On one hand, there’s the old maxim about not interrupting your opponent when they are making a mistake, and the Green New Deal is a big one. We’d usually refer to it as a gaffe in politics, meaning that it says what the Dems really want to do and made the mistake of telling us. On the other hand, most of the media has virtually memory-holed the GND, because they understand how incredibly insane it makes the Democrats look to the average American voter
President Donald Trump sarcastically tweeted that he believed Democrats should embrace Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal†resolution.
“I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal,†Trump tweeted Saturday evening. “It would be great for the so-called ‘Carbon Footprint’ to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military – even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!â€
I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military – even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez released her highly-anticipated Green New Deal resolution Thursday. Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey released a companion bill in the Senate, and both versions were sponsored by Democratic lawmakers eyeing a 2020 presidential bid. (snip)
The Green New Deal is meant to be a litmus test for Democrats running for president, but the bill has also got Republicans optimistic about their chances in 2020. The GOP cast the resolution as “socialist†because of its unprecedented expansion of government over people’s lives.
If you look around, most of the media outlets have already moved on from covering what was supposed to be the big Democrat bill on dealing with ‘climate change’. CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, NY Times, LA Times, etc, most have little to nothing on the GND just a few days later, except for some scattered opinion pieces.
Hilariously, the talking point now is that the original wacky draft released on Thursday was doctored, even though everyone got the same thing, and the link in a tweet from AOC went to the crazy one
Eventually, Ocasio-Cortez’s staff took the FAQ off her webpage. Green New Dealers then went into damage control mode, even claiming the FAQ was “doctored†by conservatives on social media.
Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti made the claim, but also admitted an “unfinished†FAQ “got published to the website by mistake.†Though, he did not explain why NPR was also given a gaffe-riddled FAQ.
All the other outlets received the same “doctored” one from AOC. The usually squishy Ross Douthat seems to be the lone voice at the NY Times, as he has One Cheer for the Green New Deal
The first major policy intervention from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the noted social-media personality and future dictator-for-life of the Americas (I believe she’s also a congresswoman of some sort), is a quite-extraordinary document: a blueprint for fighting climate change that manages to confirm every conservative critique of liberal environmental activism, every Republican suspicion of what global-warming alarm is really all about.
The core conservative suspicion is that when liberals talk about the dire threat of global warming, they’re actually seizing opportunistically on the issue to justify, well, #fullsocialism — the seizure of the economy’s commanding heights in order to implement the most left-wing possible agenda.
A conventional liberal, up until now, would dismiss that belief as simply paranoid, the product of Fox News feedback loops and the science-denying fever swamps. But the Green New Deal that Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey are sponsoring — and that four leading Democratic contenders for the presidency have already endorsed — responds by saying: Yes, that’s absolutely correct.
It’s, again, what I’ve been saying since even before I started blogging back in 2004: this really isn’t about dealing with a changing climate, it’s all about politics.

I suggest we call this commie nonsense from Occasional-Cotex exactly what it is: The Green Leap Forward. Soon the lefties will send out the “Green Guards” to arrest those who rightly don’t buy the snake oil they’re selling. Again. Ever notice how commies from Stalin and Mao to Cotex always do five or ten yer plans? It gives them time to bury both the people and false ideas that began the program.
The liberals in what’s left of the Democrat party must take their party back before it’s too late. The radical left has turned it to communist and if the real Democrats don’t fight back against this stupidity they will forever lose their party.
Or maybe the will become Republicans. The GOP is moving in that direction but at a slower pace.
In all fairness it’s been those you call liberal/communists/socialists who supported Social Security, Medicare, environmental protections, labor unions, worker protections, minimum wage, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, nutrition support, public education, etc. Now some Dems call for universal healthcare and global warming remediation.
“Modern” conservative economic elites (of both parties) have given us unsustainable income/wealth inequality, endless wars, proposed cuts in the safety net, massive debt and a deteriorating physical and social infrastructure. But multimillionaires and billionaires are setting records!
