…is ocean kelp dying from too much ocean heat from Other People eating burgers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on SJW freakout over “blackface”
Sorry for the lateness, server went tits up (pun intended)

Too bad she isn’t IYKWIMAITYD.
So Kamala be back peddling her old position…
She knows what it takes…

Wonder why the governor fought it.
because Donald Trump said their is voter fraud and started a panel to look into it. Even 10k in every state is half a million votes. In many key states the winner is decided sometimes by less than 10k to 20k votes. All it takes is 10-20k illegals voting or voting twice to swing the election in favor of one side or the other.
the GOP is not without blame in this but we all know a preponderance of those registered illegally are going to be voting democratic. The GOP is more likely to collect absentee ballots illegally things of this nature.
And Trump disbanded the commission when they could find little evidence voter fraud, and red and blue states objected to his tyranny.
Look at Trump’s EC victory. He won a few key states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) by a total of 77K votes out of millions cast. How many voters in those states were swayed by Trump/Russian lies and disclosures? How many couldn’t vote from GOP voter suppression?
Plenty of evidence, plenty of convictions.
Juffrouw Jeffery doesn’t want anybody talking about what plenty of Demo hacks have admitted, they can’t win without vote fraud. That’s why so many states have tens of thousands of fake voters on their rolls.
And then she whines about how Trump won a few key states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) by a total of 77K votes out of millions cast. That’s how the Electoral College (and the Presidency) is won, Cherlene.
How many couldn’t vote from GOP voter suppression?
You mean voting laws? You mean no vote harvesting? No illegals allowed to vote?
No wonder she has to run to the Gray Lady and the New Yorker to find bogus claims
PS Wanna see who really got Russian money?
Be sure and show your work. You also used to say 7 million “illegals” voted for Clinton in 2016.
You’re claiming that the Clinton Charitable Foundation received over $145 BILLION from Russians?
And you whine about the NYT? What’s your source?
We have no idea how much the Trump family have personally received from Russians, do we? The bogus Trump Foundation has been closed for being crooked.
Your boy is a crook.
And you complain about the NYT and New Yorker??
All I see is a hard worker involved in the extraction of minerals from a chloride ilmenite deposit.
Shana Mooyman turned her back on a glamorous life as a model and swapped it for a job in the iron ore mines of Western Australia, which has earned her enough money to buy her three investment properties.
Ms Mooyman, from Bunbury in Western Australia, made the unusual career switch at the age of 19 when she became a mobile plant operator at a mineral sands mine in Cataby.
‘In no time I’d developed skills to operate a large variety of machines such as excavators, loaders, dump trucks, water carts, tractors and forklifts – you name it, I’ve driven it,’ she said.
‘I’ve been contracted to work on a variety of sites including Gin Gin, Eneabba and local areas around Perth.
That’s certainly an unusual career switch. Mike Rowe would approve.
Mueller will indict those associated with the emails stolen by the Russians: Julian Assange, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Roger Stone, again – for defrauding the United States by stealing Democratic Party documents and using them to interfere with the American election.
The Don will be an unindicted co-conspirator, as was Richard Nixon.
Trump will resign if he’s allowed to make a deal. It may be too late.
Those little voices inside your nignorant little head…
Emails are stolen daily, don’t like it but what makes Hillary and group so upset? Well it is the fact the emails shows the criminal, lying nature of these crooks. Now as the Dems did not allow an investigation, that means they really have a criminal path and also means no one can be charged with tampering with emails.
Your delusions are comparable with a psychosis. None of d hat you wish for will happen. Winning, MAGA.
I keep hearing the word indict. No convictions, though. A couple of guilty pleas by people threatened with the rest of their lives in jail.
Mule Ears can indict all he wants. In this country, it’s innocent until proven guilty.
Of course, we’re still waiting for that blockbuster report that was supposed to be all over the Fake News by now.
Wonder where it went.
Emails are stolen daily, don’t like it but what makes Hillary and group so upset? Well it is the fact the emails shows the criminal, lying nature of these crooks. Now as the Dems did not allow an investigation, that means they really have a criminal path and also means no one can be charged with tampering with emails.
Your delusions are comparable with a psychosis. None of d hat you wish for will happen. Winning, MAGA.
The issue is that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the election. They didn’t reveal Trump emails or Trump tax returns or Jr’s dealings with Russians.
Even that is not against the law. It has been two years and nothing has been found. At this point you say something stupid about process crimes, that simply shows the ridiculous power that we have allowed prosecutors and none of these charges go to the issue of the Russians in our election. Part of your misunderstanding comes from your lack of knowledge and never being in the legal process, except for your DUI.
Now if Russia has some influence in our election, then we owe them a debt for beating Hillary. By the way, what about prosecuting Hillary for selling influence? Not insisting on that sets up a layer of elites that are above the law.
Conspiracy is a crime, as tRump will soon find out. And tRump will also soon find out about “process” crimes as his written responses do not accord with reality. Ruh roh.
Trump controls the Dept of Justice and hates Clinton, so gripe to him about not prosecuting her for your imagined crimes.
Stupid again. Conspiracy is not a crime. Trump can conspire with anyone. It is only when fraud is involved that it is a crime.
You do realize that when you go on about tax returns you are showing you stupidity again.
tRump didn’t release his returns because he knew it would harm him.
That, once again is stupid. Please provide one criminal that was found by his tax returns, unless it involved not disclosing income. Trump did nothing except WINNING.
None of which is a crime.
Be sure and show your work. You also used to say 7 million “illegals†voted for Clinton in 2016.
All over the news. Even the Fake News.
And I never said 7 million illegals voted for Clinton in 2016.
I said 7 million fraudulent votes were cast, about 5.7 of which were illegals.
You’re claiming that the Clinton Charitable Foundation received over $145 BILLION from Russians?
And you whine about the NYT? What’s your source?
The WaPo. And it’s not a charitable organization. Just a foundation. Which should tell even Despinida Jeffery something.
We have no idea how much the Trump family have personally received from Russians, do we? The bogus Trump Foundation has been closed for being crooked.
Civil allegations only. No criminal charges, no decision on civil allegations. No proof, as always.
Can’t wait for the day somebody nails you and we all get to hear you squeal about your rights.
PS Hortense must be getting worried about what’s going on in the Democrat party, the way he’s flailing all over the map on things.
Primarying Occasional Cortex.
Outrage over the Stone raid.
Revulsion at the VA bill.
The usual clown car of Lefties vying for the Demo nod next year.
They could lose everything.
The Washington Post claimed the Clinton Foundation received $145 BILLION dollars??? Liar.
Is there nothing you won’t lie about? You’re as bad as Trump the Liar?
Do you even understand the difference between a million and a billion? Your link said $145 billion!
Much of what Cons believe is just untrue.