Some will say this is playing politics. Well, of course it is! This is what happens in politics
Senate Democrats Block Bill to Protect Babies Surviving Abortion
Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 130) to protect babies who have survived failed abortions. Sasse went to the floor of the Senate Monday to ask his colleagues to pass the bill by unanimous consent, but Democrats objected.
Referencing the recent firestorm created by the Virginia bill known as the Repeal Act, introduced by Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran and supported by Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam, Sasse said:
This place fancies itself the world’s greatest deliberative body, but we would be deceiving ourselves if we ignored the biggest debate that’s been happening in America over the last 36 hours. A public elected official — the Governor of one of the 50 states — has been defending a practice that is morally repugnant. The Governor of Virginia has been defending a practice that is repugnant to civilized people across the entire world.
“Senate Democrats had the chance today to prove they are not the party of infanticide, and instead they doubled down on extremism,†said Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) President Marjorie Dannenfelser after Democrats blocked the bill. “The Democratic Party’s agenda of abortion on demand through birth and even beyond is radically out of step with the standards of decency the overwhelming majority of Americans expect from their leaders.†(snip)
The Born-Alive Act states that Congress acknowledges an “infant†born alive during a failed abortion “is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.â€
Twitchy has a long thread which live-tweeted the bill
Democratic senator Patty Murray has objected to Sen. Sasse’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on the floor, saying there are already laws on the books preventing infanticide. Read my piece in @NRO today for more on why this isn’t accurate:
— Alexandra DeSanctis Marr (@xan_desanctis) February 4, 2019
Alexandra also writes
Democratic senator Patty Murray of Washington objected to the bill on the floor, preventing it from receiving unanimous consent. Murray claimed that the legislation is unnecessary because there are already legal prohibitions on infanticide. Murray was the only Democratic senator to come to the Senate floor this evening and left immediately after objecting.
One thing I would like to know is if she means that Murray was the only one to speak or the only one present. Hopefully, Alexandra will reply to me.
Is this trap legislation? Of course it is. Politicians do this. When a Dem does it, the media proclaims them super awesome. In this case, Dems had two choices: vote for protecting life, or showing how extreme they are when it comes to abortion. They chose the latter.

For those who forgot, Patty Murray, oft credited as the dimmest bulb in a room of dim bulbs, was the idiot who wanted to be an apologist for bin Laden.
Of course it’s political grandstanding just as Teach said. Murder is already against the law, and murder is murder regardless the age.
Is allowing an infant with no chance of survival to die peacefully in his parents arms really a crime punishable by prison? Would you really want the government to force doctors, parents, nurses and hospitals to subject the dying baby to mechanical ventilation, transfusions and life support in vain? We can keep a brain-dead body “alive” almost indefinitely with iv nutrition, heart-lung machines, renal dialysis etc. But why?
The GOP wants to amp up the rhetoric on social issues since their other arguments are falling on deaf ears. We can expect tRump to mention this tonight at his rally. Abortion, Mexican rapists, drugs, the Wall… We suspect it will work. Well done, GOPhers, well done.
And yet here you are, supporting the murder of children.
Yes. Most infants can’t survive without parental or other people involvement for such things as food, shelter, clothing, etc.
Yet we charge parents who allow their children to die without that support the neglect, murder and prison.
Except more people are against abortion in all cases than before. The number of people against it is growing. It is the murdering left with blood on their hands whose arguments are falling on deaf ears.
Hopefully people are starting to realize all the immoral left has is hate.
gitarcarver: supporting the murder of children
Murder is against the law, but we do understand that you maintain that legal abortion is murder. There is no murder permitted in any of the bills. The increasingly desperate GOP is doing this to help tRump tonight. Your “president” has a desperate 35% approval rate and is sinking – even with a solid economy. All the right has is hate, driven by their fears. And lying, of course. Lies and hate, driven by fear.
Simple question:
Should the parents of a baby born with a terminal malformation where the baby will die within days if not hours be put in prison for not permitting the government to hook up their dying baby to ventilators and feeding tubes?
Did the GOP bill allow for an anencephalic baby (only a brain stem, no higher functions) to not receive government mandated “intensive care” treatment to keep his body “alive” for months? If you claim some god has to decide, then why did a god not give the baby a brain?
According to science, which you try to refute in AGW, abortion is murder. You and others may try to get around that, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is murder and wrong.