The idea of a Green New Deal was not hatched this month by Representative Ocasio-Cortez (whom you childishly refer to as Cotex, because it sounds like Kotex, the feminine hygiene product – Con Men repeatedly show their disdain for and fear of women). The idea is more than a decade old, as sensible people noted that global warming is an actual threat, and that we’ll need to manage the transition from fossil fuels. The nations that lead this transition will lead this century.
Do you or have you taken advantage of any of the programs that those you call communists created for you?
Change can be scary. American Cons oppose any change that might threaten white, male, Christian hegemony. This explains why Cons decry the facts of global warming.
In all fairness it’s been those you call liberal/communists/socialists who supported Social Security, Medicare, environmental protections, labor unions, worker protections, minimum wage, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, nutrition support, public education, etc. Now some Dems call for universal healthcare and global warming remediation.
And every one of them have been one big scam. Do I have to go back and remind Felicula of the demographic rip-off that was Social Security? Do I have to remind the Wascally Wabbit of how Medicare has increased the cost of health care?
“Modern†conservative economic elites (of both parties) have given us unsustainable income/wealth inequality, endless wars, proposed cuts in the safety net, massive debt and a deteriorating physical and social infrastructure. But multimillionaires and billionaires are setting records!
As always, Harvey lies.
It’s been the Lefties and the Uni-Party that have done all that. Zippy, in particular. He wanted us in Syria, Egypt, Labia, and elsewhere.
He jacked up the debt.
His “stimulus did nada for the infrastructure.”
And ICYMI the Establishment Demos are doing their dead level best to distance themselves from Occasional Cortex (which is probably what Kye wanted to type). They can see the train wreck this will make of the ’20 elections.
“In all fairness it’s been those you call liberal/communists/socialists who supported Social Security, Medicare, environmental protections, labor unions, worker protections, minimum wage, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, nutrition support, public education, etc. Now some Dems call for universal healthcare and global warming remediation.”
Elwood, in all fairness that is exactly not true! The old line Democrats promoted those programs and by joining with Republicans on a bi-partisan basis they passed. When it comes to “universal” healthcare and global warming they are cruel products of an immoral leftist cabal of socialists, communists, nazis and fascists that have taken over the Democrat Party. The basis for what you call “universal” health care (which we already have) is a lie to hide actual single payer health insurance (not health care). That is an immoral attempt to transfer the control for one’s health insurance from the individual to the state. It’s immoral.
As far as “global warming remediation” is concerned that is the biggest lie ever perpetrated on a citizenry. Nobody claims there isn’t climate change. We claim there is no current way to determine if man causes it and if so how much. We also believe if we actually could change the climate so far all the cures are worse than the disease. It simply makes no sense whatsoever to destroy the economy, culture and security of America for an unproven Theory.
““Modern†conservative economic elites (of both parties) have given us unsustainable income/wealth inequality, endless wars, proposed cuts in the safety net, massive debt and a deteriorating physical and social infrastructure. But multimillionaires and billionaires are setting records!”
“Modern” conservative economic elites simply do not exist (name one) and if some should actually still exist they have neither the power nor the following to control income/wealth inequality which exists in every nation under every form of government and economics known to man. Some people make more than others. Get over it. “conservative economic elites” (whoever they are) also have no say in endless wars as a matter of fact it’s the conservative who want us out of Afghanistan while the left breys about Russia,Russia, Russia. Nobody is “proposing cuts to the safety net” just slowing down the growth. Conservatives like to add jobs not welfare recipients. Liberals used to like that too, what happened? And as far as infrastructure is concerned do you really believe the maintenance thereof is borne solely by conservatives? Don’t you thing Democrats and specifically liberal Democrats have a hand in that too.
“But multimillionaires and billionaires are setting records!”
What would you propose to do? Kill them? Strip them of their property and wealth? Make Kulaks out of them like the other communists did? There are millionaires and billionaires all over the world not just in America. Should we send out drones to murder them and their families. What would still the envious heart of a leftist? What means of culling the rich will coddle your jealousy and avarice?
” (whom you childishly refer to as Cotex, because it sounds like Kotex, the feminine hygiene product – Con Men repeatedly show their disdain for and fear of women). “
It’s a joke, Elwood. Can’t you guys take a joke? No man on earth is in “fear” of “your women” except you. They’re screaming, immature harpies. The “disdain” comes from her bad and immature ideas.
