If you thought the NY abortion law was bad (one columnist called it “evil codified“), enter Virginia
Virginia is considering a bill allowing women to abort their unborn child until the moment the baby is born.
Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran introduced HB2491, or the Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal the state’s current restrictions on late-term abortions. If passed, the measure will do away with the state’s requirement that second and third-trimester abortions be performed only to preserve the health or life of the woman. A woman seeking to abort would no longer need to obtain an ultrasound before having an abortion, under the proposed law.
Currently, three physicians must conclude that a third-trimester abortion is necessary to preserve the health or life of the woman. Those requirements are stripped under the proposed legislation, which also removes the state’s mandate that second and third-trimester abortions be performed in hospitals.
“The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks,†according to Tran, The Republican Standard reported. The bill would allow a doctor to perform an abortion when a woman is dilating, meaning she is about to give birth.
Seriously, listen to this
Virginia House Democrats propose legislation to allow abortions up until the moment of birth
Todd Gilbert (R): Where it’s obvious a woman is about to give birth…would that be a point at which she could still request an abortion?
Kathy Tran (D): My bill would allow that, yes pic.twitter.com/UHgzU3EGDA
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 29, 2019
Democrats are really showing their true colors in all facets these days. So the next time Democrats yammer on about doing something for the kids…..

abortions up until the moment of birth
I do believe that’s called murder.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.
The only problem with abortion (beside killing babies that is) is that it is unevenly applied. Like taxes, it should be mandatory for everyone. Further, Abortion is an admission that society did not take its family planning responsibility seriously. The whole problem can be avoided if every 12 year old girl and boy were sterilized, including every immigrant who crosses our borders, at any age. Then if a couple wants to have a baby, intentionally, they can apply for a permit and get their sterilization reversed. No “accidental” pregnancies possible. No abortions needed. No anchor babies and the whole whole birth right citizenship argument becomes moot. Total population control. At least America will be doing our part to save the planet from overpopulation.
Actually, just sterilize all boys. It’s cheaper and less dangerous than sterilized females.
Says the girl who got her medical degree of a Wheat Chex box.
The inequality of abortion is the only attractive part about the institution. The fact that most abortions are poor minorities, whites and Democrats is why I consider it 21st Century Natural Selection. Just think how many more ignorant “diverse” mouths we would have to feed via EBT cards and how many more selfish Democrat voters would be able to vote themselves what we worked for if not for the wholesale slaughter of inner city abortion mills. They estimate somewhere between 20 and 30 million African American babies were wiped off the face of the earth by the Democrats heavily protected abortion industry. Name another race of people who would vote for the party that murders their children, creates addicts out of their men and women, allow their children to be shot down in the streets in “gun free” zones and incarcerates about 50% of their adult males during the course of their lifetimes. Abortion is just another method for the left and Democrats to continue the abuse of black Americans. From slavery to abortion the Democrats always have a solution to “the negro problem”.
Conservatives make the repeated claim that Black citizens are not smart enough to know for whom to vote.
And you’ve certainly revealed what little human decency you possess.
Con Men’s fervent objection to abortion has little to do with “babies” and much to do with controlling women. Sick.
Well Jacob, you could be right about the reasoning behind abortion. I don’t personally want to “control women” and don’t know anyone who does. However, as I type this a woman on TV is claiming men “want to control women’s bodies”. Do you guys memorize your talking points together or is this a drug?
Frankly I encourage every minority and poor woman to kill her child. It’s nobody’e business but theirs if they kill the kid. Plus, as I said it’s mostly blacks and the poor so go for it. That’s fewer Democrats. Hopefully, as the lovely “vibrant” people illegally cross our Southern border and enter America they will shed their crazy religious Catholic views about love, life and embrace the ongoing beauty that is the holocaust of the infants. If all you guys can convince just one woman to kill their baby America would be a better place. I would go so far as to pass a law allowing people to kill their kids at any time and at any age.
When you begin to project “human decency” you best look in the mirror for it is the Democrats that are the party of death and always have been. From slavery to abortion the Democrat party has done it’s best to slaughter American blacks. You call that “decency”? You Newspeak is really showing.
Hatred and racism are the lifeblood of the nu Conservatism.
Everyone understands that conservatives don’t care about babies or children, especially Black, brown, poor, liberal, Muslim, Hispanic children, so it’s not surprising that you call for their murder. All Cons care about is control and power – forcing their beliefs on others, violently if needed.
