Japan is LESS THAN HALF of what we Americans pay. The nations listed all have some form of universal healthcare, but approach it differently. Every other nation spends much less on healthcare per person than does the US.
They’re the life and breath of socialism, genius.
Social Security and Medicare are failing? Based on what?
The Fed’s own numbers. They’re not even on hand-to-mouth.
They are failing because they are running out of other peoples money. As socialist programs always do.
We must phase them out.
I see you are doing nothing but lying and obsfucation. In Japan you pay the doctor in cash before being seen, you may have state insurance, but he desires his money up front. Most of the other countries you always list are actively trying to get out of the insurance business or already have.
Now it is well known that Medicare will run out of money, same for SS. Everyone here is aware of this fact, so of what benefit is it to lie? You are a very sick guy.
No, sort of like when government slashes Lefties’ Social Security and Medicare to pay for BarryCare.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day everyone.
The healthcare industry in this nation provides millions of jobs. It’s stimulus. If your desire is to cut spending to provide healthcare then you have no option but to cut millions of jobs. If on the other hand your desire is to simply have a universal health care program in place EVEN your friends at CNN said that the cost of Medicare for all is over 30 trillion dollars over the next ten years or 3 trillion per year.
Now if you tax EVERYONE who now currently pays taxes you will not be able to have 3 trillion to spend on medicare for all. This is CNN’s numbers not my own. The entire cost of AOC’s programs including the NEW GREEN DEAL is 40 trillion in 10 years.
And it’s stimulus from the working classes who are paying – redistributing monies uphill to the wealthy – pharma execs, insurance co, lawyers, doctors, hospital admins…
Wouldn’t a better economic stimulus plan be directed at the working classes instead of the wealthy? What if workers didn’t have to stick with a job they hated just because of the health insurance? Wouldn’t that increase freedoms for workers?
We in the US currently spend 18.2% of GDP on healthcare.
GDP predictions for the next ten years totals $252.5 trillion. 18.2% of $252.5 trillion = $46 trillion. And although $30 trillion is a big number, when put in perspective, based on your calculations it seems Medicare for All would save us $16 trillion over 10 years and put us in line with what other advanced nations pay for health care (around 10-12% of GDP).
30/252.5 x 100 = 11.9%
Current total US healthcare costs are about $3.5 trillion per year, paid for by premiums, co-pays, taxes, direct out of pocket. So at $3 trillion a year Americans would be saving money.
The conservative argument against universal healthcare is not based on economics but on ideology or “moral hazard” or (shudder) donor politics.
Math is hard for the little fella.
Reality even more so.
By all means, correct my math, little gelding.
Been correcting your reality all along.
Difficult to correct your madeup predictions though.
Last chance, little gelding…
The citations are all there.
We didn’t thank so.
GDP predictions for the next 10 years
it seems Medicare for All would save us $16 trillion over 10 years…Â
But little gelding, you were criticizing the math.
Anyway, the citations are there, so you know where we obtained the data. We might have made a math error, that’s what we thought you meant.
Are you claiming the other commenter’s projection of a $30 trillion/ 10 year price tag is incorrect? How about the $40 trillion projection over 10 year price tag for the Green New Deal?
The media makes the same mistake the other commenter made – not putting “big” numbers in context. $3 trillion a year seems like a lot, but it’s less than we spend a year now on healthcare.
We’re beginning to think that you and LIB (whizbang) are just trying to discredit us rather than discuss issues!
Jeffery dares call a man gelding?
He’s so emasculated, he can’t have a thought that isn’t dictated to him by his trollmasters.
Math and other facts are socialist programs enemy.
The ACA will work as well as other socialist programs – as it runs out of other people’s money and dies.
The first is how GDP is figured in the United States vs how it is figured in other countries.
1. The GDP or gross domestic product of a country provides a measure of the monetary value of the goods and services that country produces in a specific year.
Well that was bizarre. I was typing and it simply entered the comment when I was not even finished.
2. Income earned by all the factors of production in an economy includes the wages paid to labor, the rent earned by land, the return on capital in the form of interest, as well as an entrepreneur’s profits.
So there are a couple of different ways to calculate GDP. The United states uses the first method. Most other countries use the second method. Thus you get a hyper inflated GDP which drives the costs of health care costs down. If the USA used the second method our GDP would be on the order of thirty trillion and our percent of GDP would be around 10 percent. IN LINE WITH THE REST OF THE EU AND other socialized countries.
But thanks for your comments. However until you fully understand the economic models of each country a blanket statement such as the one you made is very disingenuous and misleading in so many ways.
And it’s stimulus from the working classes who are paying – redistributing monies uphill to the wealthy – pharma execs, insurance co, lawyers, doctors, hospital admins…
No, that was sweetheart deals by the last Administration to get their support for IdiotCare.
Wouldn’t a better economic stimulus plan be directed at the working classes instead of the wealthy?