We went down this path with you before when you brought up abortion in the small number of cases of rape and incest.
We posed the question to you that “if abortion were legal in those cases, would you support laws that would prevent abortions in all other cases?”
You, of course, rejected that because you don’t care about incest, and you don’t care about women that are raped. (And we know why you don’t care about women that are raped and why you support people who do rape.)
It is clear that you want to use extremes to justify your warped beliefs.
Simply question:
If a child is “aborted” and has no life threatening illnesses, would you agree to support the life of the child once outside of the womb?
Or will you support the parents and doctors murdering the child?
We get it. You hate protecting those who cannot protect themselves because all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver: abortion is murder
As I said. Murder is against the law. Abortion is legal.
There is no legalized infanticide, which is murder.
We’ve traveled this road before. You changing the subject.
1% of all abortions take place after the week 24 of gestation. Of that 1% hardly any take place after 32 weeks.
Thousands of women give birth to anencephalic babies every year. Again, would you have the gov’t force the parents and doctors to keep this baby “alive” indefinitely by artificial means, under the threat of prison?
How many women decide while in labor that they want their soon to be born baby murdered?
If you had your way you’d make any abortion at any stage a crime. We bet you’d ban IUDs and morning after pills as murder.
We understand why those of your ilk bray about “infanticide”, but you know it’s a lie.
Jeffery wrote:
Abortion was against the law at one time as well. You may want to quibble with terms, but abortion kills an innocent human being.
Infanticide is the killing of a child. Abortion kills children. Therefore, abortion is legalized infanticide. The legality of something doesn’t make it right. After all, slavery was legal, poll taxes were legal, women not voting was legal.
And your point?
Again, you are using an extreme in order to support all abortions. We went down this path before and your position was exposed for the logical fallacy it is.
Secondly, the bill provides that children outside the womb be accorded the same rights as any other person. If the child cannot survive, the bill allows the child to pass away. That is different than your position of saying “kill the little bastard no matter what.”
I’ll ask again since you want to avoid the question:
If a child is “aborted†and has no life threatening illnesses, would you agree to support the life of the child once outside of the womb?
Scientifically, when a mother becomes pregnant, there is human life. You want to deny that truth, but you won’t find a science book that supports your position.
The only person who is lying, is you.
We understand why you like the blood of children on your hands. You even hate kids, which is pretty pathetic.
All you have is hate.
The only person desperate is you trying to defend your death cult and their love for infanticide. We’ve got it easy, we just sit back and let you morons tell the public what exactly it is you have going through your heads.
But hell, if having to depend on outside means to support a person is our threshold for 86ing somebody, we can abort more than half of the democrat party starting tomorrow.
Infanticide is murder and is illegal. What’s your point?
Franziska would have been right at home at Babi Yar or Majdanek.
Is allowing an infant with no chance of survival to die peacefully in his parents arms really a crime punishable by prison?
According to whom? And what do the parents say?
Or is this government doing the saying? Sure sounds like it. That’s how the NHS works. That’s how IdiotCare would have worked had not Sarah Palin mentioned those 2 magic words.
We can keep a brain-dead body “alive†almost indefinitely with iv nutrition, heart-lung machines, renal dialysis etc. But why?
Every time I hear about RBG or see your name, I ask the same question.
We can expect tRump to mention this tonight at his rally.
Just as we said. This was a set-up from the beginning.
Abortion, Mexican rapists, drugs, The Wall…
Conservatives are always afraid, and the ruling elites take advantage of that characteristic.
Black men want to kill them and rape their women, Mexicans are violent and want to hook their kids on drugs and take all the great lettuce-picking jobs, Muslims will behead them or blow them up, abortionists and liberals are out to steal their religion, contraception makes it easier for the women to cheat on them, and of course, the greatest of all fears – losing privileges reserved for white men… tRump, who has no convictions other than making money and receiving adulation, is a master marketer and is working his base. He has turned the once proud and responsible conservative movement into victims. Your hatred is driven by, and justified by, your fears.
Conservatives are groomed by their elites to be terrified at all times.
I have never read such a hate filled rant so full of lies, bigotry and projection since I began reading on this blog. And that includes the idiotic stuff by Jacob and Maude who both think at the third grade level.