Keep spawning your little Nazis, but instead of us advocating their murder, we’ll attempt to change their minds.
The Nazis are on your side. All those brave Antifa types who hit old men and women when they’re not looking.
The ones who want to punch a 14 year old’s face.
Right out of the SA, Sappho. And that includes their sexual perversions.
And who is “everyone”? All your little voices again. White people care so much they adopt them. Or try to unless some Lefty judge stops it.
it’s not surprising that you call for their murder. All Cons care about is control and power – forcing their beliefs on others, violently if needed.
Gee, that’s what the Lefties are trying to do. That’s why Quislings like you are worth minimum wage to spread their propaganda. They despise you even more than we do.
PS Keep spawning your little Nazis, but instead of us advocating their murder, we’ll attempt to change their minds.
“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side’, I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already'”.
A Hitler 1933
Actually, that’s the Left, Gertrude.
They feel they must make the choice for them. All those 100+% turnouts, out-of-state frauds, “walking around” money, poll workers voting multiple times. A Lefty racist’s work is never done.
Con Men’s fervent objection to abortion has little to do with “babies†and much to do with controlling women. Sick.
That’s the philosophy of the Left. Interesting it’s gotten to the point they have to import people from Central america because their little Margaret Sanger strategem worked too well.
And yes, Matilda, you are sick.
I guess he realizes his losing position on AGW so now he has turned to SJW.
In fact the truth of the matter is simple. Abortion is not illegal. It is just restricted in certain ways. You know like buying guns or buying a house our adopting a dog. There are rules put in place to protect women, clinics and doctors.
The law of the land is Roe v Wade. but that is not good enough for you. You must MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE and until that becomes the norm you troll and troll and troll.
Your position is that of violence. Calling someone or group Nazi’s is akin to saying its okay to be violent towards those people because they are evil.
Calling someone a communist does not hold the same connotations. No where do people call for violence against communists yet we continue to hunt down Nazi’s around the world and try them in courts and hang them or put them to death.
You sir and your leftist movement by calling conservatives NAZI’s are calling for violence against the right and our beliefs simply because we do not agree with your political positions. That is why Calling someone a NAZI in most western countries is considered hate speech and is punishable by jail time.
If you are not a paid communist troll you really should consider using your wording and phraseology much more carefully, because if you see it or not you are stoking the fires of anger and rebellion and calling for violence against conservatives.
We wouldn’t expect Covians or the DC to actually read the bill.
Here’s the summary:
Aren’t consevatives in favor of state creating their own abortion policies?
Jacob, what on earth is a “Covian”? I tried to google it and nothing came up except it’s some kind of software. Did you spell it correctly?
Covians are the denizens of the Cove.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. Noel Coward, another member of your sexual persuasion, couldn’t have said it better.
Night night, Gracie.
I still don’t get it, Jacob unless you’re talking about the movie The Cove on dolphins. In which case it makes no sense in this context.
Face it, nignorant, the demonics are the party of death and Kermit Gosnell and you.

Snip, snip so what if it’s “screeching like a little alien” …
Sick f@ck.
Gosnell pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty and is in prison until he dies. And rightly so. He broke several laws.
He would have broken the both the New York law and the proposed Virginia law.
Sick f@ck, indeed.
That’s you all over, Mabel.
You betray your race to be a whore for the Left. And a hypocrite.
And rightly so. He broke several laws.
Nothing about murdering human beings. You are a Sick f@ck, indeed.
Eliminates the requirement that an abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy and prior to the third trimester be performed in a hospital.
The further on an abortion takes place, the more danger to the mother. So, Prunella here doesn’t just want to murder babies, he wants the women carrying them to die, too.
The bill eliminates all the procedures and processes, including the performance of an ultrasound, required to effect a woman’s informed written consent to the performance of an abortion; however, the bill does not change the requirement that a woman’s informed written consent be first obtained.
And she wants them swindled into it, too. This is the face of the Left. People getting off the train saw it all the time.
Auschwitz, Treblinka, Maidanek, Dachau, Buchenwald.
Sorry about your country.
Thanks for the sympathy, but we’ll survive Trump.
No, you’ll never be the same.
The Donald has taught people how to beat your kind. An d you’d better hope beating you is all it is.
If it comes to a fight, you lose.