Cutting taxes and regulations so businesses can expand and grow IS directed at the working classes.
What if workers didn’t have to stick with a job they hated just because of the health insurance? Wouldn’t that increase freedoms for workers?
Yeah, they’d be free to go on welfare they way they were when the Mocha Messiah was in.
Little Jeffery’s source gathers Statistics and Studies from more than 22,500 Sources. Wanna bet most are Leftist?
And we all know projections are always right, right?
We’ve played the game before.
You’re lying like you did about the kids from Covington and Chief Wild Eagle.
See how important credibility is?
Little Idiot Boy has only lies.
For someone of your limited abilities (He used to fill out IRS forms!!) all you can do is repeat your lies, declare victory and then disappear for a week.
Another commenter said universal healthcare will cost us $30 trillion over ten years. You may not realize this, but context is important. We added the context of what percentage of GDP this would represent and how it would REDUCE overall spending on healthcare.
You, on the other hand, offered zero insight and splooged all over yourself. Just as you did with the Covington Catholic HS kids.
All the right has is hate. And lies.
So the little colored fella didn’t lie about those white Catholic boys and Chief Wahoo?
Didn’t lie about the Covington Catholic boys and don’t know anything about a Chief Wahoo.
Temporary alzheimers again, little fella?

Just scroll back to your comments yesterday.
Maybe jog some memory in that little head of yours.
Little Gelding,
Didn’t think so. Are we done here?
You really don’t like your little lies pointed ou do ya’ little fella?
Like the one about you joining the Army during Vietnam, ya know.
Run along little fella.
Ah, but you did. You lied about everything and now you want to come back here, but how do you do it when we all know you lied? Fake News would like to change the subject, but first they have to admit they blew this one.
You might want to try the same thing, or else we’ll all know you’re as delusional and neurotic as we’ve always suspected.
All Jeffery has is hate for white people, even on Martin Luther King Day. And lies that don’t even hold up for an hour on the Internet.
We didn’t lie, but you did.
You said there were no Black Hebrew Israelites involved, but it was proven that they were the instigators of the whole mess.
It’s all you do.
And I love white people. My wife is white. Many of my friends and colleagues and relatives are white. Although I dislike Nascar I like much country music.
I point out white folk foibles to let Cons know what it feels like to be smeared because you’re part of a group. Although almost all mass shootings are by white men, that doesn’t really mean that whites or men are all psychotic. It’s even possible that all Con Men do not support the neoNazi movement or even white nationalism.
Con Men have a nasty habit of considering all Muslims as anti-American terrorists, all immigrants as violent, disease carrying thugs, and all Blacks as dumb, lazy criminals.
Type l or Type ll Mud Shark?
I used to code IRS business forms. And victory over you is easy. Tell me, how many guys has your wife cheated on you with that you are compelled to call all other men gelding?
And it was 10 days, in St Lucia.
And context is nothing. The numbers are there or they’re not. And projections are almost always off on the under side.
I’ll leave you alone after this, but it seems this whole “victory” thing is an obsession with you (as it is with tRump). It’s like debating with a lawyer, their interest is not the truth, but whether they “win” the argument in the eyes of the jury. Is this based on your own insecurities?
I didn’t call all other men “gelding”, just one.
Only a fool would say context is nothing. “It was reported today that there was a 100% increase in LIDs in Parkinson’s patients receiving Plavix for heart disease!” Last year there was one patient, this year there are 2.
US foreign aid totaled $50.1 billion in 2017! Is that a lot? What percentage of total federal spending is that?
Projections are projections. How do Con Men project that healthcare will cost $30 trillion over the next ten years?
We didn’t lie, but you did.
You said there were no Black Hebrew Israelites involved, but it was proven that they were the instigators of the whole mess.
It’s all you do.
I seem to recall you went on about the smirk of white privilege. And you have no desire to talk about how you told us what a swell guy the professional Indian was and how cool he was “surrounded” by hundreds of 14 year olds.
I’d dig back to quote you, but Teach doesn’t like that, so I won’t.
You wanted to represent the thing as white thugs ganging up on an Indian and now you’re caught in all your lies.
And I love white people. My wife is white. Many of my friends and colleagues and relatives are white.
Sure. That’s why you call any white person that dares disagree with you White Nationalist, gelding, oh, the list is sooooo long.
Con Men have a nasty habit of considering all Muslims as anti-American terrorists, all immigrants as violent, disease carrying thugs, and all Blacks as dumb, lazy criminals.
A lot of Moslems are terrorists.
As for the rest, sounds like you’re going from your own biases. But, then, you’re the con man here.
PS Lieawatha claims he was a Marine in ‘Nam (at age 64, he graduated HS in ’72, don’t know the timeline for training, etc) and claims he was a Recon Ranger.
No Rangers in the Marines, doubtful he was there before we left. Timeframe for boot camp, infantry, and recon training seems awfully tight.
Get ready for another of Jeffery’s fantasies to get blown to Hell.