Hey, I believe in global warming. I just believe that it is mostly caused by nature. And we’re all probably paying at least $10 a month for it now, via different government fees and taxes, as well as the crappy ethanol mixed in with our gasoline
Most Americans are unwilling to pay $10 a month to fight climate change, a survey found. https://t.co/iIycM2Vuwz
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 24, 2019
From the link
Americans increasingly believe climate change is real, that humanity is largely responsible for it and that something needs to be done to fix the problem.
But even as two new surveys confirm the public’s growing awareness of global warming, they also indicate that the issue is still not a front-burner concern and that taxpayers don’t want to pay very much to rein in the greenhouse gases that are at the root of the problem.
Adding to the challenge, the federal government remains unlikely to act, with climate-skeptic Republicans in control of the White House and the Senate.
Still, the director of the survey that has most consistently tracked public opinion on global warming said there is reason for hope in the most recent survey, conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.
Hope? Sounds rather like a biased survey, a political survey
The survey, conducted last November and December among 1,114 American adults, showed the most dramatic shifts in public sentiment about global warming since Yale and George Mason began sampling opinion on the topic more than a decade ago. It found that 73 percent of Americans now believe global warming is happening, an increase of 10 percentage points from March 2015. And more than six in 10 now accept the scientific consensus that humans are causing the warming that is altering weather and ecosystems. (snip)
But the survey by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research also showed that Americans — despite that knowledge — still do not rate climate change as a front-of-mind issue. Health care, the economy, terrorism, immigration and energy policy were all cited before climate change as concerns in the Associated Press poll, conducted nationwide in November among 1,202 adults. (snip)
But the AP survey also showed that Americans don’t want to pay very much to fight climate change. A $1 per month fee was favored by 57 percent of those surveyed. However, if the monthly charge increased to $10 a month, just 28 percent would be supportive, while 68 percent would be opposed.
Realistically, Warmists would be best off just shutting their mouths about ‘climate change’ and going back to discussing real environmental issues in an rational manner. Who doesn’t want clean air, water, and land? But, they won’t. They also won’t pony up more money from their own pockets.

These numbers are consistent with what Trump supporters believe.
Ten dollars a month would raise about $18 billion, or double the current EPA budget.
We understand that you don’t wish to hear a truth that challenges your deeply held beliefs.
The WH authoritarian has inveighed against NASA and EPA, telling scientists there to “shut their mouths”.
According to whom?
These numbers are consistent with what Trump supporters believe.
No, they’re consistent with what Jeffery supporters believe. Since the majority of the people elected Donald Trump, they’re way too smart to fall for global warming.
PS Second polar vortex this winter. Yeah, that old Earth is really heating up.
A majority of people did not elect Trump. But you know that.
Yes, the Earth continues to warm. Think globally. The overall surface (atmosphere, oceans) is warming even though it still gets cold in winter. But you know that.
Donald Trump was elected president because your side put up the most corrupt politician in the history of the world. Right now its been established that Cohen, Trumps Attorney has more ties to HRC and four Russian Billionaires who donated tons of money to the Clinton foundation than they do with Trump.
Why did Comey issue a statement calling the buzzfeed article a lie? Mueller is so busy trying to cover for the democrats and the left. He is trying to protect Obama, Clinton, Bill Clinton and their Russian connections who attempted to defeat trump in the 2016 elections.
The trail goes so far down the rabbit hole that Mueller is still arresting people for lying to him rather than establishing collusion. His initial duty. He is deflecting and misdirecting everyones attention away from the fact that Cohen was in bed with 4 Russian billionaires who had close TIES to…….
Are you Ready? Tony Podesta. Clintons long time campaign directors brother who ran a lobbying group. He resigned immediately when all this came to light. Yet not one of those people tied to these Russian billionaires has been arrested for their lies nor have they even been interviewed to my knowledge despite deep ties to Clinton, Podesta and the DNC.
There are Russians hanging out the windows at the DNC and yet Mueller is arresting players for lying to the FBI to keep from going to jail over the fraud they perpetrated long before they ever helped Trump win the presidency.
this is why The real president of the USA is now in the office and if the people knew the truth, every last voter, the Democrats would be forced to disband as the most corrupt band of jackals ever to hold office in the United States of America.
Yes a majority of voters voted for HRC, but then as YOU KNOW thats not how it works. Is it?
Just correcting “One Lie at a Time”.
A majority of Americans did not elect Trump.
Do you have evidence that Michael Cohen was actually working for the Clintons and not Trump?
A majority of states did, which satisfies the Constitutional; requirement, and a majority of the people did since the Beast counted 7 million fraudulent votes.
I know that
And the Earth goes through phases. People like Senorita Jeffery always lie.
It’s not about “beliefs”. You now accept the evidence that the Earth is warming, as have most so-called “skeptics”, who previously denied the Earth was warming at all, preferring to blame incompetent, criminal or greedy scientists for forging/faking/manipulating data.
But at this time, you do not accept the evidence that the warming is mostly caused by the man-made increase in atmospheric CO2, preferring some as yet unidentified physical mechanism. Your position IS in agreement with the scientific method where theories are always open to be falsified by further evidence. Most climate scientists and most scientists in general accept the evidence that the current period of global warming is largely caused by increased atmospheric CO2.