“Change can be scary. American Cons oppose any change that might threaten white, male, Christian hegemony. This explains why Cons decry the facts of global warming.”
Change can be scary, especially when the change being promoted in the same communist claptrap that has been tried by all races on every continent on earth with the same economic destroying human murdering results. Your hatred of “white hegemony” baffles me. Since every person of color wants to enter “white” countries, admires “white” society, uses inventions and medicines created by “white” people and since America was conquered by, settled by, and fought for vastly predominant “white” people why shouldn’t they hold “hegemony” over the nation they created? Who are you to determine our future? Do you tell African countries they’re too black? Asian countries too yellow? South American countries too Hispanic? Then don’t tell America we’re too white. That’s racist, bigoted and anti American. We’re supposed to be white just like China is supposed to be yellow and Senegal is supposed to be black. I don’t hear you complaining about them. Or is it only white people who should be erased?
“Do you or have you taken advantage of any of the programs that those you call communists created for you?”
I assume you’re trying to be cute and are referring to Social Security , Medicare and such as “communist created”. They are not. They were created by bi-partisan Americans trying in good faith to use socialization to attain a goal. Unfortunately, had they done the same thing based on a free market principal Social Security wouldn’t be bankrupt and Medicare wouldn’t be running a deficit as far as the eye can see. But that’s another discussion. Having been in the finance business once I tracked the amount of money I contributed to SS over my lifetime for a $1700 a month benefit and $255 burial and compared it to to the same amount of money invested in a private Index Fund and I would have over 2 million in the fund, transferable to my family. That’s the Free Market way to do Social Security but that way Democrats couldn’t get their paws on the “Lock Box” and buy votes.
Anyway, I assume by your arguments you are no longer a Democrat but have made the crossover to Democrat-Communist. I have a few Democrat friends and relatives but they are honest liberals and refuse to make the leap you did. They will remain Democrats in name only but are now universally voting Republican even though that’s only marginally better at least they aren’t communists with Occasional-Cotex, Cameltoe Harris, Mazzie Waters and all those other brilliant leftists we “con men” are so afeared of and hold in such disdain. Not only are “your women” beautiful but what a brain trust you have there.
Kye: That is an immoral attempt to transfer the control for one’s health insurance from the individual to the state.
It’s your opinion that guaranteed universal health insurance is immoral. Others say it’s immoral that Americans pay double what other advanced nations pay for healthcare, with the bulk of that extra money going to the wealthiest among us. In addition, millions of Americans have no health coverage.
Do you consider Medicare immoral? Millions of Americans rely on it for their healthcare coverage.
Kye: It simply makes no sense whatsoever to destroy the economy, culture and security of America for an unproven Theory.
Again, scientific theories are not proven. The theory that greenhouse gases from humans burning fossil fuels is causing the Earth to warm is supported by overwhelming evidence. The actual debate is what if anything we should do about it. That’s a political decision. The idea that transitioning to a non-fossil fuel economy will destroy the economy, culture and security is unproven or even supported by evidence.
Kye: Kill them? (re millionaires and billionaires.
We would you even suggest that? The cause of the worsening chasm in wealth between the rich and the working classes is policies enacted by elites of both parties. Tax policies, patent and trademark, labor, trade, immigration, fiscal, monetary etc. We should change to policies to shift some of the burden off the working classes and back to wealthy elites.
Kye: It’s a joke. And we’re only joking about tRump’s little mushroom-shaped dick, his white nationalism, his rapeyness, calling him the Great White Hope, etc. We’re just joking by calling you Con Men and racist and sexist, terrified of women and minorities. Can’t you take a joke?
So yes, you do take advantage of communist programs. Isn’t that hypocritical? If all Con Men would walk the walk and refuse all government subsidies we could balance the budget. Although Medicare supports the oldest of Americans who consume the greatest healthcare resources, the program performs much more efficiently than for-profit insurance companies. Do you agree with the ACA requirements that insurance cover preexisting conditions? Imagine a 66 year old cancer survivor trying to get “free market” insurance. Or a 65 year old cancer patient with heart disease. Or a child with type I diabetes.
