Remember, though, that Democrats are the ones who are totally selfless and just want to help
Gov. Phil Murphy on Thursday vetoed legislation that would have created a more generous housing assistance program for thousands of chronically ill and disabled people in New Jersey, saying the measure would have all but written a blank check the state cannot afford.
State Senate President Stephen Sweeney, the bill’s sponsor and a fellow Democrat, quickly assailed the governor’s decision, calling it “a cold act on the coldest day of the year.”
Sweeney, D-Gloucester — who often clashes with Murphy — noted how the thermometer dipped into the single digits this week.
“Days like this should be a reminder that there are homeless veterans suffering from PTSD, abused mothers with young children, recovering drug addicts and alcoholics who find themselves out on the street and need our help,” Sweeney said.
The bill (S1965) provided up to a maximum of 18 months of “emergency assistance†payments for low-income people, including those deemed unable to work because they are chronically ill and disabled or are taking care of a sick or disabled spouse or child. Any time spent in the program in the prior to seven years ago would not be counted toward the 18-month period, according to the bill.
The legislation earned rare bipartisan support, passing by a 35-0 vote in the state Senate and 70-9 in the state Assembly.
Phil refused to sign it, as it could cost way too much, and he may or may not have a point, and wants to discuss it in the spring. Figures others were looking show it could cost up to another $20 million. And, with the vote counts, the veto will probably be overridden.
Funny thing is, here’s also Murphy
- Murphy doles out $2M for legal help to undocumented immigrants facing deportation
- Phil Murphy signs bill to let unauthorized immigrants get college financial aid
Those are just two of the things Phil supports for illegal aliens. What is the cost of financial aid? What’s the cost to NJ residents for NJ being mostly a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Putting them in K-12? Letting them have driver’s licenses, which could put many in the state run bad driver insurance program, which the citizens pay for in the car insurance?