Your position is consistent with the position of the GOP and administration which has stalled US efforts to mitigate global warming.
Fair enough?
Hardly. And now Signorina Jeffery wants to tell us it’as not about “consensus”. It’s about the skeptics believing.
Which they don’t.
As Dr Goebbels put it, tell a lie often enough and you can get anybody to believe anything. And, for those who still didn’t, he told people, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Followed by Lavrenti Beria saying show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.
Come up with factual, untampered evidence (y’know, proof), you might get some adherents, but all you have is “consensus” among some Lefty academics and that’s not proof
That’s because there IS no evidence, even leaving aside the recent pause. CO2 is not a strong enough “greenhouse gas” to cause the problems that the UN imagines. Try again, Jeffty.
And you do not accept the evidence that the warming is mostly caused by human-generated CO2. But that doesn’t falsify the theory.
But as often said before, warming is simply….warming, so you’re skipping a crucial step. It’s the alleged effects of warming that matter. And there’s no empirical evidence of the supposed dire effects of warming, only speculation
Are you now admitting that the Earth IS warming?
And you’re skipping over the CO2 cause and jumping to “so what?”.
Of course, it does because there is no valid evidence to support it.
The GOP makes up about 1/10th of 1 percent of the world. Yet you set here on your high and mighty throne and blame the GOP for the world ending.
How lame is your movement if 1/10th of 1 percent of the worlds population can bring to a screeching halt your movement.
Pathetic. AGW is a fraud. The earth is indeed warming. It has been since the last ice age went into its current PAUSE. FYI we are still in the throes of an ice age and will continue to be as long as the world’s orbit around the sun is elliptical instead of circular.
Get a life. Go donate millions of your own money. Beg your own believers to pony up their money. You have 100’s of billionaires around the world who could solve global warming without 1/10th of 1 percent of the worlds population’s help. Git er dun. I mean after all when the nut crunching time came to a head. what did the Democrats do? They spent 2 years on OBAMACARE instead of
Wait for it
Sit Down.
Are you ready?
WERE GONNA DIE IN 12 years because of AGW there fore lets work on……..
Are you ready?
Even your own ff’ing side doesn’t believe their own stupid nonsense. Get out of here dude.
The GOP minority has been in control of the richest, most powerful nation on Earth for the past two years. It’s a societal hiccup that will soon be resolved.
Nazis were a minority in Germany but caused worldwide mayhem, correct? And if not for the courage and actions of the US and European allies this could be a much different world today, correct?
You don’t “accept” the evidence supporting that human-generated CO2 is causing the Earth to warm. OK.
I suspect it’s more from your opposition to international cooperation and fear of the bete noire, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, than concerns about the scientific evidence. OK. So?
Nazis were the strongest party in Germany in 1932. If it were not for the actions of Britain and the US after they’d been pressed to the wall, things might be different. Most historians will tell you the Krauts were doomed both economically and because their empire was too big for them to manage.
And Rs are the biggest of the 2 parties. Toss in Independents and you only have about 25%
Still not a majority.
According to U of VA, US registered voters:
D = 40%
R = 29%
I = 28%
other = 2%
Sabato also called the election wrong.
PS You do realize in a parliamentary system, one party almost never gets better than 50%.
The Krauts had the highest tally and more seats in the Reichstag than anyone. That made them the 800 pound gorilla.
Are you still running your mouth about the GOP? Seriously. It’s why your not even relevant at this website. Everyone laughs at you as you try so desperately to convince a dozen people that you are right and everyone else is wrong. LOLOLOLOLOL. Wow it must have sucked to get fired from a company you helped found and most likely the board of directors are republican Nazis whose sole purpose in life was to GET YOU…..lololololol. I think they succeeded.
Bah, Jeffey doesn’t try to convince anyone of anything. Jeffey just pukes and sh!ts all over everything while spouting nonsense like a schizophrenic hobo.
My advice would be for you to correct any errors I make and ignore the rest. But no, like your fellow travelers you’re obsessed.
I got fired? When?
You would first have to have a job to be fired.
OMG the world is going to end because the GOP has been in control for 2 years..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..
I get it now. The left thinks Einstein was reincarnated and they call her AOC.
The communist left is much more evil than the Nazis.
Stats….. According to the chapter, the number of people killed by the Communist governments amounts to more than 94 million. : 4 The statistics of victims include deaths through executions, man-made hunger, famine, war, deportations and forced labor.
STATS…… It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. Six million of these were Jews. The Nazis killed approximately two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe. An estimated 1.1 million children died in the Holocaust.
How many died in WW2? About 60 million. The Nazis killed about 24 million of those.
Meaning YOU WIN. COMMIES are the murderingest bastages on the planet and while the Nazis have been defeated your party comrade still thrives today spewing hate and lies. Good job.
Biased survey, biased article kinda like the ones about those kids threatening the “elder” in D.C.
Pure horseshit only an idiot would buy into.
It’s sad that we’re so susceptible to propaganda, but as one of the left’s heroes said, “Lie big and keep repeating it.”
Are you now admitting that the Earth IS warming?
funny, I didn’t see that.
And you’re skipping over the CO2 cause and jumping to “so what?â€.
No, he noted that, even assuming you’re right (foolish in and of itself), the catastrophic affects have failed to materialize.
As always, dear lady, you assume and, when you assume, you make an ass of u in front of me.