…are homes built over flooded areas from people raising cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Way, with your morning brief.

…are homes built over flooded areas from people raising cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Way, with your morning brief.
I like those bikes. I gotta get me one to farm my land since AOC wants to rid the nation of carbon fuels I’m not sure how Im gonna farm my fields. Not to mention what am I supposed to do with my 500k worth of implements used to till, turn, harvest and get to market my food that feeds roughly 100k people per year?
Perhaps Ill buy two bikes but I better get them now before they remove fossil fuels and the corporations that make stuff cant produce bicycles anymore.
Is the National Enquirer stupid or do they think tRump has their back?
They tried to blackmail/extort the world’s wealthiest person, who also owns a newspaper. And their extortion demands WERE ON EMAIL!
Here are the links: tRump – National Enquirer – Saudi Arabia – Khashoggi murder – WaPo – campaign violations – Saudis obtaining text messages and giving to the Enquirer?
Note that the Saudis have warned all media that they will not tolerate any criticism of their leaders regarding the murder of Adnan Khashoggi.
Draining the swamp… LOL. tRump’s swamp is overflowing.
The Wascally Wabbit forgets our magic word.
Proof. Just because Chrome Dome says it to try to CYA doesn’t mean it happened, just like all that Russia collusion his rag has been pushing. Just the way Agnes says Mule Ears is gonna get The Donald.
And, again, every time she LOLs, she ends up eating it. A LOL is the sound of a case unmade.
Dipshit BeZos is just pissed that he was outted. How dare anyone show his dick hanging from his pants. Now hes got to pony up 45 billion dollars to his wife which will no longer make the A-hole leftist shill the richest man in the world. At least until he raises the prices at Amazon.
The national enquirer does not fear people like Bezos. They have been sued by everyone and threatened by presidents. Do you think they are afraid of Bezos a Winnie of a man who cant keep his dick in his pants? SOUND FAMILIAR.
YOU WERE ENRAGED OVER TRUMPS DALLYING WITH THE LADIES but its JUST OKAY when one of your leftist billionaires does it.
Thats why we have courts. You cant sue someone for a trillion dollars. Well you can but youll be rewarded a billion or less. They pay it, and in the meantime their distribution goes up as people want to watch the sniveling little rich man/boy with his dick hanging out get whats coming to him.
He is after all one of those rich people the left want to castrate. but of course we all know 99 percent of his money is already overseas and will never be touched by 70 percent tax rates.
Here’s the difference. trump paid hush money to keep sex partners quiet so it wouldn’t be made public during his campaign. Bezos didn’t do that. trump has been accused of sexual assault by nearly two dozen women. There are no allegations Bezos assaulted anyone.
The investigation will detail if trump/Enquirer/Saudis conspired against Bezos/WaPo/Khashoggi. It now seems likely that Saudi “black ops” secured the info against Bezos and shared with trump’s Pecker.
The “charge” against Bezos is that he had sex with a woman not his wife. trump would be happy if that was all he was “charged” with. trump had sex with women while his wife was giving birth to the son he now ignores.
trump’s Pecker tried to blackmail Bezos into not investigating the Enquirer. This is trump 101.
Yeah, Bezos just cheated. Whether Trump paid those women because he had sex with them has yet to be proven, as have any assault charges. Right now, it all looks like women trying to get a quick payday by making an allegation.
Just like Crazy Chrissy Blase.
It now seems likely that Saudi “black ops†secured the info against Bezos and shared with trump’s Pecker.
Every time Harvey thinks something is “likely”, it turns out the other way.
The “charge†against Bezos is that he had sex with a woman not his wife. trump would be happy if that was all he was “charged†with. trump had sex with women while his wife was giving birth to the son he now ignores.
Trump has always been a loving father and doubtless still is (Anthusa is jealous because he never met his).
And Bezos just doesn’t want to pay the billions, if not trillions, his divorce is going to cost him. Any other “charges” are just wind at this point.