…is a world flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The American Conservative, with a post on why Democrats hate Howard Schultz.

…is a world flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The American Conservative, with a post on why Democrats hate Howard Schultz.
Trump, discussing the intel communities, who had disagreed with his flawed assessments: “They said they were totally misquoted and they were totally — it was taken out of context… They said it was fake news.â€
Perhaps Trump forgot it was on television. Regardless, he just wants to give the 30 percenters another lie to spread. But you guys believe anything. Nothing is as it seems.
So you now put faith in the intelligence community, remember Iraq?
You mean when the Cheney/Bush administration lied us into invading Iraq for no reason? Yep, I remember. The nation and humanity are still paying.
Whom to you put faith in? Trump?
The same people running GWB’s intel community are still there because you cant fire a government worker. Those same people telling us to invade Iraq are now telling us this.
Question for Jethro. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to build a 25 billion dollar wall than to hang out in Afghanistan and Syria and chase terrorists all over the world.
the left used to hate the fact America was the worlds policeman. Now the entire congress is voting against trump. The GOP because they want to keep that good old boy network pouring money into perpetual wars and the LEFT well because if Trump said it we should vote against it.
Now your defending the same agencies you hated only a few years ago, filled with the same people with the same agendas.
Incidently the guy Mike Pompeo just appointed as his special envoy to Syria is a staunch NEVER TRUMPER. HE has written Scathing OP=ED’s against Trump. They are asking Him to be appointed without the usual congressional hearings because of his SPECIAL STATUS and the congress of never trumpers is shouting hallelujah. Even the democrats are in favor of him because he is going to slice and dice Trump while filling up Afghanistan and Syria with troops and then turning on him during the election and:
Trump said he was going to pull us out of Syria and Afghanistan but he never did. He lied. He appointed a neo-con war monger to take charge of his Syria policy which now has us fighting more instead of less.
GAWD. When will the democrats wake up and realize their people are in bed with the corporatist Military industrial complex every bit as much as are the GOP. Nothing is more clear than the 60 or so Democrats elected to rock Nancy Pelosi and the lefts boat are silent save for 3. The rest are sipping mai tais and counting their new found wealth in their newly created offshore bank accounts.
And people like Comrade Jethro have the audacity to criticize Trump for wanting to END A 17 YEAR WAR WITH NO END IN SIGHT.
Nice try, Ludmilla.
You know and we know George Tenet, then CYA director told him that. It was why your heartthrob, Willie, expended tons of ordnance in the 90s on Iraq.
Intel frequently gets it wrong.
Saddam had WMDs, remember, Bertha?
What are the intelligence agencies telling us? That NK will likely not give up their nukes. That ISIS is still a threat? That Iran has technically kept their word on nuclear development? That we don’t need a Wall? Where does Trump get his information?
Probably cheaper. But terrorists don’t cross our southern border, so it would have little impact on terrorism. Most of our recent terror attacks have come from American citizens with names like Dylann, Stephen and Robert.
We’re throwing a penalty flag on the right’s dismissal of the US intelligence gathering apparatus. The Cheney/Bush administration cherry-picked the intel, ignoring any dissenting voices urging caution. They had already decided to invade and were only looking for supporting evidence.
We’re becoming a nation of never-Trumpers with each passing day. Most Americans, including Congress, recognize that he’s bad for the nation, the world. Over 2/3rds of the Senate voted against him. They do not trust Trump’s judgement.
And so far, they’ve been wrong.
We all know Vespasia loves to spread the FUD, but she never knows when to quit.
But terrorists don’t cross our southern border
You have proof of this because the Border Patrol says differently.
We’re throwing a penalty flag on the right’s dismissal of the US intelligence gathering apparatus.
The little voices in your head? Like the one on the Saints?
We’re becoming a nation of never-Trumpers with each passing day.
That’s why his ratings with Hispanics and blacks keep going up. That’s why he increased the R count in the Senate by 4. That’s why his ratings are good while Pelosi Galore’s have gone through the floor.
Keep telling yourself that.