I agree!! Mr. Teach’s headline is a lie. Democrats do not support allowing babies to die. It’s projection because Repubs lose all concern with children after a few days. The far-right’s hatred of Dems is well known.
Anyone thinking at a third grade level would be an upgrade for this blog!
Democrats do not support allowing babies to die.
Yeah, like Commie News Net said, Northam’s a Republican.
Baghdad Barbara needs to keep her lies to something manageable and credible.
It’s projection because Repubs lose all concern with children after a few days.
Right. That’s why they homeschool their kids.
Anyone thinking at a third grade level would be an upgrade for this blog!
How many years have you been in kindergarten?
Going back and forth with you folks is an exhausting and monotonous thing. I’m going to attempt not to do so any longer. The way you twist things to fit your preconceived notions plus your ability to swallow pure turds without ever considering another view nor thinking for just one moment “does this make sense?” is beyond rational thinking.
On what facts do you so ignorantly proclaim that Republicans lose all concern about children after a few days. What inf are you privy to that proves this statement or are you once again just tossing out slander about other people?
You keep saying the “far-right” but in today’s American politics wherein the left has drifted so far left it is inseparable from communism there are two parties: The left Democrat/socialist/communist Party and everybody to the right of them. That’s correct my little chickadee, anybody to the the right of the radical left they call “far right”.
I guarantee you none of us here hate Democrats. In fact I’m sure many like myself were Democrats. We hate communists who took over the Democrat Party and have poisoned that party and pushed it so far left those of us who still think for ourselves could no longer be a part of.
We appreciate your frustration. It’s always tough when others don’t agree with you. But you can understand others frustrations when you refer to those with whom you disagree “communists”. You deny hating Democrats but say you hate communists – and then call Democrats communists!
Kye: Republicans lose all concern about children after a few days
Republicans oppose every program to help children. Education, Medicaid, other healthcare, SNAP, childcare, minimum wage, family planning/contraception, separation at the border, Flint water debacle… our future as a nation depends on the children we’re ignoring.
Trump is not the problem, but is a symptom of the problem. And the problem is our Republican party.
… our future as a nation depends on the children we’re
ignoring.killing.There. Fixed that for ya.
You have blood on your hands because you hate even kids.
All the left has is hate.
I agree with you. This is monotonous. I personally find I enjoy this blog more if I just ignore Jefro and whatever else he calls himself today. His writing is instantly recognizable so It doesn’t matter what name he uses. You too will find this blog more enjoyable if you just stop engaging with him.
All of these names are jeff. You can tell by his voice he is very ill.
Conservatives think for themselves. And studies show they’re happier than the hateful Left. It’s people like Kyzym Jeffery that need their talking points spoon-fed to them.
Same old stuff. The right’s afraid of the new majority (which the Lefties have been saying for 40 years). White privilege. Racism, although the real racists still run the democrat party.
He has turned the once proud and responsible conservative movement into victims. Your hatred is driven by, and justified by, your fears.
Beverly Sills never projected as well as Clementine.
“Your hatred..justified by your fears….groomed by their elites to be terrified at all timesâ€. Talk about “projectionâ€- this from the party that campaigns on fear and being terrified all the time by “global warmingâ€. J, you really didn’t think this one out too well, did you?
Project much?
Your acute lack of self-awareness for you and your party is stunning…..
The battle between Right and Left, among other things, is clearly a battle between Good and Evil.
May all come to light for Americans – That is how the Right wins, and the Left loses.
Live: President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address and Stacey Abrams Dem response – 9PM ET
Trumps Approval rating:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.
Rasmussen is the only one to track the presidents daily approval ratings. These other so called polls are from far left organizations LYING to the American people. The funny thing is Trump actually loves getting peoples goats. He is the happiest man on the planet right now as the democrats go off the rails, openly embraces communism and move so far left they are now trying to
Are you ready?
Justify MURDER. Murder in any language is still murder. Pretty soon the democrats will want to wait until the child is five years old to make sure he is worth keeping around before they infanticide him.
Democrats. The party of HATE and DEATH. JUST ASK PEOPLE LIVING UNDER COMMUNIST RULE what its like to have that great privledge.
Hi mates, how is the whole thing, and what you would like to say about this piece of
writing, in my view its truly remarkable in support of me.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove notes that Senate Democrats Cool With Allowing Born Alive Babies To Die. […]