Of course, those gaskets are in super expensive electric cars
Trump’s immigration offer brings sharp reactions from Dems and GOP
President Trump’s immigration compromise package to end the partial government shutdown drew sharp reactions from Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike.
In a televised White House address on Saturday afternoon, Trump offered Democrats a three-year extension of protections for 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, in exchange for the $5.7 billion he has been seeking for a barrier along the nation’s southern border with Mexico.
“Our immigration system should be a source of pride … not a source of shame as it is all over the world,†Trump said in his plea.
There was plenty more in that offer, which also included an extension of Temporary Protected Status (for people who’ve long been allowed to overstay it. There’s that part about “temporary”) and “allocates $800 million for drug detection technology to secure ports of entry, 2,750 new border agents and law enforcement professionals, and 75 new immigration judges to reduce an immense backlog of asylum requests.”
Democrats would be getting quite a lot in this, but, they really do not want to solve anything. They do not want to compromise. They want to caterwaul and create issues and show their Trump Derangement Syndrome
The president’s proposal was met with disdain from an array of top Democratic lawmakers. Many used the same language in their critiques, accusing Trump of holding the government and federal workers “hostage.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted, “What we didn’t hear from the President was any sympathy for the federal workers who face so much uncertainty because of the chaos of the #TrumpShutdown.â€
Before Trump made his announcement, Pelosi had called his anticipated proposal “a non-starter.â€
“For one thing, this proposal does not include the permanent solution for the Dreamers and TPS recipients that our country needs and supports.â€
Had Trump offered a permanent solution, she and the rest of the Democrats would have found a way to poo-poo that, too. Pelosi did not even know what the offer was when she sent out her statement.
For his part, Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, called Trump’s proposal “one-sided and ineffective.”
“It’s clear the President realizes that by closing the government and hurting so many American workers and their families, he has put himself and the country in an untenable position. Unfortunately, he keeps putting forward one-sided and ineffective remedies. There’s only one way out: open the government, Mr. President, and then Democrats and Republicans can have a civil discussion and come up with bipartisan solutions.”
Providing a million people (300K for TPS) the chance to allow something to happen in the future, as well as giving most of the parents of Dreamers a break while DACA continues is one sided? Chuck is the kind of guy who borrows $100 and gives you back $1.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer shared a similar sentiment, urging Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell to “stop holding government hostage and end the shutdown” immediately.
“The president must stop holding government hostage and end the shutdown so federal employees can get back to work serving the American people. There is no reason for Americans to be shut out of work and without a paycheck while negotiations take place on the best way to secure our borders,†he said.
Hoyer said negotiation can progress after the government reopens.
But, we all know that Democrats will refuse to negotiate once the shutdown ends, and, it might be coming to the point where Trump says “hang it all, let’s reopen” and then goes on a tear to rip Democrats when they refuse to talk about border security. Democrats should remember that 1. he has no problem ripping people publicly, 2. his tweets are covered extensively by the media, 3. he knows how to get the media to cover his tweets and speeches, and 4. he has a really, really big pulpit. How will it look when he gives a national address about Democrats refusing to negotiate?
There are many more Democrats whining in the article, along with most Republicans approving of this compromise. And, we’ll have to wait for the polls, but this could shift blame from Trump to the Democrats.

Except for the little fact that you and your allies can’t be trusted.
Do you support amnesty for the DACA illegals?
Who cares?
I don’t support amnesty for any illegals ever any more than I’m for not charging a person who burgles my home.
I am however, for executing anyone caught entering the US three times illegally.
Trump proposed amnesty for the nearly 800,000 DACA criminals, here illegally taking advantage of our welfare since they were children.
He’s willing to grant amnesty to 800,000 in exchange for $5.7 billion for a start on The Wall.
We’re just surprised that conservatives aren’t more outraged.
Nignorant is surprised a lot.

Wrong too. A lot.
Wassamatta? Had your little story about privileged white kids and oppressed dark people shot all to Hell?
Outraged? We’re men not cucks we don’t get outraged. We save that silliness for the left. I disagree with him but we are allowed to we don’t have to jack boot in lock step with our fuhrer like leftists do. Besides, his move with DACA was called “negotiating” as in we won’t get all we want. The left are fascists and won’t negotiate. It’s all their way or no way. You know, like the ACA and “we won” and all that anti American crap they pull.
Good to know. The Dems will meet his requests for billions for actual border security (e.g., fencing, more agents, more judges, better drug detection at ports of entry, better tracking of visas), just not for his ineffective Big Beautiful Wall. We appreciate that 35% of Americans want The Wall and Trump promised them.
Isn’t Trump being obstinate about his Wall? Granted he has moved off the stupid 30, 50 even 90 ft concrete Wall across the entire border.
And what does border security have to do with 800,000 furloughed workers?
It seems like less a negotiation and more a hostage situation.
Democrats blow.
The Dems will meet his requests for billions for actual border security (e.g., fencing, more agents, more judges, better drug detection at ports of entry, better tracking of visas), just not for his ineffective Big Beautiful Wall.
Demos will do nothing because they don’t want the border secured. They want guns, drugs, and drones brought in by the ton because their constituencies have aborted themselves out of existence.
And walls work. Ask the Sauds, Israel, Hungary, etc.
We appreciate that 35% of Americans want The Wall and Trump promised them.
Jeffery’s little voices can’t even count. More like 62%.
Isn’t Trump being obstinate about his Wall?
No more than Pelosi Galore and her free junkets everywhere.
And what does border security have to do with 800,000 furloughed workers?
It seems like less a negotiation and more a hostage situation.
Well, the Demos do love terrorists.