All advanced nations (save the US) deliver health insurance to ALL their citizens for about half of what it costs Americans. Are all these other nations communist?
Social Security is not bankrupt.
You might want to talk to various government accounting agencies about that.
Others say it’s immoral that Americans pay double what other advanced nations pay for healthcare, with the bulk of that extra money going to the wealthiest among us.
Sure. Those others only drool at the money they will have to play with once taxes go through the roof. They will then be the wealthiest among us Harvey claims to despise.
Again, scientific theories are not proven. The theory that greenhouse gases from humans burning fossil fuels is causing the Earth to warm is supported by overwhelming evidence.
Again scientific theories must be proven if the are to have credence. The theory that greenhouse gases from humans burning fossil fuels is causing the Earth to warm is the classic example of why proof is taught in STEM disciplines. The “overwhelming evidence” coming from cooked books.
The cause of the worsening chasm in wealth between the rich and the working classes is policies enacted by elites of both parties. Tax policies, patent and trademark, labor, trade, immigration, fiscal, monetary etc. We should change to policies to shift some of the burden off the working classes and back to wealthy elites.
But mostly the Democrats.
All this has stopped and is reversing, thanks to Donald Trump.
So yes, you do take advantage of communist programs. Isn’t that hypocritical? If all Con Men would walk the walk and refuse all government subsidies we could balance the budget
No, we are robbed through FICA taxes. If all those socialist policies were privatized and put on a market basis, the budget would be balanced (BTW those communist policies were started as private funds).
Although Medicare supports the oldest of Americans who consume the greatest healthcare resources, the program performs much more efficiently than for-profit insurance companies.
You want to prove that, Ms Consensus?
consume the greatest healthcare resources, the program performs much more efficiently than for-profit insurance companies. Do you agree with the ACA requirements that insurance cover preexisting conditions? Imagine a 66 year old cancer survivor trying to get “free market†insurance. Or a 65 year old cancer patient with heart disease. Or a child with type I diabetes.
At which point, even the government would go broke.
I was warned that talking facts to a leftist is pointless but I had hoped you weren’t so far gone you can’t be reasoned with. I was incorrect. I actually believed you still had a glimmer of liberalism left in you but apparently you’ve gone completely over to the radical left. Too bad. Your unwillingness to admit even the most obvious fast like SS being broke shows you can’t discuss honestly nor approach a subject with realism and integrity. I’m sorry for that, you could have made a valuable person for liberal insight but you are only an abject propaganda machine and radical partisan. I had hoped you were better than that.
I’m not going to continue to argue these points with you since it is without merit. It ain’t worth it.
Social Security is an immoral Ponzi scheme which burdens the next generation with the current generations benefits. It’s wrong, it’s broke and it was a bad idea which both parties agreed on. Because both are corrupt and think only of their power. Is that how you feel?
Conservatives often confuse their dogma with facts.
It’s conservative dogma that Social Security is a ponzi scheme and is bankrupt, but that’s just not true. In fact it’s impossible for SS to go broke unless we stop collecting the regressive payroll taxes or the economy collapses. (We COULD make the taxes less regressive).
Ponzi Schemes are illegal and Social Security is a valuable pay as you go program. Social Security was never designed to make a profit. It’s obviously not bankrupt as it has ALWAYS paid it’s full amount to recipients. With no changes at all the program will pay the full amounts for over a decade (actually until 2032). President Reagan increased FICA taxes on the working classes to generate a surplus in the program which now stands at some $2.5 trillion. But it is shrinking as outgoes are ahead of income because of retiring boomers.
Republicans have had chances to eliminate SS but have never been successful. do you think the GOP knows better than the majority of Americans? By all means, GOP candidates should run on eliminating SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
The Wascally Wabbit again borrows one of Jack Warner’s projectors.
It’s conservative dogma that Social Security is a ponzi scheme and is bankrupt, but that’s just not true. In fact it’s impossible for SS to go broke unless we stop collecting the regressive payroll taxes or the economy collapses. (We COULD make the taxes less regressive).
Right up there with scientific theories can’t be proven and “consensus”, not proof, is how you validate a theory.
Ponzi Schemes are illegal and Social Security is a valuable pay as you go program. Social Security was never designed to make a profit. It’s obviously not bankrupt as it has ALWAYS paid it’s full amount to recipients. With no changes at all the program will pay the full amounts for over a decade (actually until 2032). President Reagan increased FICA taxes on the working classes to generate a surplus in the program which now stands at some $2.5 trillion. But it is shrinking as outgoes are ahead of income because of retiring boomers.
Since the Great Society, FICA taxes have gone into the general fund and the Lefties have paid for a lot of their schemes from it. Since the money that’s supposed to fund it is part of the general fund, it borrows to try to keep up. After 2 years on fulkl benefits, you’ve used up all the money you paid into it.
The problem is also demographic. With 68 million dead Americans due to abortion, the Ponzi scheme doesn’t have enough people coming into the work force to keep it going since it also includes Medicare, Disability, and God knows what all else.
Social Security was never designed to make a profit.
Biggest lie of all. It’s a second income tax without the exemptions or deductions. When first introduced, it only applied to people working outside the home, ie men. The retirement age was set at 65, but male life expectancy was 62 (before antibiotics in general use).
It was intended that most of the money never be paid out because the recipients would be dead.
do you think the GOP knows better than the majority of Americans?
In this case, yes. Privatize it, means test it, funnel FICA into the markets (which have done one Hell of a lot better than Congress’ “management”), and make the payments out of that.
Problem, is, most Democrats are as dumb as Harvey and would never go for it.
Time to call this “Green New Deal” by its correct name: “Greed New Deal.” It really amounts to nothing more than the greed of the elite that is pushing for it.
Exactly, TXNick77. It’s little more than all the bad soviet style ideas the Democrats have had over the years repackaged as some sort of climate fix. They couldn’t even come up with an original name they just hung “green” on the New Deal. Pathetic. The entire (once great) Democratic Party has been taken over by socialist, nazis, communists anarchists and Mohammadans.
I can tell which neighbors are Democrats by the lack of flags at there house. Even on Patriotic holidays. There is a whole cabal of Americans who literally hate America and we need to get rid of them. If you don’t want to protect our country, culture, society and believe in our traditions, accomplishments and general goodness then you should do us all a favor and go some place you’d rather be.
According to the latest Gallup poll:
47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016*
57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Republicans very positive about capitalism; 16% positive on socialism
So that puts to rest any claim that Democrats are smarter – or saner – than Republicans.
*Also 58% believe in flying saucers.
In another Gallup Poll from yesterday Chairman Jim Clifton discussed the results of a recent poll of Latin Americans in a post entitled “What If There Were 42 Million at the Border?†That’s certainly a provocative question. Clifton wrote:
Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them, “Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could?â€
A whopping 27% said “yes.â€
So this means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.
The next question Gallup asked was, “Where would you like to move?â€
Of those who want to leave their Latin American country permanently, 35% said they want to go to the United States.
The Gallup analytics estimate is that 42 million want to come to the U.S.
Forty-two million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make the move. This suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans. A full 5 million who are planning to move in the next 12 months say they are moving to the U.S.
This report underscores what we already know. The stakes could not be higher. As the bipartisan DHS funding panel deliberates on how little to offer President Trump to build the border wall (rumors this weekend have the amount between $1.3 and $2 billion), illegals continue to flow into the U.S. everyday.
The influx of 42 million Latin Americans would be catastrophic for us and would fundamentally change our country. For starters, the economic burden would stretch U.S. safety nets to dangerous and unsustainable levels. Crime rates would increase. Wages would decrease. And it would become nearly impossible for a Republican to ever again win an election, putting the U.S. on a direct path to socialism. The construction of a border wall has become essential.
Trump has tried to work through the proper channels to gain funding, but it’s very clear he will be forced to act alone. It’s time for him to declare a national emergency and build that big, beautiful border wall. Yes, he will face some legal challenges, but he will overcome them.
If this isn’t a national security crisis, I don’t know what is.
Build the wall. Now.